The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)

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The Sacramento Beei

Sacramento, California

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-PAGE FTETTE3 NONDAY IISTARY IS Ind THE SICIIIIRSTO TEE FOR SAILIFFIL KNITI RE ron BALA-HAY AND GRAIN To LIET--FILATIB NEURNISIII ED FOR KALIIPMOT011 TRUCKS INTERNATIONAL RUSSELL MACAU LAY Rutherford Furniture Co TO tIrTs-FLATS FUMNISRED TO LET Furnished upper flat four rooms pantry and bath Ostrake if desired 1143 Montgomery cap gTSJ FURNISHKD Rooms kitchenette and bath: sleety furnished near car iine Main 9304 ItOR ELLAA OLI) Fartiliser for RCs Good for Lawns Suth Std tablas Rivarsida Rood phone fdatn 7373W FRUIT TREKS FOR -Dealers anti grOAert of ovar 1300000 fruit trees a roans al' varieties Savar1 prune peaches aprioota almonds plums oranges and lemons Prlea aro right rite Elmer Bros' NUMOrio $AN 3081C CALIFORNIA Ws mislays want to buy 'pod and of course ws PAY tha hishost Main 1259 510 Street 11A1 Sacramento phone Main 113 WILOIKSAT14 IISALE118 AND 61111'PP11a LLAY-GRAIN----BEANS Beare i3uytar Before OK' I OUR ringICA Lataaat Hay Shippora la Sunerlor Callfornia UPPER FLAT FOR RENT 2221 "1" St Hardwood floors throughout NVa furnace heat instantaneous hot water Garage Four rooms VERY DESIRABLE none timissEiT mI A1N ONZ assog $ea uliy Furnished Fear room flat wall bed Said bSd MOM auits Ole or bree adults We would like to have you come In and go over our International thoroughly We want you to see Its easily accosnible power plant Rif removable cylinders the ball beerImr crank shaft the auxiliary rear springs the "steer easy" steering tear and many other Individual mechanical features Yolmato Furniture Co New and Sec-ond-Hand Furniture Roucht Lod Sold Alain 5837NV 412 Street LAWN PRKsSING For BA lo---13 50 Por Load Do Main or arllar Als0 toarns fro rorq tOyol I NICELY Furnished 4-Room Flat Suitable tor coupe Apply 161 lith LOWER Fiat Four Rooms Rata APpiy upetaan PIO FOUR-Room Furnrshed Upper Fiat spare for ear SIS Street Main 4341 Lvo EZPINO ROOMS tOS 1r And Two House- keeping roams with kitchenette LARGE Pleasant Room Furnished for houaakeeping suitaba for mats at woman beat Appiy 1602 811 Front Roam: Handl kitchenette First floor 111 120 161H rr --Room And Kitchenette car apace: 11506 adults ONE i and I Furniehed Hiker Rooms Apply service station letb and Bus 212 1TH ST OtaPositi City room kitchenette I'hona hgh garbage free Two Housekeeping Room Connecting bath: private hom garage fl dolred 1111 pet month 17111 11th Apartment for gentleman 116 small for lady 111 Comm comfortab4 241 1--Prant Clean Two-Room ApertDiem garage phone 11a Private reeldence Ladies or couple TWO Clean Housekeeping rooms: pantry bath 1E as 111111C trent and back entrance 106 EINtliE and Housekeeping Rooms 1110 1100 1310 week: asil an2 tree 8 ear Id and a Streets BABY Bum ror Stile Itwonsbitik 6t6 16th Strot DODGE SPECIAL COUPE ala ST Thrte-Room VritUr niatied flat antic 4-ROOM at To Let Ilia Month Inquire 316 Street DAIDIAIN-4-3ucter Gss Banite Good condition WI 1411 17th Apt 1 Wi1urnture NEW AND t'SED FURNITURE Hu for Cosh Or Wig With You 11011 STREET PHONE MAIN 0117W NEW and Second-Hand Desks and chairs Purnell's SIB Wrest ron a nammo MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEY bans and turns tor Ornedare ortiaiii1 with onshalt wild by 100 or seas hon Main th4TW Used Truck Bargains I-ton International with body and $450 I-ton Kissel pneumatio $125 tires (1st rack body LOOS St Viet Via turn SS Garage if desired FINE SOIL FOR SALE Call morning and evening Main 6421R TWO-Raera Furatatted can Main 4612R1623 Neatly Furatahed lower Cat ptano prirat bath lars yard garage: adults F(T Sale-Four Rhode Inland Red oockereig high producing groin front collegeteille Nebr Liao eight puileta and on co*ckerel 1147 Id Atrenuc buy and Soli Vp1 Furniture 1116 bth Strot Max Smith Mitin MAW Republic ehassie without bone or motor make a dandy $75 trailer Will trade rood ltoylinder touring ear or tight coupe FOR St Hoffman Prim MachineChap tor oath 1404 Apt-WE MAINTAIN the largest and beat equipped Meter Winding And Rpair Shop north of San Franriaoo also boy rent trade rand ioU lctrin mmors CALIr mmen MEC co 110R-1110 3 Street Sectrattiento Can 14 NICE Young White Leghorn Roosters for Cs for brsoding purposes John Cooper 9 Rog 1290 LOVELY New II-Fttn Stucco Plat Fri vate bath with gar newly turn with high-ciaes turn adults lir tit NICELY Furnishod Upper Fiat Threa rooms private bath wall bod porch Apo I 11 lath adults only III? 2ITH Furnished Modern 4-roons tlat hardwood borders two carlinea Main 41'36W A 4-passtontor coup with Wisher body velour upholstery