The Day from New London, Connecticut (2025)

THE NEW LONDON, EVENING DAY, TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1956 PAGE NINE Social and Personal Grout-Ford Pair Wins Monogram Club Duplicate Miss Frieda Grout and Ken Ford, playing north-south positions, won first honors last night in the weekly duplicate contract bridge tournament of the Monogram Club. There were ten tables in play at the Crocker House session. Miss Grout and Mr. Ford accumulated match points for a percentage of 67.8. The eastwest leaders, Comdr.

and Mrs. J. L. Hennessy, points for a percentage of 59.8. Runners-up in north-south play were Maurice Lavolpicelo and Ronald Morgan, points, and Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Osborn, The east-west runners-up were Mrs. Victor Zionts of Hartford and Harold Weiner of this city, 122, and Mrs. John J. DeGange and Mrs.

Louis Schwartz, Others a and south were Mrs. Philip Cohan and Mrs. George Trehub of Hartford, Mrs. Sholom Kaplan and Mrs. Saul Lomasky of Hartford, Mrs.

Joseph Filkoff of Hartford a and Mrs. EdJ. Krause of Quaker Hill, Paul Bender and Robert Lubitz, Mrs. Samuel E. Broida and George O.

Gadbois, Mrs. Helen Starr Barner and Mrs. George E. Fisher and Mrs. Grace K.

Mooney and Mrs. Leonard N. Schutte. Others playing east and west were Mrs. Jacob Mashkin and Mrs.

Charles Strouch, Mrs. Lucian H. Beebe and John B. Bailey Robert Lubitz and Mrs. Saul Shenfield, Mrs.

Walter Graham and Fred Ward, Mrs. Perry Hollander and Mrs. Schleifer, Lieut. Comdr. and a Mrs.

Richard L. Clock, and S. H. Gordon and Martin Gordon of Hartford. The club will have another of its weekly sessions next Monday night at the Crocker House.

Miss Cluny Awarded Degree in Nursing Miss Ella-Jane Cluny, daughter of Mrs. A. Cluny of Crescent Beach, Saturday received her Ruths Bachelor of Science Degree from Washington Missionary College "My doctor prescribes St. Joseph Aspirin For Children" Says MRS. W.

SELKAITIS, N.Y.C. This specialized tablet is approved by more doctors than any other brand. Children like its pure orange flavor, accept it readily. ST. JOSEPH ASPIRIN FOR CHILDREN FRESH BATTERIES for All Types of Hearing Aids Transistor Batteries Zenith Distributor Ethical Pharmacy CORNER of BROAD and WILLIAMS STS.

School of Nursing in Takoma Park, Md. A 1951 alumna of Williams Memorial Institute, Miss Cluny received five years' intensive training during which she was affiliated with Washington institutions for clinical training. They included Children's Hospital for pediatrics, St. Elizabeth's Hospital for psychiatric nursing experience and Washington General Hospital, where care is given tuberculosis victims. Miss Cluny will become a staff nurse: at the latter hospital.

Mrs. Cluny and members of the graduate's family from here and Cape Cod and Brockton, attended the ceremonies. Miss Joyce Mowry, J. J. Kelly Married Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Mowry of 22 Bellevue Pl. announce the recent marriage of their daughter, the former Miss Joyce Ann Mowry, to John Joseph Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelly of Harrisburg, Pa.

The ceremony was performed June 19 in New Britain. Mrs. Kelly is a Williams Memorial Institute alumna and last June was graduated from New Britain State Teachers College, from which Mr. Kelly will receive Degree in Education next January. He is a graduate of Robert E.

Fitch High School. Mrs. Kelly next month will start teaching at Benjamin Franklin Elementary School in New Britain, where she and Mr. Kelly live at Defense Ct. Isabellas Schedule Family- Type Picnic Their families will be guests of members of a Father Circle, Daughters of the Isabennant annual family picnic tomorrow at Ocean Beach Park.

A variety of traditional fare will be served at 5 p. m. with individuals their own plates, cups, and forks. providines Participants may arrive early for a day at the beach, joining the outing then. Special entrance, parking and entertainment feature tickets are available.

They may be obtained at the home of Mrs. Mary McTigue at 77 Blackhall St. before the event. Mrs. McTigue and Mrs.

Laurette Kirby are cochairmen. Winter Wedding Set For Claire E. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Nelson D.

