The Robesonian from Lumberton, North Carolina (2024)

Page 20--The Robesouian, Thursday, July 16, 1970 News Items From Around Fair Bluff By MRS. H. A. TURNER ed the Hosey Drews Saturday. I had a Canadian vacation FAIR BLUFF Miss Jane Scott of Gainesville, spent most of last week with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. I. M. Scott. Mr.

and Mrs. Make M'ieheal and Kay, spent Wednesday at the beaches a the Grand Strand. Mrs. Balsoria Parker, s. Kenneth Coleman and children a recent vacation at Cherry Grove Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cribb and Jeff joined Mr. Cribb's mother, Mrs. Ruby Criibb, and sister, Mrs.

Virginia Butler and her family of Washington, D. C. at Cherry Grove Beach for the weekend. Mrs. J.

Smoak of Orangeburg, S. spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. H. A. Turner.

Mrs. H. A. Turner was the supper guest of Mr. and Mrs.

Brad MeCutchen of Bishopville, S. Mr. and Mrs. H. M.

Spivey of Charleston and i Kathryn Bridgers of Isle of Palms, S. C. went to Crescent Beach, S. Saturday. Andy Bethea of Little River, S.

was the dinner guest of fche Jimmy Scotts Friday. Andy inducted into the U. S. Army Monday at Fort Bragg. Mr.

and Mrs. Buck Worley have returned from a vacation in A a a a and Louisiana. While away they visited relatives in both states. Mr. and Mrs.

Les Watts of Charlotte the weekend with Mrs. Watts' mother, Mrs. Cleo Hinson. Mr. and Mrs.

Olift Jones visited Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Jones Jr. at Lake View Sunday. Mr.

and MOTS. Jimmy Turner visited the Brad McCutchens, the H. M. SpLveys and i Katfhryn Bridgers at Cresen't Beach, S. Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hosey Drew and Jane were Sunday guests of Mr. Drew's mother, Mrs. Robert Drew at Duford, S.

Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Strickland amd Donna of Nichols visit- Mrs. Floyd Rogers, Fran and Karen, of Aiken, S.

C. visited Mrs. Ed Rogers Sunday. John Edwin Small of Raleigh visited the Smalls this weekend. Mrs.

Paul -Scott and spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Jesse Hardy, and Mr. Hardy at Crescent Beach, S. C. They were celebrating Mrs.

Hardy's birthday. Mrs. 0. M. Rogers spent Wednesday in Rowland with her daughter, Mrs.

James Johnson. Mrs. Louis Rogers and Mrs. 0. M.

Rogers visited in Whiteville Monday. M'iss Lois Waddell is at home after several weeks in Winston- Salem with her sister, Murray Pate, and Mr. a during which time she underwent foot surgery at a Winston- Salem hospital. Mrs. Gloria Allen of Mai-ion, S.

C. spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Spruell Britt. Mr. and Mrs.

William Biitt of Bamesvflle i i the Spruell Bribts and Mrs. B. H. Small Sunday. Mrs.

Robbie Inman of Lumberton spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spruell Britt. Mrs. Johnny Cutrell Jr.

visited Mr. Cutreli at Fort Bragg, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Elaine and Sherri, were Sunday of Mrs.

Drew's grandmother, Mrs. Charles Hunsucker in Marion, S. C. Mrs. Elwood Smith, Carolyn, De-bra, Ray and Percy of Charlotte spent the weekend i Mrs.

Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dudney. Spending last week wiKh Mr. 10 days recently.

Mrs. Rose Vassey and Angela are back with her mother, Mrs. Guilford Edwards, after 3 weeks in Charleston, S. C. with in-laws, Mr.

and Mrs. E. E. Vassey Jr. Mr.

and Mrs. Willie a Harrelson of Raleigh spent the weekend with Mrs. Harrelson's mother, Mrs. Guilford Edwards. They were accompanied by 2 of their children, Debbie and Kry- sfral.

Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas Elliott, Georgia Lee and Jean, of Greenville, N. C. spent the weekend i Mrs.

Elliott's mother, Mrs. Guilford Edwards. Miss Wendy Edwards acom- panied them home for a days visit. Mr. and Mrs.

Andrew Smith, Andrea and Andy, of Wilmington Sunday with Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Guilford Edwards. Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Foley, a and Kenneth, speri Thursday through Saturday in Boone, N. C. and other mountain areas. They attended a per foraiance of Horn In The West Mr. and Mrs.

David Joyner, Susie and Lisa of Mount, were Sunday guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lawson. Karen, Bropkie, Johnna and Dickerson of Wood- a are spending several weeks with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

Brook Floyd. Mrs. Ruth Fairfax is at home after several days ai Loris, S. C. with her daughter, Mrs.

Jack Barberrouse. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barber- rouse of Loris visited Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Fairfax and Mr. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Pridgen. Mr.