toll quipment and good Woo Thus cox la mechanically porfect and has boon drivon only a tow thousand Will he sold with run guarwntee 114 IL Very low We and ease terms Dealer lo Nt Street Phone littia Savercool McDermott 11 International Truck Distributors 712 Street Main 857 FOR SALE Wedsswood Combination Range coal and wood steel ton "as 3-burner wood and gas aVOIV St049 a practioally new $74 Cali baturaor Sundays or evenings at Ms Street bELL TOril FTRVITI'llIC TO LEACIIMAN Hl Witi PST YOlt CASH ORD LE'kCIIMAN MAIN 1301 Three-Room Upper flat: rent 111 10 Phone Main SOW 614 13R11 8T-4 Rms Breakfast Nooks wall bed furnished or unfurnished LOWER South Four-Room Irlati Se lee resident dietriat tile bath heating ilYstem stall teed 140 00 aaulte gnif dearert 1211 11d 1113 in South Flat Four iftrilgO rooms atpth cich 3600 Mein 140sR 1614 1-Room Flat SleePina poroh unfurnished Hoomer cabint tornolat aaaaaa and garbage 130 Oa MODERN Liptht and Aire Four-Room flat furnished or Unturntoted WOOS In reasonable 711 Street 4-Room-Twower Flat Every late cony: aduita 611 34tb 6611R 1411 ST Rent 1Roem Unfurnished modern flat Misip 00711 101 PP Unfurnished Four Room flat rent rensonabot AntolY flat A SK A RI101 Poultry Exollanao 80011 too Whit Leghorn pullets 4 moot lie ed Petaluma it IOUng corn(od turkeve livo or droeod Wrecking 1121 Opp park Room Small kitchen large closet 1123 SS Adults 713 3 and 1-Room Housekeeping apartmnts furnished CAL 3rfRN iSH ED Room With Kitchenette $21) and $23 Eights phone both and gsrhaps 14SS at 3130 Id T--N tee Sunny Room Wit kitchenette and storeroom convenient for two adults earlins FOR Vireo Rooms and bath sunny corn pietaiy furnished apartment 146 711 Strset FOR CHICKS (IA1114'01111 Motor Truck Co Factory tIrch 1111 1 Nal and taped trucks INTERNATTONAL Motor Trucks Sti VOr 4 onI 4 1norrnntt till I Mt 1ST 'PH Large Room Purntehod Lower Cat bath Viral Dear Oat Ilno 315 21 Aveautik E- Room Flat and Rath Partly turnifhed garlic tt Id lain A CC ESSORI 1925 Stutz Sport USICD tervittl PARTS INIC Utre 137 I ri One sod Two Rooms tor bousekasoinc CS Furnished Rooms For boueekroOlos: adults only rLEASANT Three-Room Suite: OtroS0 44trA 410n 1e4 1411 ri OLD SISTERS HOSPITAL 23rd AND Rustic flooring ceiling 214 216 WO 2x12 etc Everything must be sold cheap within It days Salesman on job O'CONNOR CO Main 7331 Un FURNISHED rLAT FIVE-Romil Sim Comploto4 Furnished ront 1436 4 FOR 41E-MOTORCITIFS FOR A littritOO tanidental combination nood coal and gas MORO in perfect conilition Call et 31 Thirty-t htnt Street or phone Capital 4ii4 No FOR 04k Oinina Room Set nine pierce for $SO 00 10in leth Watson 's Furniture Store 631 Near Mille sant FURNautiE 4 atoll an teed Priced plant Buy or Sell PHONIC MAIN atellW SELL Your Furniture and Filittrat to th allwart Furniture kiachatlae 14011 Street Main 4077 FURNITURE Co Inc tit FLAT Throe rooms bath atisr beater smith rrsrs licrect Porch nice ard rear 1716 FOUR-Room Flit 1136 with Osmst :410 Stroot Usin T143W 1d0141N YOur- Room flat W411 Rod r0t 1113 00 1310 0 str003 Reliable Used Motorcycles CERTIFIRD White Leghorn Chicks: Ited and Uttered Rocks Rio Linde Hatchery Rio tAnd sL BARRNO Rovk 1 Rod Baby Chicks hatching every week order early For 1211 g4 Harrod Rock pullets IR cooksesta bigh grade atork tith Aye HOM1011 Iletehory CieRTIFIED Chicks-34n 13th hocks Reds gtth Rade Rorke Rhit Leg horns Price on appli mien Or and liatehery ORLAND CO CAL itYklIntI Leghorn Chicks Farm Bureau accredited We prepay RH exprome or paruel post chergea and guarantee 100 per rent safe arrival Write for prices and interesting literature The rionoot HattlhOry 420 nix Ittreet l'h: VA LUM A CALIVORN IA 1114111OHN (II LCK3 Only to Best Hteltes Every week TRACY CAIIIIYINTSITI a Hos 14 tearrentent0 Phon Cep 190W TO ILT--A PART EN Turn Is Po ThreeIteons 4partrrient Male elieR To 1-NrrptNisurn A alPPY apItty powartul needy car that will You a thrlit silt pew cord Niechan hollY perfect left hanet drive Thin la a ear that will curl your hair And tho priti will surprise you Itany tertus tOo birteINTOSit Auburn WI at Street MS AU truty Sunday lAte models genuine parts: expert repatrinc PRANK NK I tHRA Harley-Davidson AlenrY 504 PtreoAt ffievetr and Motorcycle Sales and repair station 1419 3 StrN DI A And ACIT1 Motorcycles Parts 'led Pop I ei 11 ern? te A01 3 St TS FLA WH A RIO' APTS 174 20th-11 sunny kitchenette privat batM rate ntraane 11640 Garage Two room rear house furnished hfOliERN Three-Room rurnished Corner apartment privets bath and private entrance 1I3 treot TO LEZHOttilite HS Onrnet rive-ItooM furnished howl modern 845 LXHooii Rousso for Hnt Compietis furnished Inquire elf) WATCH THIS SDACIO DAILY YOU'LL SKR THIC CAR YOU