Rice of Dayton Waterford, announce engagement of their daughter, Miss Claire Edna Rice, to Edward Patton, son of Mrs. Fred Christian of 20 Bill Groton. Miss Rice is employed at the soda, Drugs fountain and at Mr. Starr Patton Bros. works Rexat Chas.

Pfizer Co. The wedding will take place next February. MA Theresa Jullarine To Be Wed Sept. 15 Wedding plans have been announced for Miss Theresa Ann Jullarine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Phillip Jullarine of 54 West Coit and Antonio Valiro, a ART SCHOOL of FASHION FOUNDED 1935 DELPHINE DEUSE, Director Specializing exclusively in the arts of FASHION ILLUSTRATION and COSTUME DESIGN Fashion Drawing, Life Class, Textile, Lettering, Layout, Pattern Drafting, Grading, Draping, Dressmaking, Tailoring Individual Instruction Day-Eve. Classes Limited Enrollment REGISTRATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR FALL TERM Coeducational Request Booklet 65 Forest Street, Hartford (5) Conn. Tel. CH 7-0356 who but PAUL McCOBB could dream such dream? Visit the New Paul McCobb Gallery AT Rutman's Wayside Coll 5-5707 Collect Furniture Westerly We all dream of our homes beautifully furnished, attractively, but we do have to worry about budgets! Paul McCobb, eminent designer, dreamed your dream first and created for you the famous Planner Group of coordinated contemporary furniture. It's top-drawer in style and beautifully but sweet-and-low in price! It's for in a thousand different ways! See you'll love it on sight! Exclusively ours! Chests from $64.75, Desks from $65, Occ.

tables from $13.95, Beds from $27.50 OPEN TOMORROW UNTIL 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Until 5:30 Only 14 Miles East of Groton Bridge--Straight thru Mystic on U.

S. One Navy man stationed at the Submarine Miss Jullarine and the son of Mrs. Charles Col of Rutherford, Ohio, will be married Sept. 15. in St.

Mary's Church with Miss Rosemarie Zito, the bride's cousin, as maid of honor and the Misses Ann Fusaro of Westerly and Patricia Maccassey of this city as bridesmaids. The bride-elect's prospective attendants were hostesses a miscellaneous and greenback shower for her last Thursday night in St. Ann's Hall. Association Outing Depends on Weather Tomorrow's weather plays an important role in plans of members of the Past Matrons Association of New London County. If favorable, they will attend a picnic at 2 p.

m. at the home of the president, Mrs. Ann Rothstein, on Pautipaug Hill in North Franklin. If it rains the affair will be canceled. A chicken barbecue will be prepared by the hostess and games and a social will round out festivities.

Anniversary Noted By State St. Pair Mr. and Mrs. Walter Damas of 159 State St. yesterday celebrated their 28th wedding anniversary with a observance at home.

The was married Aug. 20, pallet 1928, at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament in Springfield, and they have lived here since that time. Mr. Damas operates a music studio and store at the State St. residence.

Miss Olsen Engaged To Edmund Lanier The betrothal of Miss Helen Louise Olsen to Edmund John Lanier has been made known by ner parents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Olsen of 15 Pacific St.

announced no date for the marriage of their daughter to the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand F. Lanier of 127 Squire St. Miss Olsen is employed by General Motors Acceptance Corp.

Mr. Lanier is a fireman on the Central Vermont Railway. Both are graduates of New London High School. Miss Helen Gilman Becomes Betrothed Mr. and Mrs.

James R. Gilman of Willow Point, West Mystic, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Helen Jean Gilman, to Nathaniel F. Fillow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel F.

Fillow of Norwalk. Miss Gilman, an alumna of Robert E. Fitch High School, will be graduated from the Norwalk School of Nursing next June. Mr. Fillow, a graduate of Norwalk High School, is employed at Hatch Bailey of Norwalk.

No wedding date has been set. Marriage Intentions Marriage intentions have been filed with the town clerk by: Raymond J. Makepeace of Groton, student, and Helen E. Ables of 20 Olive Waterford, secretary. Conrad L.

Theis of 45 Olive Waterford, driver, and Sylvia A. Litwin of 47 Olive clerk. Christopher C. Bright, of 11 Shapley and Miriam A. Gibson of 8 Flint Poquonnock Bridge, sewing machine operator.

Theodore E. Nelson of 591 Main truck driver, and Genevieve C. Sullivan of 13 Hobron St. Personals McGuire J. McGuire week their vacation daughter, Marter and Mich.

