A-LOK Products, Inc. (2025)

Latest News

Established in 1971, A-LOK Products, Inc. has been supplying quality products as a means to success for over 50 years.

Our Quality Management System is certified under ISO 9001:2015.

New Products

The Rock is a multi-faceted dimensional spacer engineered to assist with mortar pipe connection. "The Engineered Solution to Sticks and Stones"

Foaming Hammer is the preferred cleaning method for Tru-Contour Secondary Invert Forming Equipment, and much more.

Future Shows

The NPCA Annual Convention in Tucson, AZ from September 26-28, 2024.A-LOK Products, Inc. (10)

Weftec in New Orleans, LA from October 7-9, 2024.

The NPCA Precast Show in Indianapolis from February 5-7, 2025.

Educational Brown Bag Seminars

Who Said There's No Such Thing as a Free Lunch? Learn About Stormwater Connectors While You Eat On Our Dime.


  • A-LOK Products, Inc. (12)
    Rock Valley Storm Sewer Job

    A-LOK STM connectors were used for this watertight storm sewer job in Rock Valley, Iowa. The precaster showed the engineer pictures of two other STM box jobs he did in the past year. The engineer liked the idea and convinced the city to use them. Compression style watertight connections were made to accommodate the following sizes of pipes: 8” PVC, 15”, 18” 24”, 36” and 48” RCP. All were cast into square structures with sizes ranging from 2’x2’ to 6’x8’ inside. The city of Rock Valley now has written storm water specifications for watertight pipe penetrations in boxes using A-LOK STM connectors.

    A-LOK Products, Inc. (13)
  • A-LOK Products, Inc. (14)
    Langer Connection
    In Kennedy Township near Pittsburgh, PA manholes installed in the late 70's were being attacked by Hydrogen-Sulfide gas, releasing a terrible odor. Twelve new manholes were lined with our Dura-Plate 100 Liners to resist corrosion and outfitted with our Z-LOK connectors to create a watertight structure. Each Dura-Plate Lined manhole was set and connected to the existing clay pipe in about 20 minutes. The smell of raw sewage is gone from this beautiful area of Kennedy Township.
    A-LOK Products, Inc. (15)
  • A-LOK Products, Inc. (16)
    Herbert Run
    In Lansdowne, Maryland the objective was to replace old, leaking brick manholes. The contractor called and explained it was taking too long to connect the pipe to the connector. After a visit to the job site, we discovered the sharp edge of the pipes were not beveled, which made it hard to push the pipe through the A-LOK connector. After beveling, the installation was completed within fifteen minutes. The shorts were installed above ground, the manhole was lowered into the trench and the connection was made with existing pipes.
    A-LOK Products, Inc. (17)
  • A-LOK Products, Inc. (18)
    Quemahoning Water Transmission Line
    The goal of this project was to obtain more drinking water for Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Above is a picture of the 60'' riveted iron pipes that used to carry water to Johnstown. This job consisted of twenty-two miles of new pipe to transport the 5.75 billion gallons of water from the dam. Most of the one hundred manholes from the job were outfitted with our X-CEL watertight connectors to prevent leaking into the structure to keep the water pumps dry. Now Johnstown has fresh, safe drinking water.
    A-LOK Products, Inc. (19)
  • A-LOK Products, Inc. (20)
    Delaware Creek

    This was a stormwater job in Toledo, Ohio. Watertight connectors were chosen over grouting to speed up the installation. The interesting thing about this job was the 42" RCP had an OD of 51.25" which is the very biggest size suggested for the #1640 A-LOK Connectors cast into these manholes. However, the extra flexibility of the A-LOK Premium connector made the installation of the pipe very quick, requiring minimum force.

  • A-LOK Products, Inc. (21)
    A-2000 Pipe
    This manhole was installed in Payne, Ohio. The picture shows a 36'' A-2000 pipe, with a smooth over sleeve, in position over the top of the pipe corrugations. It's held in place by a piece of 3/4'' plywood that fits down in the corrugation. This keeps the smooth oversleeve from moving during installation of the pipe into the #1310, A-LOK Premium Connector. The oversleeve is lubed, the pipe is centered in the connector and was pushed home.
    A-LOK Products, Inc. (22)
  • Bar Harbor

    During the late 1980’s in Bar Harbor, New Jersey there was a real problem with Hydrogen-Sulfide gas when the unlined manholes they installed a few years early needed to be replaced. They tried fiberglass manholes which lasted less than 2 years. The local municipality, Long Beach Island, then installed sixteen of our Dura-Plate 100 Liners for the manholes. Below is a picture of the manhole with our liner still protecting the manholes over 20 years later.

Our Capabilities

Compression Connectors

Premium, X-CEL, Inserta-LOK, A-LOK STM

Boot Connectors


Septic Tank Connectors

Quik-LOK, Z-LOK, X-CEL, Raider Septi-Seal

Grout In Connections

Water-STOP, Field Sleeves, The Rock

Corrosion Resistant Liner

Dura-Plate 100 Manhole Liner, Dura-Plate Epoxy Mortar

Grade Ring Liner


Concrete Reinforcement

Hoop Supports, Fast-V-LOK, Wheel-LOK, Pyramid-LOK Spacers

Concrete Lifting Equipment

Key-LOK Certified Lift System & Universal Lift Bar

Invert Systems and Tools

A-LOK Primary Monolithic Invert System, Tru-Contour Secondary Invert System, The Cart, Magnetic Angle Tape Measure, Invert System Protractor, Foaming Hammer

Mandrels, Hole Formers and Tools

Mandrels, Hole Formers, Magnetic Angle Tape Measure, Mandrel Installation Grips, Mandrel Storage System, Mandrel Stand, Foaming Hammer

Step Inserts and Holders

Bolt Slot Anchors, Square Step Inserts, Round Step Inserts, Magnetic Step Inserts

Miscellaneous Supplies

Vertite Elastomeric Seals, Avanti Grout, Butyl-LOK Sealants, GrandSlam Lube, BonDuit Concrete Adhesive, The Rock (Multifacted Dimensional Spacer), Foaming Hammer



Resource Library

A-LOK Catalog

Frequently Asked Questions

Letters of Certification


Manhole Size versus Pipe Size

Product Specifications

Photo Gallery

Stormwater Information



Installation Information

Production and Engineering Suggestions


Field Installation Information


Product Specifications

Contract Services

A-LOK Products, Inc. (38)

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A-LOK Products, Inc. (2025)


What is a lok? ›

The A-LOK Premium™ is a flexible compression connector which will provide a guaranteed watertight seal between the pipe and the wall of a concrete structure.

What is the meaning of Lok? ›

noun. coil [noun] a length of something wound into a loop or loops. curl [noun] a coil of hair etc. lock [noun] a piece of hair.

Why is it called Loklok? ›

Lok lok, which means to dip, is like steamboat except that the food is skewered on sticks and you dip it into the hot boiling water instead of dumping it into a pot of boiling stock.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

Last Updated:

Views: 5975

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.