the the at SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1942 THE ESCANABA (MICH) DAILY PRESS PAGE NINE Munising News Munising To Have Annual School Fair Munising, Sept. 19-The fifth annual School Fair is on Wednesday and Thursday, September 23 and 24, in Room 108 of high school building. Entries will made o'clock on Wednesday. The judging will take place on Wednesday afternoon. The committee in charge of this year's fair consists of A.
K. Jackson, chairman; Sylvia Turner, Mabel Johnson, Minnie Brown, Evelyn Williamson, oJsie Clark and Emil Peterson. The entries from the elementary schools will be exhibited in the individual elementary buildings on Tuesday, September 22, before being sent to the general school fair in Mather high school building. The fair will be open to the general public all day Wednesday until 5:00 p. and on 4:00 p.
m. No admission will be charged. The featured articles in the fair will be flowers and vegetables, but in addition to these, many other things will be exhibited. Any articles, or collections, showing how students spend their leisure time will be acceptable. Hobby work, and handwork of all kinds will be shown.
Adults may exhibit their work in a separate division. No cash prizes or awards, other that great care should be taken in of the best entry in each classification, will be made. On Thursday, anyone wishing to sell his exhibit, may place a price on it. The committee has suggested that great acre should be taken in the selection of the fruits and TEACHER HAS AN IRON WILL Oklahoma Man Battles Insidious Nerve Disease BY BEN FUNK Wide World Jay, Features. home on the outskirts of this Ozark Hills community there unfolds an amazing story of a man's fight against seemingly certain death.
The man is Mason Williams, 49-year-old school teacher. He is suffering from an insidious nerve disease which has paralyzed virtually his entire body, the system. Includins, months respiratory, to breathe, speak, swallow or cough without artificial respiration. The first five months, a group of loyal friends gave him artificial respiration by hand, working in relays night and day, until his physician, Dr. Frank Veroni, discovered pressure had broken two of the, Then, in response to an appeal from worn, haggard Mrs.
Williams. Bud Abbott and Lou Costello of the movies sent him a portable iron lung from Los Angeles. Later, this was discarded by Dr. Veroni in favor of a resuscitator built by Dr. Dewell Gann, of Little Rock, Ark.
But the resuscitator had to be operated by hand until finally one of the friends invented a mechanical arm that operates it smoothy and efficiently. Disease Held Incurable Dr. Veroni says the diseaseamyotrophic lateral sclerosiscannot be cured, and that Williams eventually will waste away until he falls victim to pneumonia some other complicating ailment. Already his weight has fallen from 150 to 85 pounds. But Williams' mind still functions clearly and he hangs grimly to the conviction that he will recover some day.
"I'm going to get well." were his last words to an interviewer. Mrs. Williams, a cheerful, hardworking woman who has struggled to smile through the long ordeal, remained almost always at his side day and night. Their children, J. 16, and Marilyn, 7, about the bed, wide-eyed and frightened.
During the first months, Williams was never able to sleep more than an hour at a time. For the most part, Dr. Veroni says, his patience and endurance were amazing. Operator Amazed The iron lung operator declared it astounding that the slender school teacher had survived the five months of respiration by hand at all. "Imagine being placed against A wall and having 250 pounds of pressure applied, to chest constantly five months." he said.
"His chest was pressed almost flat." At first the iron lung wasn't much help because it meant a complete change in breathing habits. with his lung being expanded by the vacuum instead of compressed. And the lung frightened Williams when he was left alone. Eventually Dr. Veroni discarded it in favor of the Gann resuscitator, a small rubber device which grips the chest by suction and when pulled inflates the chest.
Now Williams gets five or six hours of unbroken sleep a night. though he is able to move only his lips and eves. "He has the strongest will to live I have ever seen," says Dr. Veroni. To Rent or Sell nse the Classifled columns.
EDWARD R. JOHNSON MANAGER OFFICIALS VISIT ROTARY CLUB International Director, District Governor Here Monday C. Albert Oulton, of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, past Rotary International directories and William Milne, tenth tary governor, Phillips, will be guests here tomorrow evening at a dinner meeting of the Manistique Rotary club at the American Legion cottage. A special program being arranged for the meeting will feature addresses from Mr. Oulton and Mr.
