- In progress
- KlownKiller
- Dec 19th 2023
- Thread is Unresolved
- Dec 19th 2023
- Server version
- 3.7.4
- Game client version
- 26535
- Client log file
- codepaste.sp-tarkov.com/?3655c…Ytc7JBjKcycRLGvBE21feNbHJ
- BepInEx log file
- codepaste.sp-tarkov.com/?76fe7…zKignAeZ4EhAisMgB6B3FdovP
- Server log file
- codepaste.sp-tarkov.com/?0e59c…8hHmFrsQmZeVfnJpWULvb6W9m
- Have you read the FAQ?
- Yes
- Where did you download your game from?
- The Offical Battlestate website - EOD
- List of used mods
- - 1nco-keysrequiredforquests-1.0.1
- a_OspreysProtectStomach
- AAAArtemTrader
- aaaSariaShop
- ACOG4Life-OpticRework
- aFannyPack
- AK15
- Anastasia
- ArtemEquipment
- aSmallCases
- BandanaOfProtection
- better_thermals
- better-lasers
- BitcoinTrader
- BoopsQuestAPI-1.1.1
- creamcheese-recoiltweaker-3.1.1
- creamcheese-weighttweaker-1.3.1
- Dirtbikercj-EasySkillOptions
- DoorBreacher
- EnhancedLootBagsAPI
- Evelyn
- ExpandedTaskText
- Gilded Key Storage
- GoblinKing
- gunsmith
- Hephaestus
- IgorTrader
- IhanaMies-LootValueBackend
- JoshMate-BetterBackpacks
- JustNUCore
- Kiki-BiggerStash
- Kiki-RemoveTediousQuestConditions
- Leaves-ProgressiveContainer
- Leaves-WeaponRepairXPMultiplier
- LordNoodal-dudsrounds-1.0.3
- MedicalAttention
- MFAC Guns
- Ms.Stola
- MultiplyALL-2.1.0
- nightingale-broker_trader-1.3.2
- OnyxContainer
- Oskar
- Priscilu
- Priscilu Special Weapons
- props-propsautomatedselling-1.4.0
- RealisticMREs
- refringe-openextracts-1.3.1
- SamSWAT-EOTechVuduOverhaul
- SariasV308
- ServerValueModifier
- shredder-MoreHideoutCrafts
- Skwizzy-NoDiscardLimit
- Svetlana
- The_Dealer
- TheMercenary
- torturedchunk-levelrewards-1.1.0
- Virtual's Custom Quest Loader
- Zenitco
- zMFAC Ammo
- zPlatinum-SPTRealismAmmoStats-1.0.2
- zRainbowPC-LotsOfLoot-2.1.1
- zSolarint-SAIN-ServerMod
- zStash for Hidden Item Treasures (S.H.I.T.)
- zzDrakiaXYZ-Waypoints
- zzzMoreCheckmarksBackendBepInEx Config - prnt.sc/1F5d_xTWwgHJ
BepInEx plugins - prnt.sc/vhfO_cOoxAcZ
First, Thank You to all whom have contributed to this/these mods and created an amazing place for us all.
So this is my first time posting an issue, I have looked through others' posts to see if anyone was having a similar situation and the only close one I was able to find is Game Closes after about 10 minutes without any errors popping up.
I can start a raid run through, and 30/45 min goes and it just closes, no errors pop up in the server. I researched the linked post and installed a Memory Cleaner and that seemed to fix for a while, now I don't get over 34-50% load (32GB).
I have tried multiple re-installs and fresh starts to no luck.
One theory is I'm looting too many items, but I am not sure.
If one of you wonderful people get some time please look over my issue. I think I uploaded or linked everything requested...
*Note the error log is huge and just repeats
Thank You all again very much
See AlsoExternal Cheats with Aimbot | Skin Changer, Updated, Fake Duck – SmarticHacks and Cheats | Silent Aim, God Mode, Exploits – MY CLASSES HELPDownload Multihacks | Triggerbot, SpeedHack, VAC Undetected – MY CLASSES HELPFree Multihacks | Executor, Game Hacks, No Red Trust Factor – MY CLASSES HELP- Dec 19th 2023
- Official Post
Have you tried the first option listed here? https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/faq-…e-is-awful-what-can-i-do/
Changed the title of the thread from “Game crashed unexpectedly during raid. No Errors in Server” to “[MODDED] Game crashed unexpectedly during raid. No Errors in Server”.
