Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2025)

us PACE cnvr'T. '11 'H'CV 1 W. wU' is worth ething, I if you want money. DDECTISLl jr. uiatciiiai's IUicumatlc Remedy for years UiO Bemedj for acute lUicumalkim.

It you Suffer fr-Ku this dread dlaease, or art afflicted with lumlago, gout, aora muse lea, stiff of swollen Jolntal It will relieve thoaa distreaslng symptoms, destroy the uric acid, and prevent recurring attacks. 60 cents per box gtdrnrriete. Writ for trial box, W4I Off. MrHITCAUi MCOMlMIRff Ca I S1 SUM, firz thsxe irats 23 GEHTS, Ortr Fir Iioet, a tin.1 nVE UNia ,10113 Orer fir Ibet, a that. PLEASANT YAULEYi a fiTizix4 mm IIIM XOMK FROZ.

k4 TR.IWHKIUStW SAFE. Riirsf Carrier Jack Burnett wlhev he had nos that reomb'ed. a That la a nose as hardy as a strawberry, vie says: "Ah that Saturday waa a snorter. I had my no froxrn." Dou't fergtt the dance at tite hall if May 6th, frost or no frost. Thv gum on the hack of postage stamps is made of farina extracted from potatoes.

Some of us are plowing for oats' again. Stra berrlca. are not so bad eepeo lally the Ute variety. The Hughes famHy1 had a good -time at Pall City. If yen want to get pointers oa grubbing, caH on Jadk Woodford and Crls.

Hessel. The Evens had a good time visit- Ing. Give little B1H first for sawing. Between going to church playing ball and house cleaning ire are kept on the full Jump. AMY AXJI FALL CITY.

Tlie potato thrives' 1)cet Porta- whore 1 the average1 yield 1 twelve tons to the acre. Thd strawberries will be half a h- i 'i Miss Cora Smith has resigned her position as teacher at Fall City, Miss Chrlstone Granger -A take bor place. Mrs. Mayo, wife or onr ex-cnair- man very low. we can now neno at if.

ft. antes, at Downville. Among others1 we saw lately were J. Rowelt. Mrs.

Geo. Mars, Fay DodKwortb, Rfrs'Elma- rWhltdher, Clyde Mason J- we have newt or wedatnr ai Colorndo Springs, April 20, Miss Lids Mars and Moses Owen were marricu. Mrs. Eva Hugbcs and children of Elevg visited Fail City; Bert Curtis returned from Idaho. Hello Fred how does your new "tcllee" work.

FASHIONS. 1 It qUlCK, nvj5- tuna thrze times 25 CENTS. Over Jive Llnei, 5c a Line. FOl'ND la froat KhIt by Wll'am 8eney lilt River one lady'a lavender kii (invr. new.

Ieft at Leader ortie for owner. No reward wanted by the finder. FOl'SlVOfl Friday at 4 by Dan Murphy on Grand Avenue bridge one pair of gold owct spec taolee In- home made csm- at leder office for owner, so reward ask FOUND One lady'a tntf'k'd glove for left hand, host make. rod as new. lcft at Lmder offlco tor owner whd win pleaeej call during Vnloa hours via.

1:1 a. m. and I reward reftraed FOUND yesterday bya-younr gm-tleman In front ef 'trread Lund'a ChHhmg etore on leather iiorkef containing a annfber of Ry. tvkets. ARoona te T5as Claire also 1 1 reserved teatl to Orpbeum theatre.

IeTt at Leader offlre for owner. Reward eparaSd. FOUND A small ana of money on Orand avenue West. -larqulre at Leader office. LOaT LOST, between Chippewa and Me-nomonie streets on Tuesday night.

a buokakln each eonUffilns; he tween 47 and 4t dollars, 4 ten dollar 2 one doHsr, and some small change Finder will be rewarded hy leaving; same at Leader offloe. LOST yesterday at m. In the vicinity of Kepler's. 4 one nmall purse containing two live dollar bills, a one dollar bill, and some small change. Please leave at Leader office and get reward.

LOSfT Black Jersey eowt boh-tall. stfsyed from Smith farm, town oX Washington. 'Finder notify George Langdonr Phone Red Claire, R-3. LOSTA gold lag somewhere between 2nd Congregational Church and Grave yard. please leave at' Leader office.