Mrs. Francis Floyd visited relatives in Mullins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rowe of Florence, S.

were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Floyd. The Rev. and Mrs.

George White are spending this week at the beach. Mrs. John Kanipe is at home after being a surgical patient in Southeastern General Hospital. Her son, John of Raleigh visited her Friday. Mrs.

Billy Turbeville, Roger and Lisa, of Albemarle spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turbeville. Mrs. Justin Cribb visited her brother, Hudson Worley, and his family in Alabama recently.

and Mrs. Percy Dudney were 2 of their daughters, Mrs. Bobby Lee, Mr. Lee, Ronny and Paula, and Mrs. Daphne Ann Watts, Patsy and Freddy, all of Charlotte.

Mr. and Mrs. Powell.Potts of Franklin, Ky. are visiting Mr. Potts' mother, Mirs.

a Floyd, and the Junius Pottses. 'Mr. and Mrs. Junius Potts and Mrs. Brook Floyd Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hendricks of Wilmington visited Mr. and Mrs. Brook Floyd Sunday.

Mrs. French Nobles is recuperating at home after i hospitalized in Mullins, S. with a burned arm. Miss Brenda Joyce Pridgen of Lumberton spent several days last week with her par- Mr, and Mrs. Ulie Meares visited Calabash and the Lane- harts at Boneparte Beach Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Page of Cerro Gordo were Sunday guests of Mrs. E. V.

Byrd. Mrs. M. S. Turner returned home Monday after accompanying her daughter, Mrs.

Bruce Pate, the Rev. Pate, Susan and Laura, to Minneapolis, Minn, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Duane Kullberg (Nelle Turner) and Dr. and Mrs.

John C. Turner in Fairmont, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs.

Lazelle Marks and Gregg of Roctengham visited Mrs. Marks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reel Thursday. Mrs.

Powell Winstead of Winston-Salem, Miss Mary Dick Winstead and Mrs. Amoret Harrington of Mullins visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C.

Rogers Sunday. Victor Floyd left Thursday for Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri after several weeks with his parents, the H. E. Floyds, and Mrs. Floyd's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. J. C. Rogers. Mrs.

Floyd and the boys will join Mr. Floyd as soon as housing is secured. Mr. and Mrs. Brice Elvington Jr.

and Lisa 'are vacationing in N. C. and Virginia. One stop will be with Mr. Elvington's sister, Mrs.

Jimmy Anderson and her family in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cribb spent Sunday in Sumiter, S. C.

with the latter's sister, Mrs. R. C. Barfield. Mrs.

Raleigh and Raleigh of, S. C. spent Sunday with Mrs. Ward's daughter, Mrs. Gelizensky, and (her family.

Robert Willis, Kenneth Waddell and David Collins spent Friday night at Camp Lejeune and took their S.A.T. tests Saturday. Pete Willis and Miss Jean Hammond spent the weekend hi Raleigh. Miss Hammond visited the George Battailes Jr. and Mr.

Willis at N. C. State. Mrs. Bill Waddell, Kathy and Leigh, and Mrs.

Doris Jenkins spent the weekend in Charleston, S. C. visiting relatives. Bob Waddell returned from Raleigh Friday where he had been doing graduate study at N. C.

State U. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Waddell, Gennylou and Allen, are spending this week at Kure Beach. Mrs.

Robert Williams and Nora of Thomasville spent several days last week with Mrs. Williams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. DeweyS: Waddell. Mr.

Mrs. W. T. Blackwell and Terry of Winston-Salem spent the weekend with Mrs. Blackwell's mother, Mrs.

Esther Hammond, the Frederick Hammonds, the Gordon Hammonds, and Mr. and Mrs. Coy Blackwell. Mr. and Airs.

James W. Kal- lihan of Hampton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Owen Edwards Saturday. Mrs.

Lollie Smith of Cerro Gordo and her daughter of Columbia, S. C. visited Mrs. Letas Edwards Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Garlen Oats of Fayetteville Tuesday with Mrs. Letas Edwards. Mrs. Agnes Lee and family of Fayetteville were at Mrs.

Len- neu Hammond's Sunday and attended fehe funeral of her sister, Mrs. Roxie Lovett, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Hammond of Charleston were here for Mrs.

Roxie Lovett's funeral and visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lenneu Hammond. and Mrs. Jimmy Scott, Jimbo, Marc, Neill and Gregg, visited Miss Kay Scofct at Wrightsville a Sunday.

Kay accompanied them home for a few days. Cindy Davis has shown slight improvement in Marion County Hospital. i Dottie Thigpen of Wadesboro, Batten, Miss Beth Batten both of Likesville and S. L. Sartain of Wadesboro spent the weekend with Dottie's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Wilton Thigpen. Mrs. Bob Winbon, a 1 Teresa and Robert Lin, iare arriving Wednesday from Orlando, to visit Mrs. Winbon's sister, Mrs.