- Dec 20th 2023
- Enable 'RAM cleaning' in the game options + regularly press escape in-game (event for just a second) to run ram-cleaning. - Yes and I have an additional Cleaner -
- Use mods that disable far away AI, e.g. `AI Limit`- Yes I have it limited to like 55 meters -
- Use mods that disable grass/clutter e.g. `GRASSCUTTER` and `DE-CLUTTERER`- I tried this, but to be honest I did not like the look of it -
- Close programs like Discord and web browsers while playing - Yes, minus one browser for my Map on my 2nd Monitor -
- Spawn fewer bots (set bot amount to low) - I do not know how to do this -
- Avoid large maps like Streets or Lighthouse - Happens on every map but factory -
- Disable AI mods that improve AI (e.g. SAIN) - Do I have tooooooooo -
- Check if your CPU/Graphics card is overheating and stop it - All temps are normal -
- See if you can enable XMP for your computer memory - XMP is enabled -
- Look into overclocking your hardware - Never done it, not sure if I am comfortable with it. -
- Research negative voltage offsets / curve optimizations if your hardware supports it
- Buy and install more RAM - I have 32Gb, but am looking to push up to 64Gb -
- Buy and install a faster CPU - 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF 3.61 GHz - What would be faster than this? - I also have it on a 1Tb SSD not that, that matters.
Thank You for reaching out. I did try most of those listed. I should have added that in my orig post.
- Dec 22nd 2023
Quote from KlownKiller
- Enable 'RAM cleaning' in the game options + regularly press escape in-game (event for just a second) to run ram-cleaning. - Yes and I have an additional Cleaner -
- Use mods that disable far away AI, e.g. `AI Limit`- Yes I have it limited to like 55 meters -
- Use mods that disable grass/clutter e.g. `GRASSCUTTER` and `DE-CLUTTERER`- I tried this, but to be honest I did not like the look of it -
- Close programs like Discord and web browsers while playing - Yes, minus one browser for my Map on my 2nd Monitor -
- Spawn fewer bots (set bot amount to low) - I do not know how to do this -
- Avoid large maps like Streets or Lighthouse - Happens on every map but factory -
- Disable AI mods that improve AI (e.g. SAIN) - Do I have tooooooooo -
- Check if your CPU/Graphics card is overheating and stop it - All temps are normal -
- See if you can enable XMP for your computer memory - XMP is enabled -
- Look into overclocking your hardware - Never done it, not sure if I am comfortable with it. -
- Research negative voltage offsets / curve optimizations if your hardware supports it
- Buy and install more RAM - I have 32Gb, but am looking to push up to 64Gb -
- Buy and install a faster CPU - 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF 3.61 GHz - What would be faster than this? - I also have it on a 1Tb SSD not that, that matters.
Thank You for reaching out. I did try most of those listed. I should have added that in my orig post.
I've unexpectedly started having this issue too, even with the automatic ram cleaner, menu AND the bepinex mod. Been playing SPT for a couple years now, and this is the first time I've ever had issues, something with the update to 3.7.3 and up. Been watching task manager and it never approaches more than 16gb now with the automatic ram cleaner. I'm about to run a memtest to see if my ram is just failing at this point.
- Dec 22nd 2023
- Official Post
Quote from KlownKiller
Thank You for reaching out. I did try most of those listed. I should have added that in my orig post.
Next step is to remove client mods, these can be causing memory leaks due to them not disposing of objects correctly
- Dec 22nd 2023
Quote from Meatydeathstar
I've unexpectedly started having this issue too, even with the automatic ram cleaner, menu AND the bepinex mod. Been playing SPT for a couple years now, and this is the first time I've ever had issues, something with the update to 3.7.3 and up. Been watching task manager and it never approaches more than 16gb now with the automatic ram cleaner. I'm about to run a memtest to see if my ram is just failing at this point.
Ram test came back clean. I did some digging and noticed that the ram cleaner in game doesn't clear out standby usage, only active. Even though I'm only showing an active usage of 16gb, in reality almost 25gb is committed and that number grows steadily due to the leak. You can delay the inevitable out of memory crash by massively increasing your page file, the standby will be shifted over from the physical ram, though it still slowly fills up from the leak, even 50gb wasn't enough for long raids. A combination of a large page file plus ISLC was required to bandaid it. I have a feeling it has a lot to do with the AI mods as the standby and committed are relatively stable when in a "quiet" raid preset from swag.
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