Milne. Mr. Oulton is A member and past president of the Rotary club of Saskatoon, and has been active in Rotary International as director, district governor and committee chairman and member. He has been superintendent of the Saskatoon school district since 1927. He received his college training at Mount Allison University and Harvard University.
Besides being active in Rotary International activities he has had an important part in the work on the committee for the Canadian Institute for the Blind, the NaCouncil of Education, the Saskatoon Board of Trade and is director of the Playgrounds association and the Saskatchewan Musical association. The dinner meeting here will get underway at 6:45. The Rev. DeLoyd Huenink, president of the Manistique Rotary club, yesterday urged all Rotarians to attend the session, pointing out that it was seldom that International Rotary officers had the opportunity to visit here. City Briefs Mr.
and Mrs. David Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nelson left Friday for their homes in Chicago after spending the past two weeks here visiting with friends and relatives. Pvt.
Harold Chartier, who 1s stationed at Camp Gordon, Augusta, Georgia, is spending his five day furlough here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rock Chartier. J. L.
Vincent has returned to Detroit after spending the past six weeks here visiting with his mother, Mrs. Hattie Vincent and other relatives. Mr. Mrs. Ralph Arrowood are leaving today for Detroit, Chicago and Milwaukee.
They will also visit with their two daughters in Ypsilanti who are working at the bomber plant there. Mrs. Jack Denny and son were dismissed from the Shaw hospital yesterday and are at their home on Lake street. Earl Hruska of Iron Mountain spent a few days here this week. Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Battagalia left Thursday for their home in Chicago after spending the past two weeks at Brault's cottage. Henry Hulshof arrived Thursday evening from Buffalo, New York, to spend a few days with his parents before leaving for the army next week.
Glenn Pawley left last night for the Great Lakes naval training station after spending his furlough here with Mrs. Pawley and other relatives. Mrs. Joseph Carrington and daughter, Mary Angeline, of California. are visiting here at the Carl Lindroth and Edgar Carrington homes.
Pvt. Wallace Sidback is leaving today for Waycross, Georgia, 1 after spending a seven day furlough here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Sidback, Pearl street. Mrs.
Joseph Stewart left Friday evening for Harvey, Illinois, after attending the funeral services for Mrs. Emma Linden. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet McNamara and family have moved to Detroit where Mr.
McNamara is employed. Peter Jordan, seaman first class, has returned to the Great Lakes naval training station, after spending a few days at his home here. Classes In Home Nursing To Start In Short Time Home nursing classes will get underway in Manistique soon unthe program of the Schoolcraft county chapter of the Red Cross, according to the announcement made this week by Mrs. A. J.
Cayia, home nursing chairman. The classes will be held twice weekly and will be given on both the Eastside and the Westside. Mrs. William J. Cook, certified as a National Red Cross instructor and a graduate nurse, will be in charge of the classes.
The course will take from 24 to, 30 hours to complete and will include instruction on the care of babies and small children, how to keep a healthy home environment through proper diet, community health, them. problems and how to deal A further announcement will probably be made next week regarding when the classes will be started. Homemakers are being urged to take the instruction to fit them to deal with problems they will face in their homes with the impending shortage of doctors and nurses. PHONE 155 MANISTIQUE DAILY 111 Cedar PRESS BLDG. Street Here Monday C.
Albert Oulton C. Albert Oulton, of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, past Rotary International director. above, and William Milne, of Phillips, tenth district Rotary nor, will be the guests at a special dinner meeting of the Manistique Rotary club here Monday evening starting at 6:45 in the American Legion cottage. The two, men will be the principal on the special ranged for the session. Brault Ladies' League To Open Sked Sept.
28 Eight ladies bowling teams will compete in the Brault's ladies league which will open its Monday, September 28. Games will be rolled on the alleys on Monday and Tuesday evenings according to the schedule being arranged. women will compete on regular teams 14 substitutes will be available during the season also. Team personnel, substitutes and committees of the league follow: Brault's--Marie Mattlin, captain, Frances Bauer, Thelma Bauer, Loris Heinz, Denyse -Louise McNally, tain, Mildred Hayden, Elsie' Nelson. Frances Jahn, Virginia Radgens.