L08T--Ha1f grown- maltcse kitten w'th small white spot i on the throats Return 415 Niagara I I I I i I I lift, I LOST. Qn Tuesday afternoon March 1, one gold belt pin set with large brows stone somewhere be tween Second Ave. and Madison street. Finder please leave st Leader ffic and receive reward FOR RENT FOR RENT. Store room next to Galloway House on Gibson st.

Inquire premises. Evenson Korger Tailors. FOR RENTwMrs. Dean's 1 room rick cottage. $05 Oxford ave.

Will be vacant in June. Electrlo lights, gas, hot and cold water. Range, Hardwood floors. All in good FOR RENT 5 nice rooms tip stairs with sewer. Inquire of 662 Franitin St.

i i i 'i i FOR RENT New six room cottage On Lake) Pokegema. Ohotsk W)s-consital Dr. C. M. Blood, De Kali), FOR RENT A good 7 room honsa at 522 Menomonie between 5th and Sixth avenue.

Cement walks, lawn and city water, Phone 937 or Inquire at 528 Chippewa street, FOR. RENT rOne large furnished room, with clothes closet! strictly modern, central located. Would prefer gentleman. For information call at Leader office. FOR RENT House on AHoona Ave nue.

Call or phone Mrs. Geo. A. Huntington, Black 2863. I i.n FOR RENT High Grade piano lor rent cheap during the season If taken at once.

Party leaving city. Inquire Leader office. HOUSE FOR RENT At 414 Summit Inquire at Cast Drug Store. i II I i STILL HAVE A few quit desirable houses for rent. Let me Show them td you.

B. P. Mosher. ROOMS! ROOMS! ROOMS! To rent, 3 partly furnished rooms for light housekeeping after the 15th of April. Only $6.50 month.

Call at 000 Grand Ave. East. FOR RENT. 1 modem house and 1 bouse-with bath hot water, but no furnace. Call at corner 8rd Ave; and 'Broadway, across; from First Congregational Church.

ROOMS WANTED WANTED Board and rooti tor four gentlemen for the Summer, would-prefer place with bath, and oil, the North ajde. Address E. W. Jackson; Commercial som leader wgqit ad. July cotrate.

Close was 1-4 to I 3-4 Iowk, io. 2 hH 43 f-4 tb 1-2. 2 white 40 1-2 tj 3 3-4; staudard 1-3 4 3. May optvned 41 3-4 to 3-4 7-8: high 41; low 41 I-; cloved 41 1-4 ty 3-8. July 30 3-4.

Floiir 11.20. WheMt 7.18 Corn S0.2KI. Oats 254.267. Oilg live Unrk V(le. 1.000.

Steady, flteors M.25fjr.65; cows and brlfers, l.25f(7.&0; eaJvMi. f3.004rg.go; stockers and feeders, 1 1.75 7.00. Hogs. 10 16 higher. Choice heavy tt.tS ft butchsrs 60O light mixed JitfMO; boles light l.45(r.5B; twoklng iulk sales TIIK IX3AL aSABJJCfTsV The following are the prices bw lag" quoted today la the Eas Claire market Wheat It.

61 to Il ls. Oats- 17c Corn UUm. lye 72. Buckwheat 6 to. Barley to ll.lt Oat Straw 13.00 Straw Rye IS.

00 Uylll. to 112.00. Red Clover Seed 1.19. 't'- Timothy StMrd liJl lolt-oVV Beans Hsad picked I2.il. Potatoes 12a.

Butter, Dary tlo, Eggs--20o. siass 710 to tie' Iron ner ton. ST to 111. RubbeC. -per i No.

3. 4Hai-- umji (iu iw fw t.iv line r-sr" pormd; sue. Tin reunite, Green lUdas 40 Is. Calfskins lft Barrel Pork 124 09 to ftl.00 Chickens Mva to ltd. Chickens dressed lie to 14 5.

Dressed Veal 7c to Haw Jjmt Lard 1 lieaf lard rendered lta Dresed Hogs $1.60 to 110.00. Live Hogs $8.00 to $8.50. Lambs 6 He to 4c WATKU HTRETi Mr. (Pat Galvltr the blacksmith hi back from his northern trip. fie thinks Eau at re has escaped the frost better than points t- up nonth anid east' He was pleased to notice so mueh life And activity especially 6Ti the Soo.

