Best Ember Prime Builds 2024 | Warframe School (2025)

Even though Ember has been a member of the Warframe team since the beta version of the game went live and even though she has been a fan-favourite since that time, sadly she became less and less relevant since her remake during Update 22.12.

With ‘The Old Blood’ (Update 26) Ember got a complete rework, netting her a three new active and one new passive ability, raising her popularity once again.

This guide will provide you a few ideas on how to build your favorite fire based Warframe.

Ember is still fairly easy to farm and since her blueprints drop on Tethys (Saturn), she is often one of the first Warframes new players do acquire.

If you want to know more about how to get Ember and all her components, head over to our guide!

Best Ember Prime Builds 2024 | Warframe School (1)


  • Early and easy to farm
  • Good damage output on almost all levels
  • Super easy to play
  • Great AoE damage output

Best Ember Prime Builds 2024 | Warframe School (2)


  • Still somewhat squishy
  • First ability nearly useless

The Best Ember Prime builds

Ember Prime is a Caster-Warframe through and through, meaning you want to spam her abilities and use them to damage the enemies around you.

Picking Energy Siphon seems like the obvious choice in regards to her aura mod slot and often times it really is a great addition to your build and for your team.

That said, especially against higher level enemies you really want to bring Corrosive Projection and if you expect to meet a lot of status proc damage (e.g. against Toxin damage from the Infested or Slash procs from Grineer weapons) you might want to use Rejuvenation instead.

You could even pick Steel Charge if you want to go tanky and play with melee weapons.

Tip: If you want to know more about Amber and her abilities, feel free to take a look at the wikia page!

Ember Prime Inferno Build

This is the best version if you are looking to use Ember as an area-of-effect nuker: Your ultimate ability ‘Inferno’ allows you to hit everything on your screen as long as it is range (meaning you won’t hit enemies behind you, but enemies behind a wall!), which is really great and fun to play.

The goal of this build is to deal as much damage as possible with just a single activation of your fourth skill, so we will completely ignore ability duration. Instead you do want to get a decent amount of range (though not the maximum amount) which is why you want to pack Overextended and Stretch.

Even though the damage reduction of Overextended is quite a lot the extra range is totally worth it.

The combination of Primed Flow (or normal Flow) and Fleeting Expertise gives you enough energy to work with, even if you have to fight multiple mob groups at once.

Don’t forget that ‘Inferno’ only reduces your energy depending on how many enemies are getting hit by it – if you activate it without any enemies near you, you won’t lose any energy.

You also want to get as much ability strength as possible, so you really want to use Transient Fortitude, Intensify and Blind Rage.

You could even use Umbral Intensify and Umbral Vitality instead of the normal version, but only if you use your Umbra Formas on Ember.

Vitality is your only survival mod and usually more than enough, but there are also scenarios where you don’t even need it.

Streamline or even Exothermic are great mods to try out instead!

Ember Prime Allrounder Build

Best Ember Prime Builds 2024 | Warframe School (4)

If you are looking for a build that will allow you to use all your skills simultaneously you probably will end up with something looking like this.

You’re not going crazy in either direction (damage, range or strength), but you will still be able to kill most enemies without any trouble while getting enough benefits from your ‘Immolation’ ability.

Don’t forget that using your third skill will reduce Immolation’s meter while your Inferno ability will increase it.

The game plan here is simple: Activate your Immolation and use your third and fourth skill to reduce the armor and then kill all enemies around you.

The build itself is fairly standard and you obviously can change the exilus slot mod however you like.

We prefer a little bit more range, but in the end you are free to pick whatever suits you and your play style.

Augur Reach is probably the weakest mod in this build and depending on your needs you could switch it out for something like Fleeting Expertise if you find yourself having energy troubles, for Augur Secrets if you need a little bit more ability strength or for another survival mod.


Ember Prime is still one of the greatest Warframes out there and especially new players will get a huge boost using this Warframe.

She doesn’t need the perfect build to be strong and especially if you simply put on some strength and efficiency, her ultimate ability will kill everything in range.