Lauerman's--Doris Van Eyek, captain, Eleanor Schuster, Dorothy Lindquist, Mae Carlson, Leftheria Babladelis. Ed Bush- Geshel, tain, Ann Gorsche, Angela "Malmberg, Rose Patrick, Ann Petrusha. First National Bank- -Jeanette Multhaupt, captain, Helen Genry, Florence Pawley, Vesta Fyvie, Isobel Shaw. Michigan Dimension- Evelyn Lofgren, captain, Marijene Malloy, Olive Smits, Edna Fiegel, Barbara Gebic. City Fuel Waneta Hartman, captain, Margaret English, Billie Doyle, Mary Wickwire, Elsa Eckstrom.
Girvin's- -Rose Curley, captain, Ruth Girvin, Mildred Johnson, Grace McLaughlin, Hazel ger. Substitutes--Babe Utecht, Elsie Kasun, Gladys Mueller, Ellen Stephens, Lillie Farley, Mary Stephens, Emma Voisine, Isobel Casey, Geraldine Gorsche, Jean Johnson, Irene Hewett, Frances Cockram, Libbie Brault, Genevieve Beaudry. Schedule committee Florence Pawley, chairman; Ann Petrusha, Helen Genry, Hazel Belanger. Prize committee -Angela Malmberg, Mildred Johnson, Eleanor Schuster, Waneta Hartman. Grievance committee Doris VanEyck, chairman, Rose Curley, Louise McNally, Jeanette Multhaupt, Rose Geshel, Marie Mattlin, Evelyn Lofgren, Waneta Hartman.
Schedules for the season will probably be announced later this week. Cut Golf Event To 18 Holes To Allow For Afternoon Play Only 18 holes of golf will be played in the contest at the Indian Lake golf course this afternoon starting at one o'clock. The tournament had been originally planned as a 27-hole event but it was decided to cut the number of holes to 18 and for the golfers to play during the afternoon. Those competing, will with be the divided losing team into feting the winners at a "feed" at a later date to be set tomorrow. Red Cross Nutrition Class On Thursday A dinner meeting of the Red Cross nutrition class was held at dian Lake, on Thursday evening.
the Martha Creighton cottage, InWartime recipes were prepared and tested for low-cost foods. Mrs. Lyle Charron, WPA hot lunch project, gave a cooking demonstration of the proper way to prepare and serve the various vegetables. The Red Cross nutrition classes will be completed in two more meetings and members who have completed the course will have the opportunity of taking a canteen course. Fourteen to 16 women will "graduate" from the nutrition course by qualifying by attending nine of 10 meetings held.
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED vegetables for the exhibits. A great deal on the neatness, and and value for depends, table use. Beets, carrots, parsnips, rutabagas, radishes, and turnips, should be bunched the tops. The smaller vegetables should be in bunches of six. larger ones in bunches of three.
Potatoes, tomatoes, should be grouped six on a plate. Each exhibit of fruit should be enough to fill a dinner plate, as should candy, and baked goods. Any items representing hobbies, collections, carried out the summer, are especially desired. MUNISING BRIEFS Carroll Wendt has gone to Detroit, where he is employed. Howard Morgan has returned after spending the week in Chicago on business.
Charles Trombley, who is employed in Sault Ste. Marie spent a few days at his home here this week. Joseph T. Piehl, second class petty officer in the v. S.
Navy arrived Thursday on liberty to spend a few days at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary and Mrs. Henry Piebbie ed relatives and friends in Calumet and Laurium during the past week. SCRAP METAL IS COLLECTED War Plants Of General Motors Are Doing Great Job Detroit- -General Motors war plants from coast to coast in seven months have salvaged 531. 000.000 pounds of iron, steel.
copper, aluminum and other metals essential to the war effort, according to B. D. Kunkle, vicepresident in charge of manufacturing, reported today. Salvage committees have been organized by all General Motors divisions, Kunkle said, and are working "over every square yard of our properties to see how we can lighten ballast." In one plant, he said, a virtual iron mine was discovered alongside a railroad siding where iron borings had been dumped for years; several plants have shipped to mill and smelter the tons of railway rails which formerly served as parking lot humbers. Meanwhile, Kunkle went on, the automobile divisions of General Motors have been analyzing all automobile dies to determine whether they need be held for manufacture of essential replacement parts.