Ife says everyone i talk hi about the protweei change of the division frcim AbbotsfoM to either Spenoer Marshfleld.1 If It goes to Marshfleld that eity will iiave Its population, nearly doubled jb a Tew years, suuuey is anomer progressive He notfcee a vast improvement on the Soo And the prospects of still greater Im provements. Every whee he stopped' they were uqulrtng" about the new form of government'. Enquiries were made about the Burdiok Foundry at the Old Acm Mine and if ft waa true that they 'were going to manufacture gasoline engines. They are now being madefy the thousand, at Northwestern Steel and Ironworks-Mrs. Murray Is fwttinlg Uit a grand new residence at the Fred Kutsner place Menomonie Johnson the feed- maa 1st working overtime and nte son! fs an authority on gasoline enginies for bats also on machine ropalrln.

iThO okf Fleteher livery Vv'bsing overhaoTed't-rmodolod, calsouWed and papered. It will be oncc-plad by thOi Sixth Warxf JaO. McCann tut the flrkt of June. The ipociple wouM really iprefer to see the Lee and Lowe block turned Inc? a hotel instead of a theatre awl It is more needed too, Another idea 1 on foot start a market square either at Lee and Lowe's or down on Forst avenue. Another Idea Is to build a.

whole ow of ftote and baverthem along Water Menomonie amr Market ectq-mandinig the finest 'scenery in the city all the way rom the Bundiftk laotory to twiawtown. Mr. Gahrin. was asked a cora of times In regard to the celebrated Rod anfl Gun chrV for wh'ch Water street Jtfstiy famed. Onto man at Thonpe made particular lnqulrlea about Hungarian Pheasants and If Mr.

Dean could get him a pair. ThWia i. farmer War "thorje5 who baa a farm for all ouou "ant would like to do bnsitiee' Wlthnho panks at au Clajtre; Lke Ir-vme, Silver Springs. Ho oar eupp'y them with squirrels, coons, foxo, partridges- anid! -iquaii alao. mink ekuntk ete.

i iMfr. Galvlm "says the day fr coming when a trolley will unite all three "places for cummer out'tigs all alonu the lines w1t.h! an' Intern r-(baA 1 it Mr. GaMn thtafts Owen has a Bood flow for the division ClAJUOTT, Mr. John Orrbert. was1 In CWp pewa the first of the week.

Mra. JuWa Valley it Stanley Vtelt-ed here Mohdaf. The Class Play "Charle's Aunt is well under way In rehearsals .1 promises t6 be a leader in that line. Tho Aid Society met Tuesday evening at the borne of Mrs. H.

Goeti.A large number from town drove out as Invited guests and on joyed th sood tfme. MI38 1 Tills Arneson and Ole Blvlmm were married at i the Leut hotel Snndty April 2 4: A crowd! gave them ft ebtvarrll in the evening and the. band also remomibered them for a halt hour. They will make their future home in Cadott, -where the go Use; mi tinted Tiratx times 23 CENTS. Orer Flrr Uaet, 8d a List.

AUKHTH WATFJ HA fKHM IJN WANTEft 41lg money serting high grade groceries at to ramttlea, farmor ranchmnn; etc; high cost of Hvlng ts booming our biirnea; steady work quick returns; you take orders; we do the rt; best goods, lowest pricw. saUafsctlon or veosey wunded: gtvs refrTercra. Mrtobeork-HUI Lake A Dear- wrn Chicago. Wholesale Ororers. AOFJNTS Writs' nolck.

Big field good money. Handle ttovtwTt the great liquid stove blacking nog hsste. Wll never bars off; no polishing. The Haydew-Grlffln O. CIGAR Salesman la your locality 1100 per month, easly made by any person -with energy' handling our-un.

rrerince snneceaaary MONARCH CIOAS 9t, LouU. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY New laws and Insurance rate reduction have created such tn enormous demand Tor our products that we desire local representative with fSOO to to carry enough stock to fill orders promptly, salary fHO. monthly. All expenses and per cent extra Poertlon references. Rapid advancement Liberty Abs'n.

