SAFER Web - Company Snapshot PARIS BLU ENTERPRISE (2025)

SAFER Layout

Company Snapshot
SAFER Web - Company Snapshot PARIS BLU ENTERPRISE (1)
SAFER Web - Company Snapshot PARIS BLU ENTERPRISE (2)
USDOT Number: 4244377

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Carrier Information

Other Information for this Carrier
SAFER Web - Company Snapshot PARIS BLU ENTERPRISE (3) SMS Results
SAFER Web - Company Snapshot PARIS BLU ENTERPRISE (4)

ID/Operations | Inspections/Crashes In US | Inspections/Crashes In Canada | Safety Rating

Carriers: If you would like to update the following ID/Operations information, please complete and submit form MCS-150 which can be obtained online or from your State FMCSA office. If you would like to challenge the accuracy of your company's safety data, you can do so using FMCSA's DataQs system. USDOT Status
  • ACTIVE: The entity's US DOT number is active.
  • INACTIVE: Inactive per 49 CFR 390.19(b)(4); biennial update of MCS-150 data not completed.
  • OUT-OF-SERVICE: Carrier is under any type of out-of-service order and is not authorized to operate.
Operating Authority Status
  • AUTHORIZED FOR { Passenger, Property, HHG }: This will list the specific operating authorities the carrier (or broker) is allowed to operate.
  • NOT AUTHORIZED: The entity does not have any operating authority and/or is not authorized to engage in interstate, for-hire operations.

    *Please Note: NOT AUTHORIZED does not apply to Private or Intrastate operations.

  • OUT-OF-SERVICE: Carrier is under any type of out-of-service order and is not authorized to operate.
Out of Service Date
Indicates the date the company was ordered Out of Service. If there are multipleOut of Service orders, the earliest date will be displayed.

Please note:If there are multiple Out-of-Service orders, the earliest date will be displayed.

For help on the explanation of individual data fields, click on any field name or for help of a general nature go to SAFER General Help.

The information below reflects the content of the FMCSA management information systems as of 07/05/2024. Carrier VMT Outdated.

SAFER Layout

Entity Type: CARRIER
USDOT Status: ACTIVE Out of Service Date: None
USDOT Number: 4244377 State Carrier ID Number:
MCS-150 Form Date: 05/22/2024 MCS-150 Mileage (Year):
Operating Authority Status: NOT AUTHORIZED

*Please Note: NOT AUTHORIZED does not apply to Private or Intrastate operations.

For Licensing and Insurance details click here.
MC/MX/FF Number(s):
DBA Name:
Physical Address: 364 W 13TH AVE
Phone: (800) 484-4800
Mailing Address: 1125 GREENTREE RD
NEWARK, DE 19713-3330
DUNS Number: 12-786-8423
Power Units: 1 Drivers: 2
Operation Classification:

Operation Classification

SAFER Layout

X Auth. For Hire
Exempt For Hire
Priv. Pass. (Business)

SAFER Layout

Priv. Pass.(Non-business)
U.S. Mail
Fed. Gov't

SAFER Layout

State Gov't
Local Gov't
Indian Nation
Carrier Operation:

Carrier Operation

SAFER Layout

X Interstate

SAFER Layout

Intrastate Only (HM)

SAFER Layout

Intrastate Only (Non-HM)
Cargo Carried:

Cargo Carried

SAFER Layout

X General Freight
Household Goods
Metal: sheets, coils, rolls
Motor Vehicles
Drive/Tow away
Logs, Poles, Beams, Lumber
Building Materials
Mobile Homes
Machinery, Large Objects
Fresh Produce

SAFER Layout

Intermodal Cont.
Oilfield Equipment
Grain, Feed, Hay
US Mail

SAFER Layout

Commodities Dry Bulk
Refrigerated Food
Paper Products
Agricultural/Farm Supplies
Water Well
SAFER Web - Company Snapshot PARIS BLU ENTERPRISE (5)

ID/Operations | Inspections/Crashes In US | Inspections/Crashes In Canada | Safety Rating

US Inspection results for 24 months prior to: 07/05/2024

Total Inspections:

Total IEP Inspections: 0
Note: Total inspections may be less than the sum of vehicle, driver, and hazmat inspections. Go to Inspections Help for further information.

Inspection Type Vehicle Driver Hazmat IEP
Inspections 0 0 0 0
Out of Service 0 0 0 0
Out of Service % 0% 0% 0% 0%
Nat'l Average %
as of DATE 05/31/2024*
22.26% 6.67% 4.44% N/A

*OOS rates calculated based on the most recent 24 months of inspection data per the latest monthly SAFER Snapshot.

Crashes reported to FMCSA by states for 24 months prior to: 07/05/2024

Note: Crashes listed represent a motor carrier’s involvement in reportable crashes, without any determination as to responsibility.