Following such one division shipped out 319,830 pounds of dies in a single lot. Two weeks later another shipment of 144,090 pounds was made. er division scrapped 955,000 pounds of dies in July alone. Looking through its tool store room, one plant discovered 1.800 tools that had not been called for in the past five years. These were sent to scrap and the same plant now is studying tools for which there had been no demand for two years and over.
Kunkle said the scrap shipments thus far made by General Motors plants represent "just a beginning." "This i is a war of metal." he said. "No one knows that better than those of us who work with metal. We are determined to get the maximum possible use out of every ounce." Another Man Is Brought In On Game Law Charge Lawrence Knuth, of Thompson, pleaded guilty in the justice court of Judge W. G. Stephens Friday to the charge of having a loaded gun in his possession in an automobile.
Knuth was arrested for the offense committed in Thompson township on September 14. Conservation Officer. Thomas J. Mellon made the charge. Knuth paid a fine of $10 and court costs of $8.50 assessed by Judge Stephens.
Civil Service Seeks Men For Janitor Work The United States Civil Service Commission is seeking men to qualify for the positions of janisalary of $1,320 per year. Applications will be received until the needs of the service have been met and will be known as war service appointments. In most cases they will be for the duration of the war and in no case will extend more than six months beyond the end of the war. Persons receiving war service appointments do not thereby acquire a classified civil-service status. Duties of the post will include cleaning of buildings, regulation of heating and ventilating, care of lavatories and performing of minor repair work.
At least months of experience as janthree, required. There is no written test since the men will be judged on their previous experience. Information regarding the positions may be obtained from Robert Orr, secretary of the Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, at the postoffice here or from any first or second class "postoffice.
PARTIES HOLD CONVENTIONS Delegates to Demo and Republican Sessions Gather This Week Schooleraft county Republican and Democratic conventions will be held here and Tuesday. Delegates the sessions Monday, were chosen in the primary election last week. The Republican county convention will convene tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock in the county courthouse. The group will chose three delegates and three alternates to the state convention of the party at Detroit next Friday. The Democratic county convention will be held Tuesday evening at eight o'clock.
The session will chose two delegates and two alternates to the state meeting of the organization at Grand Rapids next Saturday. The state party meets will choose candidates for the offices of secretary of state, state treas. urer and auditor general and also nominate one man for the office of justice of the supreme court to fill a vacancy. Delegates to the county conventions elected Tuesday and determined by the county board 1 of canvassers are: Democratic Doyle township -Fred Peterson. Gulliver.
Germfask township Edna Skarritt, Germfask. Hiawatha township Robert Crawford, Mona Aldrich, Hiawatha. Inwood township Joseph Hardy, Cooks. Manistique township Albert Multhaupt, Paschal Jewett, of Manistique Mueller township--John Van Orman, Harry Lavake, Gulliver. Seney township -John J.
Raredon, Martha Ward, Seney. Thompson township 01- sen, James J. Herro, Thompson. City of Manistique Precinct one, Lillian Curran, D. J.
Ward; precinct two, none elected: precinct three, Fred Hess, Otto Schubring: precinct four, Victor P. Deemer, C. Vern Johnson, Joseph Vassau, Daniel J. Harrington. Republican Doyle township--Isaac Pawley, John G.
Reid, Conlon, Arthur Germfask. Germfask township'Hiawatha township' Howard, Manistique; Fred Laux, Hiawatha. Inwood township--None. Manistique township- John 'S. Faketty, Ross Klagstad, Manistique.
Mueller township William Bowers, Minnie Lang, Gulliver. Seney township-Eino Pelkie, Clara Boonenberg, Seney. Thompson township Frances Pierce, Don C. Johnston, Thompson. City of Manistique.
Precinct one, Clinton Leonard, Esther Larson; precinct two, Eva Roberts, Andrew Maitland, William L. Middlebrook: precinct three, Grace B. Winn, Byse; precinct four, Hildred G. Taylor, Dr. C.
F. Anderson, R. G. Curley, Earl La Brasseur. Briefly Told Woman's Missionary Society The regular meeting of the Woman's Missionary society of the Zion Lutheran church will meet Thursday evening in the church parlors, Hostesses for this meeting will be Mrs.