N. Chicago, Address a Tbsyer, N. Sales Manager, 400 National Bsnk Commerce Minneapolis. Minn. MALE HELP WANTED 190 month 60 expense allowance; put out merchandise and grocery catalogue: mail order bouse.

American Home Supply Desk 81, Chicago. 1' "RESIDENT MANAGER, aMs-mav wanted for this district. Elegant Opportunity, experience unnecessary, good pay. American i Cigar Cincinnati, Qi MONTHLY And expense io men and women' to advertise, leave svmcples and collect names. Write- at ence.

Slrrsrton- II. 0, 1 WANTED--Successful gasoline light salesmen, who arc making 3200 to $300 per month to handle only Lighting System; no. torches, matches, cr time waBted; pull the chain, -they light home and comtnerclsl Ughthagl email capital Gloria Light Co. 1 277 Washington, Chicago. i.n fi 1 $78 MONTHLY expenses and com mission to distribute samples- collect names bVg manufactur er steady work.

League 12-M Pope Chicago. $80.00 MONTHLY With- additional profits, four month's contract at start to put out advertising, shears, etc. In your county for large manufacturer. Address American Home Supply Company, Desk R. Chicago.

FOR RENT Four rooms down stairs. All In good condition. Gas, pump, water ln'the houe. Inquire at 620 Grand ave. W.

or phone. Mrs. Sellers R. 127 Chlp- CHICAGO GR.IIN. (By Aesoclatod Press.) WHEAT Chicago, April 28: The market covered a range of 1 3-4 today.

The close was nervous with September showing a net loss 1-2 to 5-8. The selling of 800,000 bnshels In May by a leading long In that month was an influential help to the bear side the effect was cause of heavy aril lug and more deferred option. Weakness In Wall Street waa-talked of as one" of the tending 'to unsettle wheat. Rumor of big clearances, supposed toibe from Canada, was nother disturbing element, but doubt as to the extent of crop damage from the recent cold snap continued to worry operators on each side of the market. As an illustration of conflicting advice, ona was received of 'favorable crop news from Russia, while the Nebraska ifkilds stated they wore growing worse and now show to amount to 50 per cent.

No. 3 red 107 3-4 10; No. 3, 4 f8. 2 hard 7 I-rSr- 3 hard 4 8V? May opened 107 3-8 to 1-2; high low 6 1-4: closed 6 7-8 July closed 101 1-2; September closed 99 3-4 7-8. Corn.

Liquidation of May holdings and much short sellinw. were the features. Favorwble weather for planting and-for a resumption of the movement of country corn attracted a large ehare of the attention. Closed 5-8 3-4 to 7-8 down; 2 58M9; 2 white 62 0 3" yellow. .19 1-2 60; No.

3 57 1-2 iff No. 3 white 61(ff)1-2; No. 3 yellow 68 1-2. May opened 58 1-2 to 3-4; high 8 7-8; low 7 3-4; closed 57 5-8; July 61 1-2; September 62 1-2 5-8. Oats.

This. market. followed Thore waa a considerable' liquidation of May and much oiang mg orer to flVE XiNU I TUBUS -TBIES 23 CENTS. Qrtr Tivt line, 69 a List. Apply Klrrklw-fr Bog fjom llllsauke.

Ji. A. WANTED You" mm to IWA au-, tomoblle business by nail and pre- pare for poMliona as chaff eurs and repair men. We make you expert In ten tu'it yog to secure ponitloa. pay bis wvrk.pkaatnc demand for Dim imt; reawn-' able; write, for particulars ami Mraple lesson.

EraH't Aulomo- bile Institute, Rool.ter. N. ANT, INTELLIGENT Person may mm a good, steady laroms corresponding for newspapers. stunteM mbJnrU for you to writ -about. No eieprlenee required.

Address Prers Correspondence Bureau, Washington, D. C. WAITED ilea to learn barber trad Ajlparenllcesblp od bjr 1 free work and careful Jnitruc-. t'oan. Three advantage given only by us.

Few week a complete. Toole given, boar I Catalogue mand free. Moler JUrtxr College, Milwaukee, Wia CARPENTCTfl WANTED At Baam-ierger-TLbenar Comoeny. Apply Galloway atreet. WA.TKIk-4lMdym.