Mrs. mer Miss Mr. and Mrs. Andrew of 187 Willetts Ave. had as guests during their son-in-law and Mr.

and Mrs. M. D. Van family of Walled Lake, Van Marter is the forMary McGuire. EAGLES AUXILIARY TO GET REPORTS, PLAN FOR WINTER The Auxiliary to New London Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, at 8 p.m.

tomorrow at Eagles Home will hear committee and convention reports. Other business will comprise plans for fall and winter activities. COLLECTOR SPOKANE, Wash. (P) The clerk at a Spokane travel agency did a double take when Richard P. Penhallurick of Moses Lake, asked for a round trip ticket to Scotland and cash on the desk.

Penhallurick plunked down 700 $2 bills and 110 $1 bills. One of Penhallurick's sons, who accompanied him to the travel agency, explained to the clerk: "Dad just likes $2 bills. He's always had a few around." TOWN OF STONINGTON TOWN MEETING These are to warn all those who have a right to vote in Town Meeting to meet at the Town Hall in the Town of Stonington, MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1956, at o'clock, p. m. (d.

s. for the following purposes, to wit: FIRST: To consider appropriating the sum of Fifty-five Thousand ($55,000.00) Dollars to defray the cost of grading and landscaping of the New Junior-Senior High School grounds; and to supplement the contingency fund heretofore appropriated for the constructing and equipping of said school. Said sum or so much thereof as may be available to be drawn or taken from the Reserve for Future Capital and NonRecurring Expenditure Fund. (This appropriation has been approved by the Board of Finance.) SECOND: To consider accepting the following streets as Public Highways: (a) GOLDEN ROAD, so called, situated at Mystic, and extending westerly from Pequotsepos Extension, so-called, a distance of approximately three hundred (300') feet. (Approved by the Superintendent Highways.) (b) That part of QUARRY ROAD.

so-called, located at Mason's Island, extending southerly from North Road, so-called, a distance of approximately three hundred (300') feet. (Approved by the Superintendent of Highways.) (c) GIESER STREET, so-called. situated at Mystic. and extending westerly from Hewitt Road to Hatch Street Extension, a distance of approximately four hundred forty (440') feet. (Approved by the Superintendent of Highways.) NATHAN CULVER.

ALBAN PAMPEL WILLIAM R. STEWART. Selectmen. Dated at Stonington, this 17th day of August, 1956. JUMBLE FYZZU SCRAMBLED WORD GAME YOU BUY CAN FOR TRUE MONEY FRIEND ACTUALLY HAYDEL FYFUP PRIPE HIPSUP 8 Cartoon Clue Print the SURPRISE ANSWER here 1356 by The Chicage Tribune, Unscramble the 4 sets of letters, making a word of each jumble.

Print each word, a letter to a square, beneath each jumble. The letters you have printed on the circled squares may then be arranged to spell the surprise answer suggested by the cartoon clue. What is it? (answer tomorrow) Yesterday's answers: GORGE PERKY SHYLY UNCORK GROUCH NEWS OF STONINGTON By William Mitchell, Telephone Mystic JE 6-9935 Bids Tomorrow To Decide Fate Of Shoal Work STONINGTON-Whether or not dredging of Penguin Shoal in Stonington Harbor will be carried out will be known tomorrow when bids on the project are opened at the office of the Army Corps of Engineers in Boston. The dredging project was approved here some time ago but no action toward the start of the project had been taken until bids were announced about two weeks ago. Also included in the bids to be opened tomorrow is the Mystic River dredging project which had been jointly approved by the towns of Stonington and Groton.

Stonington First Selectman Nathan F. Culver said this morning he is hopeful that a satisfactory bid will be received so that both projects can be carried out. Mrs. Perry Returns From Convention STONINGTON Mrs. Josephine D.

Perry, regent of Nina Circle, Daughters of Isabella, returned from Detroit where she was a delegate to the annual national convention of the Daughters of Isabella. She will report on the convention at the next meeting of the local circle in September. The trip also represented a week's vacation for Mrs. Perry from her duties in the office of Probate Judge Daniel Brannegan at the Stonington Town Hall. She returned to her desk there yesterday morning.

Dog Warden Shows Horses at R. I. Fair STONINGTON-John W. Davis, Stonington dog warden, is providing part of the entertainment at the annual Rocky Hill Fair in East Greenwich, R. I.

