McPherson Freeman from McPherson, Kansas (2024)

A POPULAR NOBLEMAN. STATE AFFAIRS EVERY Re-1 ceipt that calls for baking powder use the "Royal." It will make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor, more digestible and wholesome. "We recommend the Royal Baking Powder as superior to it 1 all others." United Cooks and Pastry Cooks Association of the United States. PIRST APPEARANCE IN A Popular lecturer's 8tory or How He-Was Agreeably Disappointed. A certain popular lecturer, whose fame extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and even beyond, tells a very amusing story of his first experience with a Boston audience.

aI had heard horrible stories of the frigidity of a Boston audience," he said to a Globe reporter, "and as I was somewhat of a novice in lecturing then, I was prepared for anything. The lecture was to take place in Tremont Temple in one of the popular winter courses there, and I was the recipient of every kindly attention it was possible for the manager and the committee to grant. They met me at the depot, and, as the carriage was driven toward the hotel, one of the gentlemen remarked: 'Oh, Mr. Snooks, we just wanted to tell you that our Boston audiences are very peculiar. You have doubtless heard something- of the coldness of the average Boston audi- encsLl replied that I had.

'You must not be surprised if they give no evidence of hearing your voice at he continued, 'and a few persons may keep right on talking after you have begun, but you mustn't mind that' "I solemely promised not to. 'And, oh, I had almost forgotten to tell you that many of the people live in the suburbs, and so have to catch trains that leave about 9:30 or 10 o'clock. Don't imagine, therefore, if you perceive a general exodus from the liall, that it is because of anything you have said, or that there is a fire or anything of that and then the spokesman breathed a sigh of relief as if he had performed an onerous but necessary duty. "Even after this multiple kindly warning I felt no alarm for my lect-ture, but when, in the ante-room during the half hour before the lecture, the manager had improved the opportunity to prepare me for the worst by repeating in substance all the admonitions I had heard before, I began to think that a voyage to the north pole was a pastime compared to a flight of fancy before a Hub assembly. Not content with his previous preparations, the manager had just broached some new horror with 'Our Boston people, you know' when I rushed on the platform to escape the warning and face the reality.

Here I made the astounding discovery that a Boston audience was very much like every other, and while the applause that greeted my appearance had that perfunctory 'here's-some-in-advance-we-may-give-you-some-more-if-3rou-do-weir sound, it was not a particle different from that which had greeted me elsewhere. I wa3 very anxious to plsase, and the mental gymnastics my tormentors had put me through served as a sort of stimulant. I was conscious that I was doing better than usual, and that, strange to relate, the reputed chilly audience was wonderfully sympathetic and inspiring. Moreover, its applause was discriminating, enthusiastic, and frequent. When 9 o'clock came I watched for that great popular uprising, but it did not uprise.

It was after 10 when the lecture was finished, but with the exception of one or two who had slipped away so quietly that their departure was not noticed, no one had left the hall. So, you see, if on that occasion the committee and the manager had left me unwarned, I should have departed with the idea that a Boston audience was one of the warmest and most delightful of any on earth." Earl of Aberdeen, the New Governor General of Canada. The Earl of Aberdeen, Sir John Campbell Hamilton Gordon, recently appointed Governor General of Canada, is probably the most popular nobleman in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. He was born in 1847 and is a grandson of the Earl of Aberdeen who was prime THE EARL OF ABERDEEN. minister in 1854 and under whose premiership Mr.

Gladstone served hii first term as chancellor of the exchequer. He succeeded to the Scotch peerage in 1870 upon the death of his brother George, who was drowned on a voyage to Melbourne. The Earl entered the House of Lords as a Conservative, but subsequently became a stanch Liberal. In 18S6 he was appointed by Mr. Gladstone Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, with the mission of carrying out the home rule policy of the government.

In this capacity he rendered himself immensely popular in Ireland, and the scene in Dublin on the occasion of his leave-taking is said to have been such as had never been witnessed there since the departure of Lord Fitzwilliain in 1795. Iso viceroy in Ireland ever so completely won the hearts of the Irish people as he. He is a member of many religious and philanthropic societies, and contributed $5,000 towards Gen. Booth's scheme for alleviating distress. In 1877 the Earl visited the United States, making a very extended tour, and delivered addresses in nearly all the large cities on the struggle in Ireland for home rule.