Wilton Thigpen, and her family. Among tbocc from a distance here for Curtis Kinson's funeral were Mrs. Clara Bruuson and Mr. Mrs. Bill Fields and Mikie all of Florence, S.

Clyde Morris, Virgil i Harvey Morris, Rev. Price, Mrs. Edith Ward and daughters, Dorothy, Ethel, a (from Andrews, S. and Nelle, John David Morris, and Mrs. Grace Morris, all of Charleston, S.

and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Morris of Andrews, S.

C. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sher- Elrod-Purvis News wood of Kansas City, and Mr. and Mrs.

Dennis Sellers of Whitevilie spent a day last week with the Theodore Stones and Mrs. Emmie Sellers. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Huggins ELROD-PURVIS Bill Marton was in Unicoi, last week wtoa-e he met his daughter, Mrii.

Winfield Featherton and family of Wichita, Texas. Mrs. Norton and her mother, Mrs. Charles Holcomb joined them later in the week. Holcomb is recuperating from injures sustained in an automobile wreck several weeks ago.

Oarlbon Price of Goldsboro is spending a few days i week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Price. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mi's.

F. Pate Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Gene B'e- thea and children of Atlanta, Ga. Visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Marvin Currie Sunday were Mr. a Mrs. Carl Curaie, Wayne and Floyd and Mnss Eleanor Currie of Wilmington. Mr.

and Mi's. Edison Lewis visited Mr. and Mrs. a Lewis near Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert F. Pate and family attended a Bracey family reunion Sunday at home of Grady Bracey near Hamer, S. C. Arriving home Friday from a week's trip to the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee were Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Adcock, Mrs. Frank Holcomb, Mr. and Mrs. Don Patterson, Robert and Ricky.

They were accompanied by Adcock's Mr. and Mrs. Alton Holcomb visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross Garland in Unicoi, Tenn.

last week, Mrs. Clifford Stubbs and Mrs. H'ermie Norton spent Monday in Florence, S. C. Mr.

and Mrs. Percy Goff of Plant City, Fla. are visiting relatives in the county. On Sunday they were honored with a family dirai'cr at the i Community house. Those attending were Mrs.

Lillte Brayboy and Miss Pearl Hall of S. Mrs. Clifton Seate of Cherryville; Mrs. Robert Seate of Crouse; Bruce Hall of Hampton, Mr. and Mrs.

Lewis Paul and Elm City; Mr. and Mrs. Arch McRae of Laurinburg; Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Ammons of Red Springs; Mrs.

D. H. McPhail and Mr. and Mrs. R.

L. Bass of Lumberton; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McRae and family; a Mrs. David McRafi; Miss Lillian McRae, J.

D. Kitchen, Mrs. Linda Powell of Maxton; Mr. and. Mrs.

Thomas Paul and James of Purvis; Mrs. Jason McRae and daughter, Jane of Elrod; and Mrs. Ralph Paul of Rowland, Rt. 1. and Morris of Lumberton visited Mr.

and Mrs. Theodore Stone Monday. Marty, Malcolm and Richard Davis, both of Seymore-Johnson Air Base at Goldsbcro, spent the weekend witih Marty's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Stone.

Mr. and Mrs. Bertice Sellers, Debby and Tim, of Asheville spent the weekend with Mr. Seller's mother, Mrs. Emmie Sellers.

They were joined during the weekend by Mr. and Mrs. Fay Sellers, Sandra and Teresa, of Fairmont. Horace M. Powell of Alexandria, is arriving i a evening for a visit with his mother.

Ronnie Cashwell of Sanford has assumed his duties with SCL nailroad at Chadbourn and grandsons, Kenneth and Frank i Lindsay of Fayetteville. They visited National Forrest, Banner Elk and Boone N. C. Mrs. Gus Parker and John Byrd of Ras-ford visited friends in the community Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stubbs attended funeral services Mrs. Mildred Vestal in United Methodist Church in Bonlee Sunday. Visiting Mrs.

Frank Holcomb Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. James Holcomfa of Red Springs. A careful observer recently tabulated on his TV screen, in one week--91 murders, 7 holdups, 3 kidnappings, 14 burglaries, 2 arsons, 2 suicides, and 1 blackmail. Smokey Says: is temporarily staying with his in-laws, the J.

C. Rogerses. The Arthur Parrishes of Darlington are vacationing here. Miss Janette Thompson is spending two weeks with the Cecil Fords in Marion, S. C.

WILDFIRES WA9TE RESOURCES -COST MONEY! Help Prevent All Vildfires! CHEVROLET Prices Are Born Here And Raised Elsewhere Hwy. 41 E. (MVDL-3927) Tel. 739-7571 69 Comoro Z-28 2-Dr. Hardtop 68 Impala 4-Door Hardtop ft Solid Gold with Gold i Top, ft Power Steerin Automatic 327 V-8 Jl U'H mm.