WANT TI1Y VI'LCANITING-RFPAIRTNO Now and grocond-liand rurniturt JOanrao rout Highest cash price Main 4670 424 14 Street (I' A rs Protrtmt Whom Huying or ening turntture junk or mirtala nro hdaiiar Friedman 113 1 St I'M Used Furniture Wanted Te'tl" 7111 Rooms And KitOtergettla turntshed Rant it: bO ROKONd Furstah4 Apart ent: team hat hot WAter 0i 11110 i t1 at Apartmats basem*nt room iZdie 0 Toro-Room Furatahad Apartments eean phona bot abater 1133 garage tr driored AUTITTI rieoItoom Ifuneelow for rent furniture for cc Inquire 433 toioii lioulevartt TWO rurnienii Cettoges Nolo In $35 143 with garage hiala 71721 E- Hoorn Furnished flow for neat gareg eau 31670 Portoa Way or ap 1067M New modern six-room upper flat with garage Rent $40 SEE BUILDING-MATERTAF NEW AND SECOND IIAND Capital Wrecking Co New Location lath anti Parma' Now Wrecking Hyildinge kOb 410 atract Phone Main 1586 FOR SA I El Electric Sign "Cigara4 73 lights rtn condition All ready to Cost i POli at half price smirti BROS ACLIURN tA 111 EOM RATA Sixty wooden benches for unpaid rtt IS MIL Main 10101 a tier ti II 111004 pre en retlla Our 6 000 1223 IC JOHNSON 1401 7 1104 ro6 1n loon tui4 It 1 gill proasure totioadIng Stoll ordain a tape-via it I1A II1oWN Now Tirra Vulonne RA trends titr1 tIr aperlolltyl 1224 Mt (112-A-114 Ir Iihon II4 St '11'934: iiIcnn 11141 I ill? I Jul molnel For Camh Wo I'my Top Prices CIl Main CALIFORNIA PTRNITURRI CO At 3 Wrest TUN Nw iitritt Arrmi: ISIS list New ly furritINird Itetric rtng hivatora h1X ttt)0MS AND bath sttrase cAttiptotly turhishod pono larva awn oliers nd beim Oita $1u 01t 1411 LeRoy Mt 7th PtT rhein 214n 4214 ELL1011 HUSTON tt t'rt i pt tt FURNITuRE WANTED Francesca Apartments 1010 8th Main 230 Tta I TRY TtIll rI PAM tot liouttri on Hamitic WIll rot) anym bare Writs Falr Skorkko 18111 Cask Prior Pohl tor Cho Mt pflilrv PChtiS11 Parkot 1418 Wit WWI' CASH l'Ill(18 tor All kiticla ot tionitly Ship to or Phone Nilkitt 14 CIA1J1111 Inc 1108 I Street WANTE1)--A i 1 Narragonertell torn Vrito NV Clayton ICASANT 11 WIC Huy Turkoye and All 11incla Of Poultry Schwati' tirociety ti3I NI Stroot PK ARLES Poultry IChatiptc Mkt pyloa paid 1008 3 Strom MIn 144M 131041' Cloth rion tor Poultry A1 American Poultry Co 410 1 Nall PlitcI'll PAW For Poutry Fait 18to rnotkoem I '(1 10 VI Ton ritovrirtv MARTINDAIF TABER Auettontm 137 3 Strvet Ibtin In44 1110If F-AT PR(' PAID rolt CORNErt 11TH AVO OPPOSITE itENATOR 110EL Beautifully turnishe4 two-roorn apart meats slum heat hot str automatte rofrigeratton wator lootrie janItor rvielo ete INlobt or two beds blot ett ttwound Bent ut Priceo Hight Itirt I MAC KLECThlt WORKS a Main It'V1 1111-111S bth USED FURNITURE FLATS TO RENT Two four-room upper Ilel Stroot la four-room lower rate 1OL Street S2 GEORGE FLEMING so 1 STREET Visit Reo's New Used Car Store at 1309 St Before You Buy Reo Motor Car Co Inc in 291:1 Street olEN srNi)xv AND EviimNom East Sacramento Sacrifice MODERATE RATES TO ii-KT-110tillril tiinlotumEn 1100 Tth Arhoo 4ern rte-Room hollow goirog Elto II Or MAIO 782K CAll tor Our natty oLot Nmthan kikhrl 701 titrot Orr Our Hisr ToLot Lira Art Cook 46 trow II) PttOrt 1141 MI AVFNVE rivo-mom roddirn hour largo 'loop-lop porch reptsr kepi rages tor tour co eo t(ho pticrol Ouples burger oril garage rent ike Main 1111 7th St YOU Can be Itettr at th Soatara ruroltur Co ask your bttiabbor about um I1 btreat NEW Modorn Furs AMA tssraite IC 11116 Inquire 'ill 0 trvet Main ogK 1111 I I of Mod 11011 10wt Flat ertear tilo sink gas heater adult I 4TH ihreo-Itonm apartment $3)00 APplI Apartmnt l'AINT AU C01011M a (1 AMAIN ln INT $100 INlt 0411011 41 1111 IN A tI DEALICK'S COM SI ISnivN MATO PAINT FAL: 1(my 310 1 NT MAIN 1170W t'ItT eleerifire I)lemontl 1141Kstret worth 0400 00: will sell tot SSILDO enen cootie) Milt Ttiv: (I it ENT stiol Il Street will boy on cone enntent and has Int evil PP' 101 slightly '0004 rlothlog limit It 0 7 tit 0 Alain 6421W NI A TEL) a tit vsy tohrtot ritr11 pries tnr good tiP-It itit Ilk( VIII rugs dole or you can etch' og tor new lista 664 Ill a41r p4tt rout mALIC-11111 4 II VREN 1(1TM 111(iFONA r011 PALE -Ali Kfikt of Rabbits Chimp II it it it Itt isu Apt lidw floors menet jurn 630 Ham ta41 latilKA lila end two and routne steIpt earaaa Ltir Four eyeeptluaely nice rnorne Parapitely turnohed very deetrawe ktraUbe Ilat and Sta Call kiaeltAL terbury CP lilt Street lie krnesated I Ri0111R litrhonett waletha good ahaughborbued MAW ISOM Garege optiunsi lleautiful reahlence in nn of the beet lorattons Eatit tiorettnenlo Th7 toll ni it tquat be aohl A bartrain non will og IKnot" Cr tflat bldd lint ha you? Large fiveyoom bou a with beautiful abwie trees Lot onsint nouns now Plinde1 It ti 500 10 lllll