Plain ftlab () Portable MUllag Uclile Ilortaonlal ltorln HID Hiwh, NliairCr llarxla. L'alveraal Tool aad MUft Griwdera, Apply at Kraploymmt Itrpartmrat, Ania Cltalmera Company, Milwaukee, GARDENER WANTED A gardea- er wanted to brine with him a few Aspargui roota. Apply Leader office. WANTED Harneaa Makera. Wll pay good wacea, Srbalae Brotbera Co.

Dulutb, Minnesota. WANTED Spindle carver, two n'ahera and two Brat coatcra. Ad-drea St. Paul Table Mlnne- appolia. Minn.

25 MEN WANTED To peel bark at 13 per cord Hammond'e Camp 1 near winter. Camp running all cummer, Longing and loading (ogi on car. All kinds of men want J. at good wage E. 8.

Hammond, Rice Uke, Wla. DELIVERY BOT WANTED At once also a maa witn aoma tx oerlence In greenhouse work. Call 'la person at Lauritienl Green' 'bouse. WANTED At a flint diss one manuraciuror use iuu charge of the manufacturing department of a yard. Good salary for the right party.

Ladysmlth BHck and Tile Company, Lady amlth. at tm i. FOn 1 S3 REAL EGT ATE FOR SAlB Houae aad lot for gale .31 oder ID room house, fine location one of the be in the cits, will he sold at bargain If taken at ouce and on easy terms, call at 20 First or phone B. 227. FOR JSAXE 10 room house, gaa ndTaewef, corner lot.

Will be sold at a bargain. If taken at once. 60S Grand Ave. West, or phone 1170 l- A FINE modern house, ten. room, Tig Fifth one block west of High will ibe sold cheap on easy terms.

Apply on premises. B. Soutbworth 11200; RUY 5 room cottage, near-ly new, hardwood floors, southern finish, largo, basement, c'ty -water gas, central -location. It la desirable. I'll be glad to show you.

P. Moaner. Chappell 1 FOR SALE A Una t-room houseJa Third ward. aTI modern. Hoojn fflUnaao-" menC large Jot.

terms easy. Andrew kolu, Union avtogi ianlt building. FOR SALE. House six rooms vs and bath, atrlctlr modern. 1605 BOFarwalL Kl FOR SALFnSf pAlilfS FOR SALf-A.

lc. pc of two acres, gooflsojr ciose to caty. Kica honss, JJew barn. Price 1800 Andrew Skolas, Unloa. Savings fBank building.

Mi 1 1 i Til i I', tl 111'' II' 'f 111 FRUIT FARM FOR SALE sores. fair building. Located In Town of Union- near city limits. Cal' or write B. J.

HestekJa R. R. Mo. 5. Ea Claire.

rt LANDS IN WSCOXSIS 19,000 acres per acre. Well located. Best, of F'ne tract tor.any pnrpoae. a A great Worth at least $7,50 to to per sore. Clover Ladd Company Pioneer Press Building -St.

Paul, Minn. MOXEY TO tOAIf. HONEY TO, LOAN-rOa food real stats security, at: 5 Def eeit lnt wrest. Andrew Skolas, Jtoom 10, Union Earing Bank Building, ron SALE imcZUAtitXJVt UOCREIIOLD FURNITURE Parlies leaving Hty wWb ta wH aooee-bold fumKore In eluding a waer DxXor wasbintt maohine. Call at pmiHsee, 107 Farweil Bt.

YOU NALEr-A 20 fnogthe. etitli ureot. white bull dog, aged Inquire at 134 8ev in Nailh Ward or Phomi U. 1161. FOR BALE A bilk grade Plaaw prmct tVj -few.

Wll) be sold a bargain. Party la1nK Cty. ln-qulre at Hi Darland atrert or pbn 10t. SEW) POTATO Tor sale at Morlasey farm town of Union Route 6. "New Torkrr" verity.

Beat and mort trolHle known. FOR SALE Meater Greene's trained pet goals. Inquire of 438 Broadway. Phone H27. MIAOXLAHEOUt FLI'FK UVCS.