The Earl and Viscountess made a few months' visit to Canada in 1890-91 and conceived a deep affection for the country and people, so much that they disposed of their nouse in Grosvenor square, London, a palatial home that sold for $70,000, and purchased a fine property called "Highfield" near the outskirts of the city of Hamilton, where their home now is. They are very unpretentious people and have four lovable children, to whom they are devoted. Lord Aberdeen is a very religious man and a strong advocate of temperance. THE HISTORY OF A MILL. An Incident Illustrative of Frederick tlie Great of Prussia.

Of Frederick the Great, third King of Prussia, many anecdotes are related that will illustrate the character of that remarkable ruler. One of them relates to an old mill at Sans Souci, near Potsdam, where Frederick had a favorite residence, and where, at one time, he had gathered around him the most brilliant literary coterie of Europe. The view 1 THE MILL CF SAKS BOCCL from the chateau of Sans Souci was greatly marred by an old mill, which belonged to a very crusty miller. Frederick resolved to buy it, and he sent for the miller and offered him a high price. To the King's dismay the miller refused to part with the prdperty, wishing to die in possession of the mill, as his grandfather had died.

Frederick threatened to confiscate it, but the testy miller dared him, saying: "You might if there were no courts of justice in Berlin." The King was pleased to think that there was such confidence in the integrity of the judiciary and made no further attempt to dispossess the old miller. A subsequent King of Prussia finding the mill in a state of decay, rebuilt it and confirmed it in the possession of the old miller's descendants. It still exists. Cleaning: the Slate. A singular custom is said to obtain in the Passeyer Valley, Tyrol.

On the first Monday of Lent the inhabitants of the valley meet every year at St. Leonhard, the largest of the villages of that region, for the purpose of settling, according to an ancient custom, the pending 'affairs of the past year. In the open field near a bridge, outstanding debts are squared, interest is paid; in short, all business obligations are discharged and new conaiections made. Woe to the debtor who should dare to stay away his credit would inevitably be ruined throughout the valley. Dec.

7, 1 7 87, commemorates the ratification of the Constitution by the State of Delaware, she being the first State to ratify. And Capital City News of State Interest. Topeka's Income, The Atchison. Topeka Santa Fe railroad has 2,719 employes in the city of Topeka, to whom it pays monthly the anormous sum of $153,800. These employes actually live in this city, and are not merely train men who pass through.

The treasurer of the company recently complied the following list of workmen from his pay rolls, with the amount of money paid each class monthly set opposite their class: Number. Amount. Office employes 658 $50,000 Shop employes 1,615 75,000 Engineer 63 7,000 Firemen 60 4,000 Wipers 31 1.100 Station 96 5.100 Conductors 2 Brakemen 89 4.500 Vridgc, building and 60 3,000 Total $153,603 Beef Eating. The labor commissioner has received a comparative statement of the amount of food of various kinds used at the Soldiers' home at Leavenworth and the Indian school at Lawrence, which shows that the Indians eat five times as much beef as the old soldiers, and more than twice as much flour; while soldiers consume more sugar, tea and coffee than the Indians. The statement is in the form of the average number of pounds used by each inmate, and is as follows: Indians.

Soldiers. Flour 306.55 176.67 Beef 321.14 68.09 Other meats 09 67.00 Coffee 12.62 Tea 1.21 3.61 Sugar 71.29 The governor, state auditor and secretary of state made the regular semiannual examination of the state treasury. The treasury contains $997,346, which is divided into fiteen funds. The total varies from about $1,500,000 earlv in the year down to the present sum in June, when it is generally lowest. The general revenue fund contains $604,599, the permanent school fund $86,373, and the fund of accumulated interest on hand $57,313.

Stephen and Charles "Webb, the Osage county brothers who were arrested for complicity in the wreck of a Santa Fe passsnger train near Barclay last September, and were brought to the Topeka jail, refuse to make any statement of their case for publication except that they were innocent and were at home in bed on the night of the wreck. They ray also that their arrest is another instance of the oppres sion of poor people by great corporations! The brothers are each over six feet high and have long mustaches. They have employed David Overmeyer to defend them. S. M.

Scott, state lecturer of the alliance, publishes a long appeal to the members of the alliance, in the interest of the striking coal miners of Cherokee and Crawford counties. In this appeal he says the interests of the miners and the farmers are mutual, and if the miners are defeated in this, their fight for justice and equity, it surely means "another link forged to bind, them to the galling exactions of capital." He urges that each county in eastern Kansas contribute at least a carload of provisions for these poor people, and suggests that the alliances in the adjoining counties unite and arrange for a grand offering day, when all their contributions can be turned over to the proper committees of the coal miners' association. Adjutant General Artz has appointed a successor to Colonel J. H. Ricksecker, who lately lived at Sterling and was the commandant of the Second regiment.