Davis, who is believed to be the only breeder of Percheron horses in New England is exhibiting the horses each day during the fair which runs from today through Sunday. During each program, the show horses will draw a show wagon originally, owned Massachusetts by the and Univer- which Davis purchased by sealed bid some time ago. He will stay in East Greenwich until the fair ends Sunday. GOP Committee To Meet Tonight STONINGTON Stonington Republicans will start planning for the November election campaign at an open meeting of the town committee and interested party members at Town Hall tonight. Chairman Robert C.

Perkins said the meeting is open to all interested Republicans and requested a large turnout sO that plans for the campaign can be started. main business is expected to be a discussion of possible candidates for legislative seats and town committee members will probably seek expressions of opinion on the merits of those submitted for consideration. The committee will make endorsements at a later meeting to be held prior to the party caucus scheduled for next month. CONDUCT LAST RITES FOR MRS. BROMLEY PAWCATUCK Funeral services for Mrs.

Hattie H. P. Bromley of 3 Prospect who died Friday, were held yesterday afternoon at the Harvey W. Buckler Funeral Home, Westerly. The Rev.

John W. Elliott, pastor of the Westerly Central Baptist Church, officiated, by the Rev. Carleton E. Worcester, pastor of the United Church, Stonington. Burial was in River Bend Cemetery, where the Rev.

Mr. Elliott, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Worcester, conducted the committal service. The bearers were Donald R.

Bromley, Raymond Whewell, George Parent, Samuel Larkin, Robert Whipple and Vernon Herbert. Commos Clinch At Least Tie for First in League STONINGTON-Commo assured itself of at least a tie for first place in second round standings of the Stonington Softball League with a 14-11 win over the Neptunes in a nip and tuck battle at Owens field last night. The win left Commo with a five and two record in second round play and gives the team a half game lead over Connecticut Casting, which must win its remaining second round game to gain a tie for the second round title. The loss eliminated the Neps from further consideration for the title. Commo came from behind with big rallies in the late stages to overcome a Neptune lead which had reached as much as 7-1 in the early part of the ball game.

The Community Center finally caught up to tie thombine at 11-all in the fifth and then came up with three the sixth to clinch the verdict." The Neps could not score in the seventh. Charlie Weyant went all the way on the hill for Commo to get credit for the win, while Louie Starr was tagged with the loss for the Neps. In the game tonight, the Steamers will take on Kellems, weather permitting. Town Meeting Call Lists Two Items STONINGTON-Two items are included in the call of the special Stonington, Aug. town 27 at meeting Town sched- Hall, according to the call of the meeting published today.

The main item is action on a request for an appropriation of $55,000 to cover the cost of grading and landscaping at the new Stonington Junior-Senior High School at the Stonington athletic field and to supplement the contingency fund in the school account. According to the notice, the money or as much as is available is to be taken from the Capital Reserve Fund for -recurring expenditures. The request has been approved by the Board of Finance which means that only a majority vote will be necessary for passage. Also included are petitions for acceptance of three roads in the Mystic section into the town highway system. All of the roads mentioned have been approved by the superintendent of highways.

They include: Golden running westerly from Pequotsepos Ext. for a distance of approximately 300 Quarry at Masons Island running southerly from North Rd. for a distance of approximately 300 feet, and; Gieser running westerly from Hewitt Rd. to Hatch St. a distance of approximately 440 feet.

Rough Seas Give Judge Extra Day STONINGTON -Probate Judge Daniel Brannegan of Stonington had an unexpected day off from his office at Town Hall yesterday. What was originally planned as a Sunday fishing trip off Block Island turned into a longer stay for the judge when rough seas Harper Method Beauty Salon 302 State Street Dewart Building, Room 310 Tel. GI 2-5503 for your Appointment to Carefree Loveliness Get Ready for Back to School with a smart new HAIR-DO! PERSONALIZED HAIR-CUT AND PERMANENT WAVE. SPECIAL $10 CLOSED MONDAYS-OPEN Tues. Through Sat, 9 a.m.

to 6 p.m. Oskar Dangler Wins $200 Award At Sub Base Lab Oskar E. Dangler of 36 Nathan Hale St. was presented a $200 check yesterday by Capt. Gerald C.

