Impact Of Occupational Structure On Household Food Security In Malda District (West Bengal) (2025)

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Effect of Selected Yogic Asanas on Obesity People in Hisar District


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Effect of Asanas and Pranayama on Weight of Males School Going Children

IJSRP Journal

Yoga, an ancient culture of Indian heritage, regular practice leads to ideal physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual health. Asana and Pranayama are the yogic practices. These have a number of beneficial physiological effects on various systems in our body. The present work was taken up as data reported on the effect of Asanas and Pranayama on weight of males school going children. To know whether there is any change in weight in the subjects practicing Asanas, Pranayama & combination of Asana Pranayama and with that of subjects not practicing any type of yoga. 120 male student volunteers from Muni International School, A-2/16-18, Mohan Garden, Uttam Nagar New Delhi-110059, India, of age between 8 to 10 years were selected. Subjects were equally assigned to the four groups by using random sampling procedure i.e. three experimental groups and one control group. The experimental Group A was administered Asanas (30 subjects), Group B was administered Pranayama(30 subjects) and Group C was administered combination of Asana Pranayama(30 subjects), and Group D control group(30 subjects) was given no training of an experimental period of twelve weeks. They practiced Asanas and pranayama for 45 minutes, six days a week and Sunday has been observed as weekly off. Asanas and combination of Asana Pranayama can significantly reduce the Weight of school going children.

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A A M J Concept analysis on Role of Yoga in the Management of Sthaulya (Obesity)

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Effect of specific yogic training and physical exercise on selected physical fitness variables of body composition on obese persons

ramesh kumar

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education, 2019

Yoga is an ancient discipline. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root "yuj" meaning "to yoke" or to link or to integrate. It is one of the six orthodox systems of Indian philosophy, the influence of which has been wide spread among many other schools of Indian thought. The word yoga means union that is to say Union between the body, mind and individual spirit to universal sprit or god. The yoga sutras of Patanjali described the goal of yoga as kaivalya which means either the static of oneness or independence. The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of specific yogic exercise and physical exercise on selected physical fitness variables of body composition on obese persons. The study was confined to student of various departments in Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science Coimbatore. The age group was between 18 to 21 years. In this study 30 students were selected as obese. This study was conducted on the male students only. The experimental group was asked to take part in the specific yoga training for twelve weeks. The data was collected initially and after the training from the experimental group on the selected variables. Analysis of variance followed by analysis of "t" test was employed, to find out if any significant differences existed on the selected variables the experimental group. Significant differences at level of confidence were seen in all the variables such as flexibility, abdominal muscular endurance, Body Composition, and body weight in favour of experimental group. The result of the study revealed that there is significant improvement on flexibility as a result of practice of Asanas and Physical Exercise. According to the hypothesis given that yogic practice would increase flexibility and Physical Exercise would decrease fat content the body weight. The study reveals that there is significant difference on flexibility and reduce abdominal muscular endurance of the body weight. The finding of the study indicates that body weight of the subjects has decreased significantly due to practice of Asanas and Physical Exercise. Therefore the study reveals that there is significant difference on body weight. The results of the study a combination of increased Physical activity and other lifestyle changes to a healthy diet may be needed to stem the tide of obesity.

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Influence of Yoga and Diet control in managing the state of Obesity

Andrea Fleming

Influence of Yoga and Diet control in managing the state of Obesity, 2016

Background: Obesity is a risk factor for several diseases. The prevalence rate of obesity is being increasing. Yoga has been known to have stimulatory or inhibitory effects on the metabolic parameters and to be uncomplicated therapy for obesity. The purpose of the present study was to observe the effect of 6 weeks yoga and diet change program in obese women. Material/Methods: A single group of 25 women were assessed on the first and last day of a yoga and diet change program, with 6 weeks of the intervention between assessments. The assessments were: body weight, skin fold thickness and cholesterol levels. Participants practiced yoga for 45 minutes every day and had a low fat, high fiber, vegetarian diet. First and last day data were compared using t-test. Results: Following the 6-week Yoga and diet control program, participants showed a decrease in bodyweight, skin fold thickness and cholesterol levels of the subjects. Conclusion: A 6-week yoga and diet change program decreased the bodyweight, skin fold thickness and cholesterol levels of the obese women. This suggests that a brief, intensive yoga program with a change in diet can pose certain risks.