Colonel Kicksecker left the state some lime ago and took up his residence at Kansas City. At that time he presented his resignation, but no action was ever taken upon it. He says that he is yet colonel of the Second regiment and that his successor will be elected by the inferior officers. When Colonel Rick-secker left the state, the officers began to canvass for the' best man to succeed him, who should be chosen for his devotion to the interests of the militia and his fitness for the place, and they were surprised and angered that" the right of election, with which the law invests them, should be taken away from them. Governor Lewelling is in receipt of several letters from prominent populists in western Kansas, urging the calling of an extra session for the purpose of making an appropriation for supplying the people of westrn Kansas whose crops have failed, with seed with which to put in their crops for next season.

In speaking of this matter the governor said: "There has been some talk of such a session of the legislature, and I have received several communications from residents of western Kansas, asking how help can be obtained for those people who have suffered so many crop failures, but I am of the opinion that such assistance can be given these people without the expense of a special session of the legislature. The farmers that have been blessed with such bountiful crops will, I am sure, contribute to their less fortunate fellow men, and the needed assistance will be given them. I should favor any measure to aid them, but I am of the opinion that it can be done without a special session of the Arrangements are being make for a display of Kansas poultry at the world's fair. It is proposed to have the fowls exhibited at our state fair at Topeka, October 1st, when they will be scored and the best specimens can then be sent to Chicago, provided trie owners are willing. For further particulars apply to J.

P. Lucas, Topeka, Kans. It will require unstinted co-operation of the poultry breeders of Kansas to enable Mr. Lucas to accomplish all he plans and desires to do. ft ti ty ex c9 UJi (--j tjs There are preachers who delicrht in storming the heights at camp meeting, who offer the tips of their fingers to their poorer members when they meet them on the street.

Why Are lou Interested? 'What makes a person interesting?" It cannot be intellectual brilliancy, for we have all Known men whose minds were stored with the best thought of the world, yet wholly failed to interest us, women whose brains were developed by the widest culture, yet were unable to appear other than dry-as-dust catalogues of knowledge. Think of the people who interest you and study their qualities and how few you find possessing just the same traits. It is all a matter of magnetic soul currents, possibly. Why not? We can hardly dispute that some human bodies convey electricity much more readily than others. In almost any gathering of a dozen persons at least one will be found who possesses this strange power, the touch of whose hand can cause a sensation like that of touching an electric battery.

Is there anything impossible iu the theory that souls have their electric currents, which pass more or less freely to and fro according to the individual power as conductor? Then we have but to assume that the person who "interests" us is one whose scul current mingles freely with our own. This is perhaps, a more satisfactory explanation than the more commonly received one oi animal magnetism, a Quality on a lower plane and infinitely less subtle in character. Boston Advertiser. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doc tors pronounced it a Jocal disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable.

Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on tie market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful.

It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J.

CHENEY Toledo, O. JPSold by Druggists, 75c He I shall never marry until I meet a woman who is my direct opposite. She (encouragingly) Well, Mr. Duffer, there are numbers of bright, intelligent girls Tight in this neighborhood. Wave Tossed, Sea sick voyagers suffer unspeakable tortures.

Then if Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is resorted to the tortures cease. Yachting parties, ocean fishermen, nervous, sickly people, whom the jarring of a railway train affects much in the same way as the tossing of the surges do one who crosses the Atlantic for the first time, should be mindful of. this and be provided with an adequate supply of the Bitters. This incomparable stomachic will promptly settle a stomach outrageously disturbed, is a capital antidote to malaria and nervous complaints, remedies constipation and biliousness, and counteracts a tendency to rheumatism. Besides this, it compensates for a loss of energy consequent upon undue exertion or nervous anxiety, and averts the effects of exposure in inclement weather and the wearing of damp clothing.

Both appetite and sleep are promoted by it, and general health rapidly improves through its use. A tailor called on the young Count C. to demand payment of ah old account, but the impecunious debtor was unable to satisfy the demand of his tailor who called out "Let me tell you that I am tired of this business yes, thoroughly tired!" Count C. (to his yalet) John; bring the gentleman a chair. TO STOP THE PROGRESS of Consumption.