Illwk Ir go4 emoden at ono 83i001 $1)10 hatitnee Prtm) naYlltallta tot ion- 7111 ntt4 I tiirate- -anti te roof unattinent notion $3iLIJ00 Ude terms EVANS CO 921 leth Street Plaza 1114 lain 30C OR MAI 1--M1 Mit AI 11011TKUMKNTM 1411 heTH IT--rour-Room Unfurnished Ust: host Includd mile( be mien to tei appreciated 00 14th of ries Rooms in good condition To tenants who will rent thee' Cele tow will hiv on month rent trio Rental la 030 00 Pot' rnnth 1athan A hatchet Mein bit 7C1 Acid gimping Porch ernomi gibrti 1126 QC Inutrs XI tnth AynUe of Paaa lvtat I TW 411 1Pt Room Vnturnlohed totitts I ntittirs 419 loth FIlroot OT Our Ior Mehl Ooorg a SI Mid 0(4 I St root 1xlerttNisyir1) flniu liont and tiltiTh nPat rnllogo Itot atrvot ri Ih roll post LINCOLN 811K-00(04 WHIN rKT PITOCK Mv Fed i rood Itta It rrolan Cat tot to th'i0 lato 2240 1'01 It nd flhIon IIpN flooton Oita hir1 taxon 1111too4 bd re IIiirI fol'o Pei I I rtAT No lets tOttt Ft 31 rooms rawly ratintsted bth inside end not littnity to 3 car lines N'Ithin tailors distance ti 14har oneet ickation tont tit 00 Der month kobertetathotast CO ale Itt Mein 1140 Ng anti ItACtolld hand Iwo repair all mna parte carried In stook Capita alanra 3ittrair rCt toll $11i 3M II 1 $17 40 1 norp 11 Im111 CA rOtit It( No 11 Quality al 71 roll minaral 83 60 rnl ranoain Plumbing Supply CO alb Straat Main Mit CAPITAL FIXTIHra FXCIIAN(110 1113 alb ltl l'hon 7Ian WILT nova and sells all kindle of ohne and ()Mee tit Wt alan rlikurant soft drink tItir' "11 AftI r0" For Itisical Instruineuta of Quality Sec Us KOHLER CHASE MAIN 1213 1011 14' icr b-olt Ma 'shim'' Wand Plano Main 2371 Three Phonograph Specials s115 Mrunewt conaolo mod Ma holtalty finish 10 I up tam Inat mahogany 111 1110 IirgnaIc11 vonaole 11111 Wiley Alien cu a as tr011 Rale Wolf Hound Paingro: roamonAblo tbOt Ilith Aye (AI ANT) l'SED 'A It Linooin 4in000ngor nann onI rotor 1311000 1925 WI lys nto011 M011111 VO3 rnUItitc 3 pnierPrillttr ettipa (110 hoolm balloon tiros 1 fir(1 00 Vfli 4'1111110n l'hooion $1275 00 V4I l'hoot on Don Leo top now paint new ttra 2A00 00 Litioolq iteritno run nillo 1Inooln Touring itomonat al or nw point $1480 (101 Fens 4 Touring 0 011100 CONNIllT a (or I louctins in NIllott Al l( otoon till() Nth Hires 10f 001120 llth Anti lltraela Mitn 6912 ro It Nal---Seven-itooto Houma Bath All modern cowchic ex large lot 0A block to carllor near Colonial littlighlat special price If tokoo boloodlittaly co liA En Siroel to rhona Slain lallitt IAM 14ALIONIVIASEIllit STOCK YOR firNT 'Very Oreirabio rIrtr flat the Me arid gamer good location Phe? Main 4110J or )dain Lower Flats UnturnIche1 trOlt MALIC Alt Whim of frtik H' at roaanoa hie priers tioarantt Ii to name Ilotio 11roost Hood kaon MIn ohilW run RAI r--tiottmirm AND 5-ROOM BUNGALOW II0L'S ES AND BUNGALOWS 4Room 1up1eir fitn 01 pet Oar 1-Rom (hullos 116v 40 00 ar Sttoorn 1uo ll11 -lin it 00 (Ir I it- P00111 dur ll'h 0 00 Oar Rot bun' 101 1211t 4100 Oar 12-liqom brAtor till 141t 42 00 Oar 1-ront hunt 00 1111111 10 Oar 1-11m house 1 'i la italedA ay 13000 1-lint 1-10 Marshall Way 145 00 Oar tPm nous 1111 Rana IA's 141 OOL OM 4-Room duple" 3114 etb Ave t3eee Oar Site! 1eftlow 2011 141 e0 (tar 11-km h)use 111144 It 111 Ill 20 Qat WRI(111T A KIIIIIROUGII 021 1121 (2--FisRoont Unfurnished Cottage on car tie rIneo to hoot FiVICRoom Mous Rent 110 SO No Oh Iretion to thidren 4141 4th Asiatic Reef 47 4th A VIM US BALLARD Linen In Distributor 1512 ST MAIN 16(1 k011t MA 11)H 111111111 PIA FOR tial---A 'morainal" Roots (10s 111Innhork 101 41h Nt 9000 rtillIT HiCAD or n000 WORK 1101tHICII Grotio wIght to 1600 pounds Copilot titahlon leth Team Were Mules end Harness rheen 7I II Outset Upright Puetto A 1ci Iraur 1110 rado set rom pirt a ell battery end loud piiker Cell loI4 Miller WV A per(troot (' TOtt AKE INTKit KATE!) 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Gonel ineNtlion gotritim lot 101010 $4100 trma small amount down bat ene Ilk rent IL Olt tsth Cup 7ssw 111 It ICWII-rICIt Proporty and al PI lyn Ittriff Mmtn 4161 ENN ESMKii I NTICK Or Oregon Ma riot Sowl Dario" VIM HA LIC Mnrrfins ntintio 7-1r4 A HYMVILTR Rnt Location ittxtra a 140 00--1306 25tet 141 6 to) 00-1611 16th Pt 4 Mar IM PI 16-- 716 14111 I ti iii POI 4i 0-15A 1144 PL I (t1ar 66) az I0-111I 0 Pt I 11i 00-1'16 1th PL 4 616 00--It01 11 Pt I 116 00--107 Pt 4 116 aa-1011 itri Et 4 Mat 4b1 455 00-1504 1st 4 134 $4--14111 14th A 81 Pah sit 40-- 700 lith PL 4 111 In1t4 14th Pt a 112 60-- 746 7th Pt I II 60-1007 1 IL 4 saoo9-3ole 14th Pt 4 A ill Pth mar $5 POIDERTS000VAN fhl III St Main Mb FOR SAI E---11 ES I OCR WILLYS-KNIGHT OVERLAND Used Car Specials LFPER 1-ftoom tanished Apilittnnt thoroughir dean for coup ROA tonnal 1222 