Get yonr old In-arln, Bruoael or rag carpet ready to made Into bnauOful new FJuff Rugs by -the Old Reliable (Jwhkosh Fluff Rug Co. Carpeta taken Jut as tbey corns from the floor. All rugs thoroughly cleaned end renovated before retnrnlag to customers. Phone or address. Oshkoah Fluff Rujr Co agent Commercial Hotel, City.

WATER. WATER 1 Everywhere! Get yopr well drilled. Mrs. R. 11.

Bweet snaounees that she has two competent men with ber well drilling machine. Your work solicited. Phone- 3773. SOHOEjNIKO A DOIIMS Land- soap gardenersi 733. North Bar-stow, are now ready to take orders for work in lawn grading, gardening, and carina; for cemetery lots.

Don't delay nntU, Jutt before Decoration day but attend to it bow before the rash of the last few days. Satisfaction guaranteed to every Job. RHUBARB PLANTS WANTEDA person wants a few rhubarb roots to plant in garden. Apply Leader office. HORESIIOEINO SHOP Vacant Appril 16.

Weil establlshel business in good town, and low rental. J. 8. B. Boi St.

Croix Wis- consul. WANTED Old paper. Magazines aad Boohs in lots from 100 lb to carload, lots. Will pay highest cash market prices. Junk and scrap iron at the same scale.

Inquire Philips Bros. Cor. Madison and Forest 6t Phone R. 271 Eau Claire. Win.

WOOD. WOOD, WOOD For dry Box Factory wood call up' Red 717 TO ALL LADIES I make sick women right at home. Write me at once. Mrs. Kletnschmidt CadoUj Wis, v.

Do you wish to trade your for city property, or yonr city prop erty for a farm or do. yon wish to trade a sman farm for a larger one? If so, call and see Andrew Skolas, rjnlon Barings Bank. Building. WANTED AH Wnoa of second hand furniture. Highest cash prices paid, by Ma Cooks, Cor.

W. Madison and Mill Sts. opposlU Canning phone R. 77 ALL KINDS of 0b printing done In neat and satisfactory manner if you bring, It to the Loader office. Lowest prleea possible' ot first class work.

Estimate gladlf glv-, ea on an classes of WANTED Second hand goods of all kinds for which I will pay the highest possible price In cash, it will pay you to consult me. August Reiss, Great Second Hand Magnate. 41 South Barstow St NEW STATE LAWS and other con ditions are such Increasing, creating demands for out manufactured products; it necessitates' our employing a local representative with $500 to. $1,000 to carry stock to All orders. Good salary, office and other expenses allowed.

Extra commission, position permanent, references. Address William S. Thayer, N. W. Sales Manager, 400 National Bank of Commerce Minneapolis.

Minn. FOUND. MONEY FOUND Found. April 86 in front of Demmlcr th Florist South Farwell a black leather purse containing money and a 1st of goods'. The will call at the' address below.

Prove properly rpay expenses and remove same. J. -F. BuraeiW R. 4 Chippewa Falls.

FOUND And left at 'Leader office for -owner one knrg black far scarf iatin Jned, two feet 'gad baad of. sotns predatory animal hang behind. Please call during TJaloa hours, tls 88 and gentleman, on: Mon-dar'ln front'of Gunder Thompsons' Mill'nery one small alllgafor pocket book) con tftinlni several Onlaha tickets 'from Altoona. to Eau.ClalrtfTA nunvber 'ol Ofpheum tickets" reserr-ed andf certain sum la cash j. Owner will -please call during -tinloh hohrs.

Prove property, FiAder spurned re- UrXT WAYTKI FEMALE. WANTrrWGlrl Of woman at gtbael. Ocr IliteJ, Toorpe, Wia. COOK Apply to Mra. P.

C. AUlnton, isoi ttute nreH, WANTED Good lrl for gcaeral kouaework. Apil to Mra. Jobn IrunuitoiHl. fill Grand avenue Weet, GIRL OH WOMAN WANTED Wanted to kelp to work on a farm Indoora.

A rnol trl or woman. Goo4 plaie to in- r1 jfbt ptr- eon. 1 Apply at 107 lxty Ht WANTK1A (food tlrl for neral homework. Apply to Leader office. GIRL WAVTBlWar.tel a good comfxotrnt dlolna room girl.