Jj you will find but one guaranteed remedy Doctor 1 Fierce's Golden Medical Discovery. In advanced cases, brings comfort and relief if you havent delayed too long, IV WLU certainly cure. It doesn't claim too much. It won't make new lungs nothing can but it will make diseased ones sound and healthy, when everything else has failed. The scrofulous affection of the lungs that's caused Consumption, like every other form of Scrofula, and every blood-taint and disorder, yields to the Discovery." It is the most effective blood -cleanser, strength -restorer, and flesh-builder that's known to medical science.

In all Bronchial, Throat, and Lung Affections, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. A perfect and permanent cure for yonr Catarrh or $500 in cash. This is promised by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. KNOWLEDGE brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment "when rightly used.

The many, who live better than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting the form most acceptable and pleasant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect laxative effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels without weakening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all druggists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered.

9 wep I am Post Master here and keep a Store. I have kept August Flower for sale for some time. I think it is a splendid medicine." E. A. Bond, P.

Pavilion Centre, N. Y. The stomach is the reservoir. If it fails, everything fails. The liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the heart, the head, the blood, the nerves all go wrong.

If you feel wrong, look to the stomach first. Put that right at once by using August Flower. It assures a good appetite and a good digestion. YOUR OWN HARNESS WITH THOMSON'S SLOTTED CLENCH REVETS. No tools required.

Only a hammer needed to drive and clinch them easily and quickly leaving the clinch absolutely smooth. Requiring no hole to be made in the leather nor burr for.the Kivets. They are STRONG, TOUGH and DURABLE. Millions novr in use. All lengths, uniform cr assorted, put up in boxes.

Alt your dealer for (hem, or send 40a stamps for a box of 100; assorted sizes. MANUFACTURED BT UDSON L.THOMSON MFC.C& IVaKham, Masc. Positively cure Bilious Attacks, Constipation, SicJc-Headache, etc. 25 cents per bottle, at Drug Stores. "Write for sample dose, free.

F.SMITH York. I EWIS' 88 LYE 6 rCTIZD AHD ha (PATENTED) The strongest and purest made. Unlike other Lye, it being a tine powder and packed in a can with removable lid, the contents are always ready for use. Will make the'best perfumed Hard Soap in 20 minutes without boiling. 1 1 is the lest for cleansing waste pipes, disinfecting sinks, closets, washing bottles, paints, trees, etc PENA.

SALT KT'G CO. Gen. Apts. P- Oh Yes! DUTCHEIC'S FLY KILLER kills flies instant ly. Nodanjrer la handling it.

Every sheet wiu kill a quart of fiies, insuring peace while you eat and the comforts of a nap in the morning. In-sist upon Dutcher's and secure best result. rRED'K Butcher Drub St. Albans, Yt. It any one doubt that we can cure the mtft ctv BLOOD PGISGSI cunue case in zv 10 ou da; s.

let him write er A SPECIALTY. ana inicu-pate our relib litjr. Our financial uackiup is VTiec mercury, llltltlMII Iodide potassium, earsaparilla or Bot Sprinjr fail, to (Tsarantec cure and our Marie yphilene is the on! thinpr that core pennanentlT. Positive proof s.n ealed. tree.

Cook Kmedt Chicago, 111. 35S Piso's Remedy for Catarrh 1st the Best. Jasiest to Use, nr.d Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by maiL 50c K. T.

Hazeltine. Warren, Pa. The Largest makers in the world (in business for S3 years I. B. seeley ka'tf I From 15toi5 Its rnuw-a a month.

Hena- itmail (by prao- pcrsd. Srnd fr in KcVlckor's TUcaterrciiicaitOt Xll 3jrm last war. lSadjudifatingclaima. atty smri Ooium and Morohine Habits, full information how to ie- rurr an t-asT and free. National Health Ml Paiton blk.

Omaha. Neb. ti Mini c*nt At i- Price I ewinr 'ana Tool. haft rlr. Li.lKil K.

CUJCAGO bCAUk tV-, LkUg, I 'Angus stiEND gilefflmtts IS ROSSES ii ti cis i-- --i I Cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. Dr. Shocp's Restorative Nerve Pills sent free with Medical Book to prove merit, for 2c stamp. Dr.Shoop. Box Wis.

Paradoxical as it as it may seem, it is always to a man's credit to pay cash. Hanson's MaIc Corn Salve." Warranted to cure, or inoncj- rvtan.led. A.k your firuffSist for it. Price 25 cents. "Spaddles was driven to his 'In a hearse Iftke Bb.V i C'utttnsr Tth.

Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mas. Wisslow's Soothing Strup for Children Teethinc. He: Ah, that fellow over there by the orchids, is he anybody? She: No, somebody. Fits. All fits stopped free by Dr.