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Impact of Yoga on obesity Management of Corporate Personnel

Dr. shudhanshu verma

IJOYAS, 2016

Background: According to the American Heart Association, an estimated 112,000 people die every year from conditions related to being overweight or obese. Even losing a moderate amount of weight when someone is obese 5 to 10 percent can significantly reduce the risk for chronic disease. With the background that a number of studies being conducted to observe the effect of complementary therapies to reduce body weight, the present study aimed to find the impact of kunjal kriya Practices on body weight of the normal Human subjects. Methods: Forty five subjects were taken as experimental group from urban area of Haridwar region. The subjects were a heterogeneous group having Obesity and joints problem but otherwise healthy and were voluntarily wanted to join Yoga session for general physical mental wellbeing. In this pre-post research study a package of kunjal kriya were introduced to them. The volunteers practiced for 30 days except Sunday. Results: The impact of the practice of Hatha Yogic techniques showed a significant reduction on their body weight. Conclusion: The study reveals that the practice of kunjal kriya can helps the people suffering from obesity and obese. So finally it can be concluded that the practice of kunjal kriya can helps to manage obesity in corporate world. Keywords: Obesity, Kunjal Kriya, Corporate Sector.

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A Study on Impact of Yoga on Self-Control in Obese Women

Yogesh Jogsan

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A study on yogic package on body mass index among rural school boys

Yoga P

International Journal of Physical Education, Exercise and Sports , 2019

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of yogic package on body mass index among rural school boys. To achieve the purpose of the study thirty rural school boys were selected from Karaikudi, Tamilnadu, India during the year 2018. The subject's age ranges from 15 to 17 years. The selected students were divided into two equal groups consists of 15 students each namely experimental group and control group. The experimental group underwent a yogic package programme for six weeks. The control group was not taking part in any training during the course of the study. Body mass index was taken as criterion variable in this study. The selected subjects were tested on Body mass index was measured through body mass index analyzer method. Pre-test was taken before the training period and post-test was measured immediately after the six week training period. Statistical technique't' ratio was used to analyse the means of the pre-test and post test data of experimental group and control group. The results revealed that there was a significant difference found on the criterion variable. The difference is found due to yogic package given to the experimental group on Body mass index when compared to control group.

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Yoga P

Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2019

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of yogic package on body mass index among rural school girls. To achieve the purpose of the study thirty rural school girls were selected from Karaikudi, Tamilnadu, India during the year 2019. The subject's age ranges from 15 to 17 years. The selected students were divided into two equal groups consists of 15 students each namely experimental group and control group. The experimental group underwent a yogic package programme for six weeks. The control group was not taking part in any training during the course of the study. Body mass index was taken as criterion variable in this study. The selected subjects were tested on Body mass index was measured through body mass index analyzer method. Pre-test was taken before the training period and post-test was measured immediately after the six week training period. Statistical technique 't' ratio was used to analyse the means of the pre-test and post test data of experimental group and control group. The results revealed that there was a significant difference found on the criterion variable. The difference is found due to yogic package given to the experimental group on Body mass index when compared to control group.

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Effect of Yoga Therapy on BMI Rate among Class I Obese Patient

Alaguraja .K

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of yoga therapy on BMI rate among class I obese patient. To achieve the purpose of the study thirty class I obese patient were selected from, Sivganaga District, Tamilnadu, India during the year 2019. The selected patient were divided into two equal groups consists of 15 patient each namely experimental group and control group. The experimental group underwent yoga therapy programme for six weeks. The control group was not taking part in any training during the course of the study. BMI was taken as criterion variable in this study. The selected subjects were tested on BMIwas measured through weight (kg)/height (m 2) method. Pre-test was taken before the training period and post-test was measured immediately after the six weeks training period. Statistical technique 't' ratio was used to analyse the means of the pre-test and post test data of experimental group and control group. The results revealed that there was a significant difference found on the criterion variable. The difference was found due to yoga therapy given to the experimental group on BMIwhen compared to control group.

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Impact Of Occupational Structure On Household Food Security In Malda District (West Bengal) (2025)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.