Apply to the Kneer House. Fred IteddaU Rroprletor. WANTED Competent irtrl for general housework. Apply to Mra S. C.

Culer, Oak wood piaco. WANTED A good eompo'rut girl for kitchen Mrs. Allen Cameron. CZO (Ut Are. WANTED Woman or tgir! to kelp with eooklnc at Birch, Lake Ian.

Blrchwood. Wis. Jacob Scnty. WANTED At once a good girl. Call at Central House.

WANTED Good girl for general house work. Call at 713 Uobart Street WANTED Girl for general hoase-werk. Enquire of B. SIS. TWO GOOD Girls wanted at once at the McAllister house.

DIXINO ROOM GIRL WANTED At Omaha Lunch Room Apply at once. I WANTED. Cook and second girl. Apply to Mrs. A.

J. Keith, 108 Emery street WANTED At once food girl for kitchen work. Also 3 bright girls to learn dining room work. Apply Galloway House. HORSES FOR RALE.

HORSE FOR SALE For sale a Ko4 horse, weighs 1,400 pounds. Good In single or double cameos. 7 yars aid. gray In color, call at I If Water St, corner First Ave. HORSE FOR SALE We have a good mare for sal cheap, also a young, well broken driving horse.

The AHea Land Company. FOR SALE Shetland sOny, har- cess and, cart. Children's pet; a bargain. Wa Eldrldge, Gorier 4U and. Fulsom street.

FOR SALE Standard bred horses. 8'agle or double. Saddle borsea. fine drivers or Enquire of Elmer Hansen Langum. Putnam drive FAR SALE Three driving horses, vOne ,3 year.

pld colt. Aevea buggies and, barn Suitable for livery stable. Apply it Kleiner 313 Wat- er 6L FOR SALE Good driving horse at a bargain. Inquire of W. J.

Car-penter at Cutter shoa factory. FOR SALEt one pair heavy mares and two pair farm horses. Good values. E. a Culver, 206 South Barstow.

FOR 8 VLE MISCttMiANEOlIS DRAY FOR SALE Good, llgiht. two horse dray. The Jvllen Land Co. STRAWBERRY PLANTS. For 100,000, all kinds, Warfield and- Dunrap $2.50 a thousand.

Apply to Mr. Joe Kluempen R. F. D. No Jv Eau Claire, Wia FOR SALE Two seated canopy top, with, pole and thill; one top buggy, rubber tired; and one single harness.

Inquire 214 Putman near Omaha depot. FOR SALE-f-One' gasoline launch. 20 feet long, 5 toot beam, 4 horse engine. Nearly new. At a bargain If taken at $165.

Write to Slayton Chetek, Box 42. FOR, SALE Will soli cheap, one rocond hand wire spoke hard rub-, iber tired single buggy; also ne si nigra harness. Inquire of C. Mitt lestadt, 1011-6th or at Ui Lango Canning Co. FOR SALE Phonograph, with 60 to records, Columbia -make.

and top counter draught soda fountain. Inquire 214 Putman near Omaha depot--. FOR SALE At great bargain It taken at; once, a -fine -passenger touring car 0 horsa power In good running orddr except few mlnoi' top, glass storage and good set of tools, 6400.60, Reason for selling party leaving town, Ad-r dress B. O. care of.

Leader. 1 1 i. "v1- T.i-t"r "i1 1 FOR r'SAtikV-l 16 i -Ice boxes and chests, new and second hand, 25 a gas, stoves, -100 gasoline and oil etoves -t. avay- flown pricei "AOgnst Reiss, the Great Second hand Magnate 419 Sooth Barstow Street. ft'- i CHILD'S DRESS.

i For flsnncl or wash materisl this de-" irjrrV tt ene-of the" best 'Of Oils' The kkirt and foundation waisf are maa together and the coat btitloh at the side front, Thls 'hstterO Hirut mi ihti A 8 and 10 years. Rise rfflmrei yardt af 36-Inch materral -KritW" rirds for Irimming. bands, and yard fer under-- ran or pattern Is 10 cents (, 513. ft' A. Name Addreis 5 Fill out blank and sendl te Paflerri De-i paruneni or this newsnnner.