ttarage it desired ED NIN)--ATTRAcTIVE COMPLETELY I Apts WA star garairea ta 114122 101 1102 721 0 ST 1-Room One 1-Room furnished ant cheap A garages A LEX A DRA Apt 714 tth rtit thrsroom modern aprtntents "'HATER APTS NIcely Furnished 3- room apartment LOW 111ItAIHth lacing 112S Apts 402 12th Lucy Front 0sy window apt 1 rivis and bath 11'004 CAPITAL Apts 1114 Mam atoll No vatancita tdatt reserationa SUN ALTHil Isit 7th rooms furnished Main tit*J 1 11161 Furnished Apartment steam hest hot water hisin 221 NNW VEtESS Three ram Apply Apt I 2022 LY 3104 ALLIS ADattMenta S04 Itin100 floomin rionit Main 4i3t1 ANUI HER Ono ut none -Cosy Furnsried apartments varant today at SUS ti VOM Apartmant 'nue rooms nd kitenenetts Main 12011 2121 0 Sireat 1Ev6c-AsTLE APTS 201 10TH ST varanelas waiting Itet Main 0114 TWO Large Citian R401211 With Oath lIght silver linen garbage gas heater folding bed tett Istreet INotirar APTS 1211 tors wanted 21 20 to 14 20 per wren catsLta APARTMENTS 1422 1 ST 140 v444444044 Amino future roaarvaMons Upper Apart-then 112 Ott tarns trout room Isititen room yrd covered spa tor auto Main 11i62 v-- MAI LAS fuNE Fri- latit and J-1 and 11-ir DtS atm ht ht tr Intr eery ft ALTO Ni Apartmanta 2210 IL acanutes Ord Leachman Livemtock Auctioneer loo4 bb St Sacramento 1G60 Irene rnonia uIpIni porch i rniall and driveway This price baa been re duced frnm 13250 IONttiOn MON lath and 4t 'ea Portion lara Alla TO LET A REAL BARGAIN ii-1t14Ey vor orrpows in February third ir vas utootton nitl PIANO liAftrIAINS Limo" uptight titnoI t-w Jill 00 Ieotor upwott in AI comiltIon $146 tit) Hory ie MI Itir Patriot (Iran' 00 Ilk MUIR: bilUIIG 1271I Strort OLE LLLAS MARX COMPANY PIANO PIA1(11O1 PHONOOKAIIldi AND itAD11) ELIAS MARX MUSIC CO Ilth and Main 1141 IOU KM wtellistitv Titlicty lint(sEpttwEit moll' AcToit In First-Clan condition nen vino! 0 Wins ittfit 1 Rt TRACTOR raid I PLEM ENT end no our stork of rebuilt Iran torn rill tarot otohinory I( nr havotet what you want id gfd It ond tiny 'New tine ritnpatrick stump pull's! oonivintc cheap ihromo MI( tontr bt I Pi I 944 :1 r(lit I Plow and Romper C100 Might togs tout 'turn no patt payment It Ito" httk 141 ki--01 Thio your nofin Cat brit lierag If desired Ire 1421 fteeeonabte Vpper Flat of Irlv room nd broalfeat room 141S 0 street electric controlled furnsoo berdweed riomo te Ingotro 1414 14lh ltreet or Ma In 1114W 1174 owlrn TbreRoom Vrtforolartfl flat all coneentn000 wat bed rent reamonablo Moat todt tour-room modern attaallasa tiaras oloao-rt lot 0111110A to fruit (I lawn awl flo v' a vavetel Went oer 1104 and ator 1L 12no 130 mINTii 9ALA1 rNII rntlihil LOWER FLATS Your rooms 1601 1 Rims? 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Hand tialvanizad Car Featad Iron tita ralvanisod Po tt nelns pump pp tit 11Nitai SISS visas and ma alnry kt1L (inrSi iron hmry ioso litowri NI A PA NOY MO vr (N 1 Mt A ItNi 161142 St rrot ork 111 Only MO Moth your own tkrma cc' ono VI LAVEhtNE AOSItnuoutil 43111piet Surnishd tworuom apartmttl Apartmons Nam SM Apsztmnt I atiJ 3Itooln spartrytv-is C0 ISIM SsI Ws Avg NEW ILLIANE Aportmonts room ititchrtIte 13d bath Furalatto4 Apt with and grtott APIS Zo7 St IpartMnts an rooms 950 20-NEW APAR I TIENUS-20 Two stores at 1020-1022 St without doubt the best retail block on St and getting better all the time They are worthy of your consideration Suitable for any retail selling especially shoe store men's furnishings and clothing See Mr Bennett HICKMAN-COLEMAN CO Inc Main 8400 724 Street 1924 Ford 4-Door Sedan $360 1924 Iludaon Coach 1924 Studebaker LL 6 $595 1923 Oakland Coupe $595 1923 Oakland Bp Tour S475 1921 Dodge Special 4-1'aeii Coupe $h91 1924 Dodge Sedan $495 1923 Maxwell 4-Pans Coupe $596 1923 Maxwell Sp Tour $475 1924 Studebaker Spec 6 Tour 1324 Buick Master 6 Tour 19(5 1923 Buick 6 $095 1923 Buick 4 1922 Buick 6 Touring $196 1922 Buick 6 iloto1ster- $560 1924 Bodge Special Tour $645 1924 Dodge 11ondeter 3645 1921 Oakland Sedan -P135 1922 Ilopmobile Sp $160 1924 Ford Coupe (balloon tires) $335 11)It SALE Pr Awnr nw fiv-rooto house RA4 brroltros0 room ot Yoqu vtO St: hart 191 I outs throughout firoplurc lirat lunk IflI 1111room rd nwrit loirriornt koragr Work from I 4 str rqr 1110tton VPI You Root: $10 ler Month Hurl hom*o le A ll144 CIA Slreet OWNER rscr morirro flvo-roout butit-in hroo till Aroln 1nromont Cooping porrh and witroign riodr 4dr limo V1)11 Phone 101Ain YON SALS-TITZWItITERk AL blailea gold tdootod Flpoldod isront's LichLogo Idb Mita 11411 lb-Nlo yroollior Co MI 240) Rebuilt Typostitorb Portabio Oddme Mochano Ageism All lobos OtIling ropairing V4'441416 Typooritibir thattge Main 44 1011 id A ic strNTrn 1110 i'LM MONTH 1111(101 payment oppile4 It