Duffner, officer-in-charge of the Medical Research Laboratory at the Submarine Base, for his "superior performance of duty." Dangler, an instrument maker, is the first recipient of the superior performance award. He was cited for his ability consistently to produce work of exceptional quality despite the many complex mechanical and engineering problems of instrumentation. Among his accomplishments are a specially designed holdler for optical lenns testing; a headband for precision testing of hearing by bone conduction, and a blanking shutter for isolating light impulses of short duration which are transmitted electronically. Danger was born in Kirchzarten, Germany. He attended a trade school for mechanics and received a Master's Degree in that field.

Prior to coming to the Submarine Base in August, 1950, he worked for more than 30 years for Draegerwerk, a manufacturer of respiratory equipment in Lubeck, Germany, British Zone. North Stonington William Mitchell, Mystic JE 6-9935 Board to Make Voters Saturday New voters will be admitted to the voting lists during a session of the Board of Registration at Town Hall from 1 to 4 p. m. Saturday. The session is first of three to be held by the Board with dates of the other two sessions to be announced within a short time.

Because of the national and state elections to be conducted this year, board members are looking forward to considerable activity and urged that any persons whose names are not on the voting list and who can meet the necessary requirements, report at the session Saturday. Sitting as members of the Board will be Selectmen Ralph I. Main, and Maurice C. Miner, and Town Clerk Charles R. Brown.

GALES FERRY Mrs. F. J. Scheiber, Ledyard IN 4-7331 Program Committee Plans Joint Sessions Program plans for the year were worked on last night by the program committee of the Woman's Society of Christian Service which met in the church vestry. The date of the monthly combined meetings the three circles of the society was changed from the third Monday to the first Monday of each prevented the boat from returning to Stonington and kept Judge Brannegan and his party on Block Island overnight.

The seas calmed enough yesterday to allow the party to return home in the afternoon. In spite of the extended stay, Judge Brannegan could report a catch of only one ten-pound fish on the trip. Mrs. Josephine Perry, clerk in the office, returned to her desk yesterday morning after returning from Detroit where she had been attending the annual convention of the Daughters of Isabella. month.

The first meeting will be held Oct. 1. Present were President Mrs. Pierce E. Hall: L.

A. H. President Mrs. Eugene Sheldon; Kate Colver, circle president; Mrs. Rufus W.

Hurlbutt, Mrs. W. Norbert Hill, Mra. Andrew P. Miller and Mrs.

H. Winthrop Hurlbutt. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sheldon of Hurlbutt Rd.

returned over the week end from a few days stay at Dennisport, Cape Cod, Mass. COLCHESTER By Mrs. Augustus Gregory Tel. LE 7-2517 Board Interviews 5 For Principal Post The Board of interviewed five applicants the elementary school principal position at the meeting at the Central School last night and deferred any decisions on that position or the hiring of teachers to another session to be held next week. Interviews with additional applicants for principal of Central School will be held by the board next Monday night.

Public Hearing Tonight on Permit The public hearing by the Colchester Planning and Zoning Commission on the transfer of Henry's Junk Yard to Frank Molinski will be conducted at 8 o'clock tonight at the selectmen's office at Town Hall. The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles requirement that an application for that type of business be cleared with the local zoning authorities before approval of a transfer the the meeting. The Board Selectmen reasons had previously approved the transfer. Court Session Set Sept. 4 September session of the Justice Court will be conducted Sept.

4, instead of on the first Monday, because of the Labor Day holiday, Justice Paul Groobert announced. To Make Voters Friday The Selectmen and Town Clerk, acting as a Board of Admissions of Voters, will meet at the town hall from 5 to 8 p. m. Friday to examine applicants and administer the elector's oath to those who qualify as to citizenship and length of residence in the town and state. Naturalized citizens a are TOWN OF COLCHESTER ADMISSION OF ELECTORS Notice is given, that the Board for Admission Electors will be in session at the Town Hall on Friday, Aug.

24, 1956 from 5 P. M. to 8 P. M. to examine the qualifications of electors and to admit to the elector's oath those who shall be found qualified.

Naturalized citizens should bring necessary naturalization papers for proof of citizenship. Dated at Colchester, this 10th day of August, 1956. MICHAEL J. STULA, ARTHUR L. STANDISH, HAROLD F.

BROWN. JOHN G. FEDUS, Board of Admissions. required to show proof by submitting the proper papers. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Bron have returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Yetman and family in Watertown, Mass. The Yetmans are local residents as Mr.