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The Robesonian from Lumberton, North Carolina (2024)


Who were the first settlers in Robeson County, NC? ›

Robeson County, located in the Coastal Plain region of North Carolina, was formed in 1787 from Bladen County and was named for Revolutionary War colonel Thomas Robeson. The Saura (Cheraw) and Lumbee were the area's earliest inhabitants, followed by Scottish, English, Welsh, and French settlers.

What is Lumberton known for? ›

Lumberton is known for some of its popular attractions, which include: Carolina Country Peddlers Mall. Exploration Station Children's Museum. Luther Britt Park.

Is Lumberton, NC a good place to live? ›

Living in Lumberton offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents rent their homes. In Lumberton there are a lot of parks. Many families live in Lumberton and residents tend to lean liberal.

What is Robeson County known for? ›

Robeson County is located bisected by I-95 and state-of-the art labor force training is available at Robeson Community College and the University of North Carolina Pembroke. The county is also known for Lumbee Homecoming and other culture driven opportunities.

What race is the Lumbee tribe? ›

The Lumbee are the amalgamation of various Siouan, Algonquian, and Iroquoian speaking tribes. The earliest document showing Indian communities in the area of Drowning Creek is a map prepared by John Herbert, the commissioner of Indian trade for the Wineau Factory on the Black River, in 1725.

What do Lumbee Indians look like? ›

As a result, some Lumbees resemble Hollywood Indians out of central casting. Others resemble African-Americans. Yet others, with fair hair and pale skin, could attend a Klan rally. And members of all three groups could claim each other as cousins.

What is the ethnicity of Lumberton NC? ›

In 2022, there were 1.01 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (7.07k people) in Lumberton, NC than any other race or ethnicity. There were 6.98k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 2.43k American Indian & Alaska Native (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

Who was the founder of Lumberton NC? ›

Founded in 1787 by John Willis, an officer in the American Revolution, the City of Lumberton was created by an ACT of the NC General Assembly that same year and was named the County Seat of Robeson County.

Where does Lumberton rank in crime? ›

With a crime rate of 134 per one thousand residents, Lumberton has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 7.

What is the cheapest place to live in North Carolina? ›

These are the 10 cheapest places to live in North Carolina, according to HomeSnacks:
  • Eden.
  • Thomasville.
  • Asheboro.
  • Reidsville.
  • Roxboro.
  • Kinston.
  • Lexington.
  • Lenoir.
May 29, 2024

What is the racial makeup of Robeson County NC? ›

As of the 2020 census, the county's population was 116,530. It is a majority-minority county; its residents are approximately 38 percent Native American, 22 percent white, 22 percent black, and 10 percent Hispanic.

What tribe is in Robeson County NC? ›

Welcome to the Lumbee Tribe of N.C. We are the People of the Dark Water. Our Lumbee Tribal Territory is located in Southeastern North Carolina in Robeson, Hoke, Cumberland, and Scotland Counties. The Lumbee People are known for their entrepreneurial spirit and their focus on education.

What is the smallest County in NC? ›

Meanwhile, the state's smallest county — Tyrrell — is home to 3,245 people. Carolina Demography highlights interesting numbers in its early assessment of new census data released today. Between 2010 and 2020, North Carolina's population grew from 9,535,483 to 10,439,483, an increase of 903,905 or 9.5%.

What is historic about Lumberton, North Carolina? ›

The City of Lumberton was created by an Act of the NC. General Assembly in 1787 and was named the County seat of Robeson County. Lumberton was founded the same year 39 of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention of Philadelphia signed and sent to Congress the constitution of the United States.

Who were the early settlers of Western North Carolina? ›

Among these early settlers were the Davidsons, Alexanders, Gudgers, and Pattons. As more Whites immigrated into the area just west of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the late 1700s, the Cherokee who were living there moved west.

Who were the first colonists in North Carolina? ›

In 1584, explorers traveling for the English adventurer Sir Walter Raleigh arrived at Roanoke Island, North Carolina, and the first English settlement was established there in 1585. The settlers developed a hostile relationship with indigenous people, and Sir Francis Drake took most settlers back to England in 1586.

Who are the Cherokee Indians of Robeson County? ›

The proto Lumbee first began identifying as Cherokee Indians in 1915, when they changed their name to the "Cherokee Indians of Robeson County." Four years earlier, they had changed their name from the "Croatan Indians" to the generic "Indians of Robeson County." But the Cherokee occupied territory much further to the ...

Are the Lumbee Indians the lost colony? ›

There is evidence to suggest that the Lumbee People of North Carolina are the descendents of the Roanoke colonists. The Lumbee people are trying to get federal recognition, which may be helped with genetic testing.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.