putoha4 on terms of 116 montbil Aso tor Whol000l Tioowritr re Yge III Str60t Phon blogin 141110 l'Olt SALE 25 Chevrolet Medan 25 Chevrolet Touring '25 Ford Touring 24 Chevrolet De Luxe Touring '25 Pori Sedan '25 Star Itoadater Sport "25 Star Touring 24 Ford itohdater Buxton Axle 32 Care In All to Choose From Prices That You Ifave Nover Been Before Repossessed Car Dept 1210 Street Many Others in 13t0tk Liberal Terme Open Evenings 12 NET HEARING COMPLETION AT 4 tuotruo hiNovo41 Ittrot throtitiout Mir-PIS Co tore4 weal bclia III 14 roet 14 toratt bstert 711 24 totroet unel etnit eau $110 Itroost beet '4 hent )oe up 11( 0Der CeP Polk RENT REDU TCLI New Lauppe Apartmenta COMPLETELY '187411111ED WI orttLicT rom pALX-41M14O MACHINVE BARNES MONOGR Inc OFFICES 102012 St Might beautiful apartments rn corn' lot close In nonrtmnt alwavg rontnd four aro benullfully turninho1 building In fin condition full Price 12E000 OD tumid TINS Ft AftWeritnNO CO Ira 7th Mtront DOAALL TIC KOZA PLACE 1107 board end room: bolitd by manta or tranalent Matti teelJ bOAtt to Arid knorn In Private ramill nod Park dotritt Caro Celt bytopHrAD Whit lisrtirti Machina US 6rophoo4 Singsr $IO tottrhintts for trot ett prt onnoth Alan PEW NO Ar II 1013 fttrrot Id Mattes Itento4 Soil anti itspaltd It IS ittr1 l'hnno 411114W 1224 Car Main 7323 1510 3 Cars ()N I iwottoom Fur oterivi Apartroont bt)eldeod distrirt priot batia and b01: kftchisoug 1210d 3101 ro It Cap 21 81600 10 tWN Now tour-roorn borne kit morlorn ootirnr0rr cur tints rat work paid tut 606110 or Nil particulAre 01) ram 1616W pt004 oo tiord In Prtrot roptiomro main 431t 14 Ittroot LALiT to-motored or ittulnt to ktr4 411)4 morn nom privtiegoa tit On irth ittrot or Ladles to Kowa aid boarel root ALF41041t1r 000D Pins Nevada Honey 111i1 youi dcicloos sni tomb from P441 1744 1 tr' $150 CASH i STKPUMP YORKKPIT JR---PIxelupw Melo Chgp 1111-14 PR td 470 at() ItfrOD(iK 11P7 nceTION PAK Ilwa--N9W VOL IVIS Imdor Tourinit Pletrir Jarvis llip41 lot Ave Cap 110M USU? CAR IIKA10CARIK- RN '7 JAC(Mt biLitUlt 1104 Main 7)4 Four suites Of excellent offices of two-three and four-rooms splendid light attractively decorated Battleship linoleum on floors janitor seTvics in balls suitable for dentist c' dental laboratory studios In fact any office requirements Will give lease at attsactive rentals Hickman-Coleman Co Inc Main 8400 724 Street GOIADEN'S USED CARS 1924 Chevrolet sem*n aide delivery truck 1924 Oakland truck 1924 Rao 1403 truck 11101 Main 8234 1925 CIIESTROlirf TOUltINU This tor to Just ilko now lino gon Only 3400 miles Will soil sit a big dist' Wit CA PLAN IrtnIANCP) CORP I 1th Mtn Phut 04 i ACK A Pi iiIpttlot11 Palms Sorvina C(1 4 IAII It NAPIM Pales illaratt' Parts Gnomes Vogil co lath CALALArtt And robot Miami DUN LIM 700 1925 STAR COACH Aitnnot brand nay Itaa vary' arnaI Mileage Will WI at blg diataunt CAPLAN VINANCIC ilth it Pis l'h lig 1011 EOM 334 0--lour410rn rurniagrfil A Part snout gepsat entrADCA edt growl tAnmortt dti11 Deaf call itriA AkIERIJKILM Apartment 4241 At root steely I urAietlecl tures-room g-artrnort uitabi for 1: Inora 1437 1 Iturnisned Four ronm 1AIL LA Nrrgo Avg Alain 4142g WALICINO visurAxcr ICht evney tworeorn spartmult NAL Lents gel garbsg rout risAmea gibe M111 1201Si A T1 Apia trloo frure44p4 0d greem sgartrmento tgm goat gar b4g dCts 7111 Hit Atrot WANTED Ola pam 1 Invelas to ear Int (nod barnal astial ears for the hfrr It AO01? 1121 Li atrnot Main I emtri Ana Board Hot WAWA' fl tars ray inst LUMBER PTAK Totutimo cAlt 11111 MG4Sool haw run about 10 006 mow cord Urn on bark wheels $214 00 Sit') Street 141AX WLIA 12 14111041K11 214rvfro ar1 p4rts llodgkIno Win Co 1422 SACRA IA 14TUTZ Sam 41411 4144144D 14 414 1712 141rt STORES TO LEASE I LOCQM0041i16Filni Par i ou rovi A -1 (P nnt4 04 rot sAvE MONEY ON USED CARS Ithirkep Lath rethrot Arc IIp rittiPtill 111114rit lin riming hoofing Papr PIntr Ithard Ilorything tor th borne both end aeoonl-hand O'CONNOIt Co Twitpern WrIOCET ROAD NORTH UV MAIM TM CA MI El Apartments 1614 Ith St reI7erniN4 IIrewon apartnitatt Aduita WARD alrod koom at 1001 0 Btrrot Two firvs Mein 1441 lilt NI Yuratahod front room with DOeitti for two EXCELLEHT Hoard and Rooms luta In1414 1301 ltroat 004-1) Hoard Painty of It With Of VI! PIMA rooms 1224 7th Rtroot BOARD and Room tionthiy Hoitiy or trrialnt airs 7 11 14 At TOMMULIKOI VvANIPAL OROS ter4ofte Patio and iervice Ofwoirleh Motor re (formerly (inr4 righ tiallerli Slain $t00 ons POSIM Bought for rant namoot 24 12th Mm 4404J and 81500 per month buys a new 4-room house closo to car lino and school on paved street This house Is beautifully finished and Is located close In and adjoining a high-class residential district Lot 601120 