1 11 1 1,111 1 1 Oe A. HOFFMAN STOCKS AND BOXD9 Legitimate Mining Investments Palladio Dulutb; Minn' Member' Dulutb. Stock Exchange. Correspondents in all markets'. Market letter mailed free.

i BUY Tuolumne's March production pounds copper. above $50,000 net. Dividends In sight. -n- N. S.

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Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2025)


How do I contact Eau Claire leader telegram? ›

You can reach our customer service representatives by phone at 715-833-9268 or 1-888-833-9268 or by email at print.subscriptions@ecpc.com.

Where is the leader Telegram located? ›

Driving directions to Leader Telegram, 701 S Farwell St, Eau Claire - Waze.

Who owns the leader telegram? ›

History. Adams Publishing acquired the Leader-Telegram from the Graaskamp and Atkinson families, which had owned the paper since 1887.

What is Eau Claire, Wisconsin famous for? ›

Eau Claire is known regionally for its arts and music scenes and is the hometown of indie folk band Bon Iver, whose lead singer Justin Vernon co-curates the city's annual Eaux Claires Music & Arts Festival.

How to send email to Telegram? ›

Send an email to trigger@applet.ifttt.com with " #telegram " in the subject in order to trigger the IFTTT bot, then simply write your message as you would do for a regular email.

Where is the main office of Telegram? ›

Telegram was founded in 2013 by Nikolai and Pavel Durov. Its servers are distributed worldwide with several data centers, while the headquarters is in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Where is Telegram location? ›

Telegram has a “secret” function, which allows users' text conversations and video calls to be protected through end-to-end encryption. Telegram's headquarters are in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. In 2006 Pavel Durov founded VKontakte, or VK, a social networking website often described as a Russian version of Facebook.

Where is the daily Telegram located? ›

133 North Winter Street, Adrian, Michigan

Who really owns Telegram? ›

Telegram is owned by its founders: Pavel Durov and Nikolai Durov. The two brothers founded Telegram back in 2013 while they were still residing in Russia.

Who are the founders Telegram group? ›

- Telegram on trial -

The findings come as Telegram has come under greater scrutiny after the arrest of founder Pavel Durov in France last month. Durov has been charged with several counts of failing to curb extremist and illegal content on the popular messaging app.

Who owns the FT worth star Telegram? ›

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram is an American daily newspaper serving Fort Worth and Tarrant County, the western half of the North Texas area known as the Metroplex. It is owned by The McClatchy Company.

What does "eau claire" mean in English? ›

Eau Claire (French for "clear water", pl. eaux claires) is the name of a number of locations and features in North America. The name is pronounced as if it were spelled "O'Clare".

What is the sister city of Eau Claire WI? ›

Lismore established a Sister City relationship with Eau Claire through a video link on 23 January 2001. The relationship was formed due to the similarities in history, industries, and demographics of the two cities.

What is the motto of Eau Claire? ›

According to local legend, the river was so named because early French explorers journeying down the rain-muddied Chippewa River, happened upon the Eau Claire River, excitedly exclaiming "Voici l'eau claire!" ("Here is the clear water!"), the city motto, which appears on the city seal.

How do I contact the Telegraph editor? ›

Letters to the Editor

Letters for publication in The Daily Telegraph can be emailed to dtletters@telegraph.co.uk. Letters for publication in The Sunday Telegraph can be emailed to stletters@telegraph.co.uk. Please include name, address, and work and home telephone numbers.

How can I contact the Telegram Gazette? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-800-922-8200.

How can I contact chronicle Telegram customer service? ›

Do you need to reach someone at The Chronicle-Telegram? Call (440) 329-7000 or use the numbers and emails listed below.

How do I contact the Telegraph Herald? ›

Contact Us
  1. Telegraph Herald. PO Box 688. 801 Bluff St. Dubuque IA 52004-0688. ...
  2. Editorial. Dubuque and Tri-State News 563-588-5663 or 563-588-5793. Sports 563-588-5783. Newsroom fax 563-588-5745.
  3. Circulation. 563-588-5620 or 800-562-1825.
  4. Advertising. Classified563-588-5600 or 800-562-6014. Fax 563-588-5782. ...
  5. Events. 563-588-5697.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.