"Terman was an instructor at Bacon Academy. Miss Sheila Connell spent a few days recently with her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. John Coughlin of Jersey City, N. J.

Miss Cheryla Hufault, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hufault, has returned from a vacation at Lake George, Wales, where she visited relatives. Suzanne Bass celebrated her 11th birthday Sunday and entertained her friends at a weenie roast and party on the lawn at her home. The group also enjoyed swimming at Lake Hayward in the afternoon.

Guests included Betty Gustafson, Cheryla Hufault, Dorothy Johnston, Willie Lee Turner, Hedwig Majurchak and Geraldine Wozniak. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Surwill of Lebanon Ave. at the Middlesex Hospital in Middletown Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wasniewski of Bozrah, former Colchester residents, are the parents of a daughter, born at the Backus Hospital Aug. 17. The baby has been named Dorothy Brett.

Mrs. Wasniewski is the former Nancy Norton. TOWN OF SALEM NOTICE ADMISSION OF ELECTORS The Board of Selectmen and the Town Clerk of the Town of Salem will be in session on Saturday, Aug. 25, 1956 from 1 P. M.

to 7 P. M. at the Town Hall in said Town for the purpose of examining the qualifications of electors and to admit to the elector's oath those who are found qualifed. Dated at Salem, this 20th day of August. 1956.


MRS. MARY BEEBE, Town Clerk. MANITOCK SPRING WATER from Nature's Fountain of Health in Waterford since 1915! See why discriminating people in this area drink nothing else! Only 90c the case! Call GI 2-7000! Vacations planned by an expert Cost no More LOU KAPLAN To Valley or Singapore you pay sea Book with an only for your actual ticket. Pay us Agent whe Bees There nothing for advice, time-saving vice You plan with an expert, kaplan's travel bureau 123 STATE NEW LONDON GI 3-4311 Chicken Bar -B-Q Saturday, August 25 5 to 7 P.M. Masonic Temple, Niantic $1.75 Adults $1.25 Children Sponsored by Nehantic Chapter, O.E.S.

For Reservations Call PE 9-7032 or GI 2-9550 THE LATHAM SCHOOL OF THE DANCE 159 BANK ST. (entire top floor) SERVING NEW LONDON 1929 1956 CLASSICAL BALLET TAP TOE MODERN CHARACTER BALLROOM BATON TWIRLING ACROBATICS BERNARD OSTFELD, FORMER EUROPEAN DANCER BALLETMASTER AND CHOREOGRAPHER is in charge of our Advanced, Professional and Theatre Wing Departments. Formerly of the Royal Opera Ballet, Rome, Italy, he is noted for his work with young people. THE TEENIE WEENIE DANCE KINDERGARTEN In this department under the personal direction of MISS VIRGINIA the adorables learn their first 1-2-3's. Here we remember children are children and entitled to their childhood.

They are not pushed into rigid technicalities uninteresting and too strenuous for tender years. POPULAR TAP DANCING DEPARTMENT Beginners Intermediates Advanced Children Teen-Agers Adults Many of Miss Virginia's students in this department have appeared on television. COMBINATION TAP AND BALLET CLASSES Part ballet, part tap, designed for those who like both but are able to take separate classes in each. Very good for beginners to acquaint them with both later they may take separate specialty classes in either. BALLROOM DEPARTMENT Children Teen-Agers Adults Class Private Lessons Interested mothers alert to the problems of today may consult with Miss Latham and form their own small invitation groups.

Adult Married Couple groups. If your dancing is out-dated form your own groups for fun and relaxation. DANCE THEATRE WING Here advanced students get real theatre training for artistic performances apart from the regular school recitals BATON TWIRLING AND ACROBATICS Our Baton Corps and Acrobat Department is under direction of Morris Balcom. The familiar blue and gold uniforms of The Lathamettes are a familiar sight in local parades. WOMEN'S HEALTH AND EXERCISE CLASSES These classes consisting of Ballet and Modern for Business Girls, Housewives--are designed for fun and mental relaxation while thinking of your health and Join now, don't put it off.

MODERN DANCE Today with an ever widening horizon in the Dance World. Modern Dance has come of age. It is included in all top dance schools and colleges. Modern Dance classes for children and adults are now available in our school. FOR REGISTRATION MOTHERS ATTENTION! No Registration Fee Is Charged Here CLASSES OPEN WEEK OF SEPT.


The Day from New London, Connecticut (2025)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.