Harry Ahlstrom, Mrs. J. Branfors, Mrs. Walter Holms and Miss Marie Ablstrom. Rummage Sale- A rummage sale, sponsored by the Ladies' Aid society of the Zion Lutheran church will be held Friday and Saturday in the Ford garage.
Aid Meeting- The Ladies' Aid society First Baptist church will meet in the church parlors Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Hostesses will be Mrs. Harold Rich and Mrs. Amos Bowman. A large attendance is desired.
Harvest Festival--The Willing Works' society of the Congregational church of Cooks will hold a Harvest Festival on Friday night. Lunch will be served. FRO-ZEST ICE CREAM SPECIAL Strawberry Vanilla Mint tasty treat that will please the whole family. Buy a brick today! LA FOILLE'S News From Boys In The Service MRS. H.
SANDBERG Funeral services for Mrs. Hilda Sandberg, 75. 123 Main street, will be held at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the Bethel Baptist church. The Rev. Ernest Nelson, pastor of the church, will officiate, Burial will be made in Fairview cemetery.
Mrs. Sandberg died at her home Friday afternoon after being la ill health for several years. The body was prepared for burial by Sven Johnson and will be returned to the family residence afternoon. It will lie in state at the home until the time of the services. MRS.
GEORGIANNA RAMSEY Funeral services for Mrs. Georglanna Ramsey, 84, were held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from her home at 442 Walnut street. The Rev. DeLoyd Huenink, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiated. Burial was made in Lakeview cemetery.
Pallbearers were Roy Anderson, Jewell, Peter Stamness, Douglas Ward, Arthur Cockram and McNeil. Arrangements were in charge of the Morton funeral home. GUSTAVE SPANGLER Funeral services for Gustave Spangler were held Thursday morning from the St. Francis de Sales church with the Rev. Gaassistant pastor of the church.
officiating. Burial was I made in the Fairview cemetery. Pallbearers were John Durno, Harry Durno, William Kegley, George Marks, Simon Shampine and Jack Stevens. Among the out-of-town residents here for the services were Mr. and Mrs.
Felix Wittock, Iron Mountain: Joseph Spangler and Mrs. James Polomis, Wausaukee, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ler, Mrs. Mose Spangler, and Mrs.
Joseph Ferry, Green Bay; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spangler, Escanaba; Mrs. Melvina Wilhelm Gladstone; Mr. and Mrs.
Octave Beneher, New Franken, and Mrs. Amelia DeMarsh, Menominee. Arrangements were in charge of the Morton funeral home. Game Violation And Drunk Driving Case Busy Justice Here Herbert Burns, Manistique township, pleaded guilty to 11- legal Possession, and transportation of yesterday when arraigned before Judge W. G.
Stephens on the charge. He was ordered to pay a fine of $50 and court costs of $8.50 or serve 60 days in county jail. He made arrangements to pay the fine. The offense for which Burns was charged was allegedly committed Thursday night in Mueller township. He was brought into court here on complaint made by the state police.
Victor Swanson, about 45, Mueller township man, also was arraigned in justice court before Judeo, face Stephens a yesterday, afterdrunken driving, fourth offense. He waived examination was bound over to circuit Bond was court." set at $500 but was not furnished and Swanson was remanded to the county jail. Swanson was arrested by state police in Mueller township on Thursday on the charge of driving an automobile while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Manistique Theatres Matinee, Today, 2 p. m.
Evenings, 7 and 9 OAK SUNDAY AND MONDAY "Hold Back the Dawn" Charles Boyer Olivia DeHavilland March of Time News and Shorts CEDAR SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY "Reap the Wild Wind" (Technicolor) Ray Milland Paulette Goddard Admissions, (Tax Included) Matinee Adults 40c Children 15c Evening Adults 55c Children 15c Selected Shorts KEEP YOUR EYES "On the Alert" Have your eyes checked-it's your patriotic duty to keep them in perfect condition. If you need glasses and are not fitted with them you may find serious eye trouble later. Let us examine your eyes soon. P. P.