Kline's Creat Nerve Restorer. No fit after first day 8 use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and t2. 00 trial bottle free to Kit eaees.

Send to Dr. Kline. 931 Arch Philadelphia. 1-a. First Moth: Are you going fur? Second Moth I intend to spend the summer on tho cape.

Grace Ingle You ask me to marry you. Can you not read your answer in my lace. Ned Kaver (cruelly) Yes; it is very plain. The World's Fair Favorite Hotel. The Fireproof BANCROFT HOTEL, Calumet Av.

and 29th Chicago, 244 large rooms, is the place for you to stop. Kates one dollar. Meals 50 cents. Near World's! Fair grounds. Write for circulars to reserve rooms.

Mother (emphatically) Johnny. what are doing out there in the rain? Johnny: Gittin'1 wet. Female Weakness Positive Cure. To TDK Editor: Tleage inform your readers, that I har a ositive remedy for the thousand and one ills which ari from deranged ltmale orgms. Not a prescript on to be til led hut I will sead two bo.

tie of ray romeiy Frea of all cost, for the medicine, readr for use, to any ladr, if they will tend their Express and T. O. address. 1 hold correspondence strictly confidential and forward my replies and reia edy in plain wrapper. Dr.

J. S. Marclusi Utiea, N. Y. A horse-race is not wicked in itself.

It is what a man says while he is tearing up his pool tickets that is sinful. Your flianoe Good. In every community there are a number of men whos whole time is not occupied, rxtch as teachers, ministers, farmers' gone and others. To these classes especially wa would say, if you wish to make several hundred dollar during the next few months, write at once to B. F.

Johnso of Richmocd, and they will show you how do )t. "Isn't that a restaurant kitchen opening out into this court," asked a visitor looking out of the window of a downtown office. "Yes," can't you tell by the odor? Sometimes it is so 6trong that I have to pick my teeth." Carruthers I understand that Brobson first met his wife at a bargain counter. Waite: Indeed. Did he get bargain? Car-ruthers The usual bargain IF you are constipated, bilious or troubled lri Vt finrlnnhf- Ttofriam's Pills afford immediate relief.

Of druggists. 25 we first came here our nearest neighbor was twelve miles away! Cousin Maria (from the east): Goodness-gracious Whod'ye borrer frum? Manrl HfniioT Fiirln't vrn MV slip was a v. w. prominent leader in the dress reform move- -mm II II I 1 mem: iuaiu ivinna.ii: a. cleaning and dyeing establishment.


Atty. Gen. Notary Pablic AUSTIN ARMSTRONG, ATTORNEYS COUNSELLORS AT LAW 4-15 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Will practice in District, Supreme and Federal Courts. Refer to Hon. C.

J. Brown. Clk. Supreme Court, and Merchant's National Bank, Topeka, Kansas. LINUS S.

WEBB, Attorney at Law, I 17 6th Avenue, West, TOPEKA. KANSAS. Drs. C. J.

and Amy E. Parker, Mapetic Physicians PsyclQietrisL Disease diagnosed and readings given from lock of hair, glove, jewelry or letter. State sge and sex. Terms: and two 2 cts stamps. Room -37 Keith Block, 815 Kansas Topeka.

Kansas. BLOSSOM HOUSE OFPOSI1B CNlO DEPOT. BATES $2.50 KANSAS CUT, MO. Per Day. Firet class in all respects.

Cable can far all oarts of ths city pats the door. $75.00 to $250.00 borforontl115 B. F. JOHNSON' RICHMOND. VJL Hitlitll RULE SEHIlUr ember 14.

Kalamazoo, Mien. If afflicted with sore eyta, ue 1 Thompson's Eye Water k. n. u. T.

520-27 E'When anFwerjng any of these advertise-ments, please mention this paper. 6 stpemisMp our 6 Board and room $2.50 per week. L.H.Siricller Taa Bares St TOPEKA CALLED IT "WHITE RAIN." A Visitor to This Country Who Hal "Sever Seen Snow Before. Among the arrivals on the steamer Gaelic at San Francisco recently was the nobleman Raden Adnin, son of the powerful chieftain Isatodi Laga, of Java. He is arrayed in the curious manner of his countrymen, with sandals on his feet, decked with gold, a sarong bound around his loins, and gold and diamond buttons on his coat.

Adnin, the nobleman, is a dauntless, intrepid-looking man of about 32 years. He is tall and has an intellectual-looking face. Adnin has never been in America before, and speaks no English. A. R.