She is also pretty good for farming Focus since you will get a lot of kills and therefor a good amount of bonus experience.

In This Article:

Best Ember Prime Builds 2024 | Warframe School (2025)


What is Ember Prime good for? ›

Ember Prime offers the same potential for wanton destruction as Ember but provides unique mod polarities, allowing for greater customization.

How do you farm ember prime? ›

Ember Prime can be obtained by unlocking certain Void Relics. Her blueprint is rare, her system blueprint is uncommon, and her other two components are common. As of writing, she is currently unvaulted thanks to the Primed Resurgence event.

Did they change Ember in Warframe? ›

Ember Changes

We've made changes to the Heat-incarnate Warframe Ember to stoke the flames of her power and give her some more firepower.

How do you get ember systems blueprint? ›

Ember's main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Ember's component blueprints are acquired from General Sargas Ruk (Tethys, Saturn). All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables. See Mission Rewards#Standard Missions for definitions on reward table rotations.

Is Ember Prime vaulted? ›

You pretty much answered your own question - she's vaulted, therefor, she's unobtainable in any way, except trading. Her prices will plummet when she's unvaulted. In the mean time, I'd sugest playing normal Ember, she's effectively the same.

Is Ash Prime vaulted? ›

On May 24th, 2017, it was announced that Ash Prime would enter the Prime Vault and be retired from the reward tables on May 30th, 2017. Any preexisting components or fully-built frames will remain as is. Fragor Prime from November 19th, 2019, to February 11th, 2020.

How much platinum is ember prime worth? ›

Price check: Ember Prime | Fandom. Around 200 plat, maybe less. According to the Genesis bot on Discord, the average price is on Nexus Stats 175 platinum and on Warframe . Market 179 platinum.

How do you get Umbra prime? ›

Acquisition. The blueprint for Excalibur Umbra is given to players upon completing the first mission of The Sacrifice quest, and the ability to build the Warframe is granted on completing the second mission. Unlike other Warframes, Umbra requires no further components and is crafted entirely from the single blueprint.

How to get ember heirloom? ›

Alternatively, you can purchase a fully built Ember Warframe from the Market, or spend Regal Aya with Varzia Dax to receive Ember Prime as a part of Prime Resurgence for a limited time. Learn more about Prime Resurgence.

Did Ember get nerfed in Warframe? ›

#4 at 100% does the same damage it did pre patch. But it starts at 50%. so the truth is ember got a pretty hard nerf. she does the same damage as before, but it has to ramp up to it now, but at half the range and at higher energy costs.

How do you get rare ember? ›

Defeating higher level enemies will start to yield Rare Ember which as you'd expect, does much more than standard Ember. You can even obtain Epic and Masterwork Ember when you reach the end of the game and start completing endgame content.

How do you get ember war dragons? ›

Embers starts off as a Red tier dragon and is breedable through normal means with the following pairs: Kastor & Trollis. Zin & Garuda.

How do you get ethereal ember? ›

When a creature dies while on fire, they drop an ethereal ember of some burnt essence of life. When Willow attunes with her lighter, eventually she can sense and collect Ethereal Ember with it.

What is the purpose of Ember? ›

js is an open-source JavaScript web framework that utilizes a component-service pattern. It is designed to allow developers to create scalable single-page web applications by incorporating common idioms, best practices, and patterns from other single-page-app ecosystem patterns into the framework.

What is Ember good against? ›

Good against...

Ember Spirit is evasive and can dodge close encounters with melee heroes like Chaos Knight. Ember Spirit can't be caught with the slow from Reality Rift, and Flame Guard and Sleight of Fist can bring Phantasm's illusions down quickly.

What are embers good for? ›

They are often used for cooking, such as in charcoal barbecues. This is because embers radiate a more consistent form of heat, as opposed to an open fire, which is constantly changing along with the heat it radiates.

What is the best use of ember in eso? ›

Ember can be a very good healer and support role Companion. Healer Skills explanation: Skill 1: Rejuvenation is a strong heal over time that applies to the Companion and yourself. Skill 2: Shard Wards will protect you and the ally with a shield.

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