MOVE IN nIMEDIATELV Call 5631-W goo 4s by Ownar--TwoirAt 13111114: ri I rented Inside or litth ittreete Mnin 344 MUST UY OWSI! rtrand now winders hums with tilt' iniprovalments I pew itouth Curtis Oaks A MNA 3424 Sinatsemry War Can Yntl en tlY Wm Martin bettor built bums Sino down 131 50 per month mAnoriw Me 40th Cap 330S Cols pieted tersest is my garages tur Welled Itth ritrret hicis NICKLT Furnished ThreeISteom Apnri went pAmiaantilf 1613 1te root For Sale Cheap IAA MtJ'i halos Serving" iligheirati olfl eorn Main 7040 usrt) CA lit HO 110VI 14-114 Dolt' Lux Vogl Car Park I ith and BIS FtP CAR THAT At4K tarerlinto Rgick 1714 ntrt 7141 Completely formlatind with flaaree tor frolt togotabioe and orrocrv Lora hooanswate real and good 60110 loot lyth et 1101104 foot Aellablo for any lino of booms A baraala al WO per montb bona Pula 116 nt Corner Wore suitable for any lino at boeinoe 41 tort of show window apex Real magmata' lo f000d loawa Mr Carmody WRIGHT 017 Ut SPA( for Kent for litittonor Snap in grocery rot good rootdonUal faction Ttos Y11187-110 eon Floe Wit MST rAtlii PRICKS frIa for Caro Bring your rr in and etat the money it Orirnebaw 1616 Street We will BUY your CAR or TRUCK for CASH CAPLAN FINANCE CORP 14113 It Street Mein 11713 JACK 6111 Auto Wrarkr 1310 toms used rare for wrecking Several Roll-Top Desks Wright Kirnbrough 817 St Main 632 CH A NILICH 1KVICIAN14 Pare and SorvIc 41 rtmlort 1341 14 main 1441 TO LET-1rLATINI tritmlHao 3-ROOM FURNISHED LOWER FLAT LOdT A hi POUR 0 PLATINV'M PAR PIN With 'tato napphirsa and Ont NI' mond in Cantor loot Boar Wainstoon or at it 1 A Ca 10'01 lialsard Lorr Si Ws and rim Patina to 014 ildth Street and reesiss reward OV KYll At Rosenthal's Otos Return to 1 40 I Our ears are better! Our cars are cheaper! And our terms are much easier than any place In Northern Call fornia: Largest stock of good used cars to select from 1211 ST Al 2420 VOR Ral-1024 Cfth quire Itorond A ndo and ntockton 1111 rvko Potion 100CH Crs 0orertttol Hoory Spring Co tilth sol 0 streets strain dal Guaranteed Used Cars Miller Automobile Co 166 anti OW Lli hER In good fixative at ISIS direst 'tor Od giatag Lad for lit iita ARTZ COOK DREW GAM 4671410 1111r1Fr A NTT" 40740 Garage aftel Loft RAir 1318 teat 811 1264stro Nathom Main It Everything from foundation to roof Com In and wog our Innhr and priori ovor ITENDREYS 'MAID 0 A arneary tOPN botcher shop also apartments hovs On ono of Onro manto's ttiot prom non( cornrs Isrlines an both of property Alan bumo trnnsfor point tiara la a rare bargaln awl a miteltY lool Plat for busintota It can be hotinnt on alty srms ni tot VOW ELVIC -HOOM HOUMPI of throe Uwe for lti by OWntr csI AU nv201 Wdkok 117 Mt reef Roedeier tor Pale Me chanical sonditioni all new tires One Hundred 1allare 124 Street 1925 Star Touring $150 This tveir has only gone miles you liquid sot knovi it from nom I I new ear gunrntee CAPLAN ANtid CORP thth ml Streets Phone Main VIS 14141 Room mini Beth: CUMIN i11 furntohel cosy VAL loga1t141J i vt 4429 IliNitiHED 7611110rtl 7113 Willi iiltd CHNIbHED 76urRoom 7114 AUTO HPPAIRINO CIENKMA I Auth Repairing Ovriend and Wi Parsley Willard Hnu 14(JI Mtreet FIKMVICK MTATION ray'r'd by tol'y exports Work It Jarantmed 1221 lath alahl OA Ita Cuahloni Curtains anq aolo 0 Main galai CAPITAL IlltAKM RICLININO CO all lath lairt in alepatrinat All Makaa or Cara oldanold I liatimanWatotorr Cu 1341 iitteloL Lost tor ntoo Marton in Capitol Taoist? or bot woon kiado a rA Capitol radiator Call Wooliantl Kat-itisnien In Putts Tnootor or bot0000 mat Thotor aril Plaza 1411Int Piano Marton for iitdorarl ni 1128111 rare Itoo LOST or Irish bettor Y'hnt iasw koward IC Rot Hxyworti (foe'sMnt ota 5tofitton Wilton rot Pio 44turvvoullti aith ntrott bactomento bat Ingot III 14th NICELY TvVetted Trout Reiman Wstb KM') W1111-11114H A It CO If "Ir Use earl id 1171 ilto i1017 Ittiti Tourinu (d Wisp 116 if t4tret Plfteremnto wtr -ifs-vicars id 1171 i111 It tioll Toortou ()owl Mist) 116 t4tre1 '44'61710Mo tt 101 12 21 1 At 111-rttinviltAln11 104 Ok111 It IOU tE" 'tor llatoro 1w and toonl wind 1134 I Wescoat 61(110 Touting 6116 AI Cw1111n tOk 11--singl Pio Anwt1 AAA two oorm wog motornoar butnpr ticiJo: 13141 4oth ittw04 'Lbws 61 Ain 6666 II' 0114144 1113 11 VPPlot flat at Iwo-tat beim await ptintod and tinktel ilt11 formsboa botle Sa41 losnomost yari: visitors it dostr4 Key at 1113 t) gum LA is 1104 I t')At) Moons or Mon: Lobby Mogi eif00 In 110 w00 1012 1 ILI: I 6( Ft nom Wit or Vitt bout bomo prioliogoo bo4 Motet rung peeve HVIIII(N SEDAN A buy at II )50 001 rukhr eleIlent tortn briv tii ar Phors Yyank tin adala Ita $ul bate Bulidlac Ix Lot $826 Islavh Het woen ith bt A vo wig ou IJ226 3006 Ith AVIJULOIN A.