Type Fatal Injury Tow Total
Crashes 0 0 0 0
SAFER Web - Company Snapshot PARIS BLU ENTERPRISE (6)

ID/Operations | Inspections/Crashes In US | Inspections/Crashes In Canada | Safety Rating

Canadian Inspection results for 24 months prior to: 07/05/2024

Total inspections:

Note: Total inspections may be less than the sum of vehicle and driver inspections. Go to Inspections Help for further information.

Inspection Type Vehicle Driver
Inspections 0 0
Out of Service 0 0
Out of Service % 0% 0%
Crashes results for 24 months prior to: 07/05/2024

Note: Crashes listed represent a motor carrier’s involvement in reportable crashes, without any determination as to responsibility.

Type Fatal Injury Tow Total
Crashes 0 0 0 0
SAFER Web - Company Snapshot PARIS BLU ENTERPRISE (7)

ID/Operations | Inspections/Crashes In US | Inspections/Crashes In Canada | Safety Rating

The Federal safety rating does not necessarily reflect the safety of the carrier when operating in intrastate commerce. Carrier Safety Rating:

The rating below is current as of: 07/05/2024

Review Information:

Review Information

Rating Date: None Review Date: None
Rating: None Type: None

SAFER Web - Company Snapshot PARIS BLU ENTERPRISE (2025)


How do I check my CSA score for free? ›

You can access your CSA score by registering for a PIN with your USDOT or MC number. It's important to note that your composite CSA report isn't public information. Individual BASIC scores, however, are accessible with a basic DOT number search.

Is my MCS-150 current? ›

One easy way is to go to the FMCSA safer website: Enter your DOT # then look at your company snapshot. You will see your “FMCSA Form Date” on the left side of the report. If it is older than two years…. update your MCS-150 ASAP!

How to update carrier vmt outdated? ›

Visit to update your MCS-150 information. Under the “Existing Registration Updates” section, choose the first option - “I need to update my USDOT number registration information or file my biennial update.”

What is a safer web company snapshot? ›

Access is provided free of charge to the Company Snapshot, a concise electronic record of a company's identification, size, commodity information, and safety record, including the safety rating (if any), a roadside out-of-service inspection summary, and crash information.

What is a bad CSA score? ›

What is a bad CSA score? Generally, any score that's 50 or over needs to be taken seriously. If you have a score of 65% or higher in Crash Indicator, HOS Compliance, or Unsafe Driving you'll be subject to an FMCSA investigation (this lowers to 50% if you transport passengers or hazardous materials).

How do I clean up my CSA score? ›

There are four main ways that you can improve your CSA score, these are:
  1. Challenging citations.
  2. Checking pre-employment reports for drivers.
  3. Regular preventative maintenance inspections.
  4. Properly using ELDs.

Can you force a carrier update? ›

Carrier settings updates are released periodically to improve your device's connectivity and performance, and provide support for the latest device features. If you have missed the installation notification, you can update the carrier settings manually.

Can a carrier lose their DOT number if they don t complete the MCS 150 update? ›

If you fail to update your MCS-150 in a timely and accurate fashion, you face a fine of up to $1,000 per day. Additionally, your DOT number may be deactivated, which could cause disaster for your company, possibly shutting down operations.

Is it OK to update carrier settings? ›

Having the most up-to-date Carrier settings is recommended for optimized device functionality. When a Carrier Settings update is available, you will be prompted to install it.

How often is Safer updated? ›

How up-to-date is the information in SAFER? Company Profile data is up-to-date as of the time of the generation of the profile. Company Snapshot data is updated daily, except for inspection and crash counts, which are updated weekly. SAFESTAT scores are updated once per month.

How to check if mc number is active? ›

To check whether your operating authority has been issued(granted),
  1. Go to the SAFER website.
  2. See bold heading “FMCSA Searches”
  3. Click on “Licensing & Insurance”
  4. Enter MC Number or USDOT Number in the appropriate box and click “search”
  5. Click “HTML”
  6. Scroll to bottom and click on “Authority History.”
Jun 11, 2024

How do I see how many CSA points I have? ›

To check your CSA scores, you need your DOT number or your carrier's DOT number if you are a driver driving under his or her carrier. Trucking companies are required to check their CSA online at or

How to find a company's CSA score? ›

Answer: To check a company's safety rating, you can visit the FMCSA's Safety and Fitness Electronic Records (SAFER) website. On the SAFER website, you can search for a company by name, USDOT number, or MC/MX number.

How to calculate CSA score? ›

CSA scores are determined based on roadside inspection, traffic enforcement, and crash report data from the previous 24 months. These scores reflect multiple factors, including the number of violations and crashes attributed to the fleet, the severity of those violations and crashes, as well as the age of them.

How long do CSA points stay with you? ›

CSA points remain on a drivers' individual record for up to 36 months. While it is unlikely the FMSCA will take action against a driver, a high score could impact your job search.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Views: 6380

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.