Kirkhoven, however, a fellow countryman who is traveling with him, told all about him. He said that the nobleman lived in Sutaboime, had a wife and two children, and feeling it incumbent on himself to enlighten his mind on the condition of the world, has set out, like Haroun-al-Raschid, to be gone for many months. With this end in view he will visit Chicago, New York, Boston, and other cities of the United States, and may extend his trip beyond the Atlantic. "On the second day out from Yokohama," said his companion, "when we were about 340 miles from land, we ran into a violent snowstorm. When the nobleman, Adnin, saw the flakes fall upon the deck he thought it was the most remarkable thing that could happen, and called the flakes white rain.

He had never seen snow before. Later, when he saw ttie passengers grasp the snow, press it together into balls, and throw it about he was amazed. Adnin found it pretty cold aboard ship." Trees. It is a common error that the roots of trees extend only, as far from the trunk as the length of the branches; the truth is that they are usually longer on each side than the entire height of the tree. A tree thirty feet high forms a circle of loots more than sixty feet in diameter.

"I see that you have left off your heavy overcoat." "Yes, I am going to let it take a nap now." "Well, it needed it." Boston Gazette. Gcod paji*zur pof itfoq. For cafclogce and Fpeeirpens of Penmanship address. RUPTURE it. CORED NO PAY.

uS'fBJBSS; First Rational Bank, St: Isrestirate ar Method. Written Guarantee to Absolutely Core all Kinds Cf Mi'TCKEcf both Sexes, without the use of KMFK or ft iXIM QJB, sm matter of how Ion? standiae. EXAMUf AHOK fSKK, bend tot Circular. Address THE O. MILLER-COMPANY.

Cta Ave. Cer..

McPherson Freeman from McPherson, Kansas (2024)


What are some fun facts about McPherson KS? ›

The Missouri Pacific and Rock Island Railroad reached lines to McPherson in 1888. Reminders of the 1800s are still prevalent in McPherson as many of the city's older homes date back to the 19th century. Built in 1889, the McPherson Opera House was considered one of the finest buildings of its type in the Midwest.

What division is McPherson Kansas? ›

McPherson competes in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Division II and Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference (KCAC).

What is Kansas 3 interesting facts? ›

1 Kansas's Smith County sits at the geographical center of the United States. 2 Both the first Pizza Hut and the first White Castle opened their doors in Wichita, Kansas. 3 Kansas is known as the Sunflower State and the sunflower is the state's official flower.

Is McPherson KS a good place to live? ›

McPherson is a very family-friendly area. They have GREAT local businesses and a thriving small-town main street.

What billionaires went to McPherson College? ›

Harry Stine
Alma materMcPherson College
Occupation(s)Farmer and seedsman
Known forFounder and owner of Stine Seed Owner of International Oilseed Distributors, Inc.
4 more rows

What rank is McPherson? ›

McPherson College's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Colleges Midwest, #27. Its tuition and fees are $35,162. McPherson College is a private institution that was founded in 1887. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 815 (fall 2022), its setting is rural, and the campus size is 27 acres.

How big is McPherson High School? ›

McPherson High School is a public school located in MCPHERSON, KS. It has 709 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 14 to 1.

How did McPherson, Kansas get its name? ›

McPherson, city, seat (1873) of McPherson county, central Kansas, U.S. Laid out in 1872 on the Santa Fe Trail, it was named for James B. McPherson, a Union general killed in the American Civil War.

What are some fun facts about Fort McPherson? ›

As a military installation, Fort McPherson provided a secure environment to house prisoners of war. A small number of Spaniards were housed there during the Spanish-American War. During World War I, 1,300 German soldiers and merchant sailors were held at Fort McPherson.

What are some facts about Kansas basketball team? ›

The Jayhawks have won or shared an NCAA record 63 conference championships since they joined their first conference in 1907. The Jayhawks have belonged to the Big 12 Conference since it was formed, before the 1996–97 season, and dominated it, winning 12 straight conference titles dating back to 2005.

What is a fun fact about Shawnee Kansas? ›

City of Shawnee Town
  • Life Expectancy: 53.6 years – men; 54.6 years – women.
  • U.S. Population: 106.5 million.
  • Average annual income: $1,236.
  • Average Family Size: 4.1.
  • The speed limit in Shawnee was 12 mph in town and 40 mph on the paved highways.
  • Average electric bill: $2.22 per month.

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Article information

Author: Roderick King

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Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.