Stamness Optometrist Aircraft Detection Post Will Require Service By 100 Civilians At least 100 civilian defense volunteers will be needed to man the aircraft detection station here as observers if each person is gOing to stand one shift each two weeks, E. R. "Ted" Monroe, chiet observer, said here today in asking for volunteers. More than that number is desired if they can be obtained, however. The aircraft detection post here is a part of the organization which the U.
S. army has asked civilians to set up and man in order to protect vital areas. The aircraft detection post here will be located at the chamber of commerce building. Under the plan the period from nine a. m1.
to nine p. m. would be divided into three fourhour shifts, with the time from nine p. m. to nine a.
m. divided into four three-hour periods. As many volunteers are as can be obtained. Mr. Monroe yesterday requested anyone who would be willing, to assist in the program to the coupon and return it to the Schoolcraft County Civilian Defense Council.
Manistique, or to call or come to the office in the chamber of commerce building to volunteer for service. Schooleraft County Civilian Defense Council, Manistique, Mich. I wish to volunteer my services for the aircraft detection corps. Address I Name Hours and days available Mrs. C.
H. Hansen left last for her home in St. Paul. Minnesota, after spending a few days here. She was called here by the death of her mother, Mrs.
Emma Linden. Social Club Meeting Mrs. Robert Hoar was hostess to the members of the Thursday evening club at her home on Deer street. Following the business session a social evening of cards was enjoyed. A dainty lunch was served at the close of the evening.
Birthday Club Mrs. J. C. Quick entertained the members of her Birthday club Friday evening at her home Steuben avenue. Bridge was played during the evening and Mrs.
Paul Vezina had high score and Mrs. Alvin Nelson. second. Mrs. N.
L. Lindquist received the traveling prize. Tasty refreshments were served the close of the games. The tables were decorated with fall flowers. Shower Party Mra.
Willard Gentz was the guest of honor at a delightful shower party Wednesday evening at her home on Cherry street. Five hundred and bridge were played during the evening and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Willam Gentz, high In 500, Mrs. Gerald Larion, consolation: Mrs. James Dupont, high in bridge and Mre.
Peter Bauers, consolation. A delicious lunch was served and Mrs. Gentz was presented with many lovely gifts. The party was arranged by Mrs. Donald Hoholik, Mrs.
Norman Oliver and Mrs. Leon Duquette. Pvt. Arnold Linden will leave this evening for Fort McClellan, Alabama, where he is stationed. after attending the funeral services for his mother, Mrs.
Emma Linden. FOR RENT 4 Room Apartment, Heated Newly Decorated Schofield Woolen Goods Store DRY CLEANING SPECIAL Ladies' Plain Cleaned Dresses and and $1 each 2. for $1.50 Men's Suits Pressed Patronize Home Industry It is better. It is Lower in Price it is faster We CAN Serve You with Odorless Cleaning within 2 Hours. THE MANISTIQUE CLEANERS 211 OAK STREET SOLDIERS SAILORS MARINES Keep 'em happy with snapshots from home Kodaks With picture-taking as easy as it is with Kodak Verichrome Film there's every reason to send snapshots to your man in the Service.
Send him pictures from home regularly and often and you'll do your part to keep him happy. He'll like to get 'em. You'll like to take 'em, for Verichrome goes a long way in boosting your betterpicture average. A. S.
Putnam Co. Stores Eastside Westside FALL CLEARANCE OF USED EQUIPMENT 1-John Deere-Letz Combined Roughage Cutter and Grinder 1-Fordson with Crawler Attachment 1-McCormick-Deering Cream Separator 1-Royal Blue Cream Separator 1-Woodrow Electric Washer 1-One Minute Electric Washer 1-Speed Queen Washer with Gas Engine 1-Electric Frigidaire Refrigerator 1-Metal Covered Ice Box, Small Size 1-Large Metal Lined Oak Finished Ice Box 1-1933 Model International Truck 1-Special Built Trailer House, Almost Completed 1-32 750 Westinghouse Lighting Plant 1-32 800 United States Lighting Plant 1-32 hp DC Electric Motor 1-115 hp DC Electric Motor 1-100 AC 60 Cycle Electric Motor 1-Shenandoah Electric Battery Chick Brooder 4-Warm Room Battery Chick Brooders 1-Jamesway TEMPERLATOR or Circulating Brooder Stove Jacket for Heating Chicken House RICHARDS BROS. Phone 244J.