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The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)


What happened to the Sacramento Bee? ›

In the fall of 2020, the Bee announced it would be vacating its longtime headquarters and printing plant in Midtown Sacramento at 21st and Q Streets (which it occupied since 1952), citing the need to cut costs and streamline in the wake of declining ad revenues, the rise of online journalism and the impacts of the ...

How old is the Sacramento Bee? ›

First published in 1857, the Bee is the largest paper in the region and the flagship newspaper of its publishing group, the McClatchy Company.

Where is the Sacramento Bee located? ›

Sacramento Bee, 1601 Alhambra Blvd, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA - MapQuest.

Is the Sacramento Bee a good paper? ›

The Sacramento Bee is a good newspaper - good local, national and international news. For me, it is easier to read as the Kindle version - no ads, just the news.

Why is it called the Sacramento Bee? ›

An editorial on the first day of publication said: "The name of The Bee has been adopted as being different from that of any other paper in the state and as also being emblematic of the industry which is to prevail in its every department." So, the promise was a paper as busy as a bee.

What is the phone number for Sacramento Bee? ›

You can cancel your subscription by calling 916-321-1000 or by visiting . Our content is delivered to you by various methods and formats.

How old is the Modesto bee? ›

History. The Modesto Bee founded in 1884 as the Daily Evening News and published continuously as a daily under a variety of names.

What happened to the bees in California? ›

The problem

The most recent honeybee count shows nearly half of bee colonies died over this past winter. Global warming and over-development threaten bees, but one of the biggest harms comes from the overuse of bee killing pesticides, neonicotinoids or 'neonics'.

How do I cancel my sacbee subscription? ›

You can cancel at any time by contacting our customer service center at 1-800-284-3233 or or selecting "Cancel Subscription" in the subject line at and submitting a completed form.

How to place an obituary in the Sacramento Bee? ›

Call us at (855) 200-8549 or send us an email.

Is the Sacramento Bee politically leaning? ›

The AllSides Bias Rating™ for The Sacramento Bee is lean left. This is our low or initial bias rating, so more research and community feedback still needs to be analyzed. The Sacramento Bee covers local news, politics, sports, entertainment, and domestic and foreign affairs.

Does the Sacramento Bee have a Saturday Edition? ›

While we will no longer produce a printed Saturday newspaper, The Bee will continue to publish the strong independent, local journalism seven days a week. Print subscribers: You can activate your digital subscription and never miss a breaking story.

What is the newspaper in Sacramento County? ›

Welcome to The Sacramento Gazette, Sacramento's locally-owned weekly newspaper.

Does the Sacramento Bee still print newspapers? ›

Your subscription to The Sacramento Bee now includes the printed newspaper and unlimited access to all content on our newspaper's website (, our mobile site (, our iPhone and Android smartphone apps, and our electronic replica edition (E-Edition).

Who owns the Sacramento Bee newspaper? ›

About us. History Published: Monday, Dec. 04, 2006 Founded in 1857, The Sacramento Bee is the flagship of the 30 daily and almost 50 non-daily newspapers owned by The McClatchy Company.

How do I cancel my Sacramento Bee subscription? ›

You can cancel at any time by contacting our customer service center at 1-800-284-3233 or or selecting "Cancel Subscription" in the subject line at and submitting a completed form.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 6436

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.